Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! LIVE! Party!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:45 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Worked on infinitives.

Recorded a new podcast! It’s called “Speak Bear.” It’s awesome! I saved it on my hard drive and wrote a description of it to post next week.
We had our Christmas Party today at Azalea. We decorated cookies.

I told them the Christmas Story and had a prayer time.

Love this family!

And all their neighbors!

Then we had the gift time. I collect a lot of toys from the Dollar Tree and then let them pick out what they want. We had enough to go through three times.

Fun day!

Came home to work on admin duties and rest.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Portuguese! Girls! Goodwill! Groceries! Gifts!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. Cada dia eu preciso aprender mais.

Released Verbal Surgery -514-“Live Man Running.

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to Facebook.

Had some good one on one time with Everly this morning.

I let Kathy have Penelope. Once she sees me the whole dynamic changes.

When Ashley got back, I got to hang with the Magnificent One.

Ashley, Penelope and I went to Goodwill to look for gifts. I get some terrific stuff there.

When the girls went home, I checked out gifts from the Dollar Tree for our Christmas party at Azalea on Saturday.

I loved the sky today.

Power pole replacement today in our neighborhood.

Called my new insurance people and made a payment. I still need to get that set up as an auto debit.

Admin duties now.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Portuguese! Recon! Start Wars!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 am  

Wednesday night I went outside to watch the Geminid meteor shower. I usually go to Stone Mountain. I stayed in my neighborhood and hung out in a vacant lot. Not nearly as cold as on that rock! I saw twelve meteors and one really good fireball!

Thursday morning studied Portuguese! Sim!

Finished my recon of apartments. We have confirmed thirty locations for our outreach with Campus Crusade on December 29th.

Went by FBC Doraville to check on mail. GREAT to see Pastor Bill!
THANKS to our generous donors!
Went to the bank to deposit money.

Stopped by to see the girls!

Gassed up my car.
Enjoying reading Sleight of Mind.

Saw Star Wars! Terrific movie!

I liked the color of this tree.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Portuguese! Recon! Rio! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

Studied Portuguese. Came in handy today!

Went on a recon of apartments today. I think in all we have 24 of the 30 apartments comfirmed. I talked to managers or staff and left them information about the event on the 29th.

I collect a business card when I have a confirmation.

Stopped by to eat lunch at Ashley’s. Enjoyed time playing with Penelope’s fedora. Beauty!

She’s such a sweetheart!

We are making a name gallery.

I hosted a 50 minute lecture in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this afternoon. I spoke a mixture of mainly Portuguese with some English thrown in. It was hard to do. There was a bit of a time lag as well as language barriers. I couldn’t really see or interact with my audience very well. But they seemed to like it.

Helped the kids at the mission.

I liked this.

And this.

I study science for the BOOM.
Beautiful sunset.
Enjoyed the Sleight of Mind book.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Portuguese! LIVE! Girls! Recon! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:54 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Cada dia um pouco mais.

Ashley had prepared the flyers to give the managers. We are promoting a big event on December 29th with Campus Crusade. They will mobiles around 400 people in 30 different complexes. Amen! Great to see the girls!

Deposited money. Thank you, Lord! And supporters!

I’m enjoyind reading this book. Anything neurological I’m interested in!

Dude can’t even put a sticker on straight. I gave him plenty of space.

I started going to the complexes to tell them about the upcoming outreach. I think I went by 17 and confirmations on 11. The others weren’t in the office. I collected a biz card from each complex to verify the addresses of the complexes.

This one is new. It’s the sister property of Huntington Terraces.

Don Juan took over Pearl Lane.

I’ll set up thirty this week if all goes well.

Worked with the kids at the mission. It wasn’t that cold inside. VERY windy and cold outside!

Beautiful sunset.

Tomorrow night will the peak of the Geminid meteor shower. Eastern skies after 9pm until about 2am.
Admin duties now.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Post! Church! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Added material to my Twitter feed. About 90,000 followers.

They are my version of sermon notes.

Recorded a new edition of Verbal Surgery -513- “Next Step Ladder.” How to get ourselves into action. It’s excellent!
Went to the Post Office to mail a couple of items to my friend Fred Sorrells.

I got him the standard set up for my phone to use as a camera: mount for the iPhone, pistol grip, wrist sling, tempered glass cover, spec white performance candy shell case. He has most of it already. But I also got him a cigarette lighter adaptor with two outputs and two usb outs. You can charge four devices with it. Then I also ordered a blue tooth receiver so he can play music or books from his phone to the car’s stereo.

Gassed up my car.
Went by FBC Doraville to pick up checks.

I brought Penelope a new Hot Wheels car along with 15 foot of track.

She was delighted.

Helped the kids with their homework. Actually, I more or less just played with Penelope.
I love the Autumn skies.

Did the shopping.
I’m enjoying all the different kinds of apples.

Admin duties now.

I liked this plate.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Westside! Portuguese! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

Went to Westside this morning.

Great to see Brother Roger this morning. He used to be our music minister.

Pastor Ben spoke from Luke 2 on the prophetess Ana.

Studied Portuguese when I got home.

I watched the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 today. I liked this song they used from Cat Stephens.

Watered my plants.

Rode my bike 6.93 miles. My gps got turned off for some reason.

Interesting lighting.

It was 42 degrees outside. I had pretty much all my heavy weather gear on. Still only wanted to be in it for 30 minutes.

Rained over 1.5″ this weekend.

Enjoyed playing Battlefront 2.
Still plan on doing some writing on my book. I shoot for 1,000 words a day.
Admin duties now.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Portuguese! QM! Snow! Rocks!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm  

Studied Portuguese infinitives and Past Conditional tenses.

Added two more chapters to my book Quantum Metaphors.

Went to the Gem, Mineral and Fossil show today.

Got a couple of terrific pieces.

I always enjoy taking pictures of the art by God!

Petrified tree was also amazing.

I liked these beads.

Serious warning.

I had fun using the Enlight program with these glass balls.

I really liked this little microscope with a screen. They are sold out right now, but I have one ordered.

I enjoyed shooting the melting snow. I thought the B/W versions were cool.

Admin duties now.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Live! SNOW! Shopping!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:10 pm  

Studied Portuguese! Por que nao?

Muitos dias!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -512- “Magic Jacket.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
How to get your confidence level up. WAY up with this magical edition!
Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Wrote a new chapter in my book.

One thing can make many sounds. Including us!

Also wrote a chapter on the Black Kite. Lots of birds in my book!

Even though it was snowy, I went to Evergreen Lakes to record a LIVE version of “Magic Jacket” on Facebook.

I always love to hear myself talk.
It was a beautiful, snowy day!

With all the snow on the glass, I felt like I was in an igloo.


Did the grocery shopping.

Started getting pretty cold downstairs. I closed off my two curtains from my room.

And turned on my little oil heater. I can only run it on medium and I can’t use my coffee machine at the same time or it’ll throw my breaker.

Talked to my Health Insurance Broker this evening. We got Kathy, Jesse and I all coverage. That’s a big load off our minds.

Everything is done electronically now.
Admin duties now.
Enjoying playing Battlefront 2.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Portuguese! Haitian Consulate! Media Class! Avoir!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:51 pm  

Studied Portguese this morning. Past Perfect this morning.

I’ve almost finished the book Suggestible You. It’s been very interesting.

Worked on my new book Quantum Metaphors. Bus tale from Nepal.

We went to the Haitian Consulate today with the Haitian ParaOlympic Soccer Team. They were very warm hosts.

Team Cheer!

We did a series of greeting videos with about ten of the guys stating, “Hello, my name is Davidson. I am from Port au Prince. Please come and visit me!” They would point at their city on a map of Haiti. I taught Fred how to direct talent, and how was best to shoot it. I thought he did great and picked it up very quickly.

When we got back to the church, I worked with Fred about 2.5 hours on how to edit video.

I taught him graphics, editing/trimming a sound bite, and putting on cover video. Then how to compile the video and send it to his photo reel. We then set up accounts for Fred Sorrells on Facebook and YouTube.
We edited a video from this morning at the counsulate. Then posted it on Facebook and YouTube.
To show him a little bit more, I went live on Facebook to let him know what that was like. It was fun to have a little interview with him.
A Pastor of the local Haitian church some of his congregation make Haitian food for our athletes.

Sad to say goodbye to these guys. They were an ispiration.

Fred Sorrells, my first real mentor. What an impact he has had on my life. I think we make a very intense team.

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