Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Portuguese! QM! Trickum Middle School! Airport!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning. Conditional tense today.

Wrote a new chapter in my book Quantum Metaphors about a bus trip I had in India.
I met up with the Haitian ParaOlympic Soccer Team this morning. Took them over to Trickum Middle School.

They did a soccer prensentation to about 400 kids! Our Wounded Warrior also spoke to the group. Turned out great!

I couldn’t take many pictures because we didn’t have permission to shoot any kids. That’s very common.

Drove Robert to the airport. Super bad traffic. Got him there in plenty of time because we left super early.

Came home and vaccumed the house.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Portuguese! Phone! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning! Sim!

Helped my friend Fred figure out the Marta system for a couple of our guys!

My glasses came apart. Sure was glad I could find the screw and fix them!

I wrote a chapter in my book Quantum Metaphors.
Ashley and the girls came over. Always a blessing to see them!

Helped Fred get a new phone. It’s taking forever to back up to the cloud. Working on it at the ATT store for about five hours.
We worked on doing a shot sheet from the video I took at the soccer game.

Took the Haitian ParaOlympic soccer team to Azalea to practice with the kids.

I pretty much took care of Penelope while Ashley and Miles worked with the kids. My legs get pretty sore pushing that skateboard with handle thing around.

It rained pretty hard, so the team packed up and I took off back home a little earlier than usual.
Traffic was absolutely brutal with nearly constant rain. It was particularly difficult because it was dark and Fred didn’t have his new phone yet so he had to stay close enough to me to follow behind. In Atlanta traffic. During the rain. At night. Terrible. Thank you, Lord for getting us home safely!

Admin duties now.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Portuguese! Newsletters! Girls! Mission! Spotify!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:36 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. Cada dia um pouco mais!

Worked on my new book Quantum Metaphors! Yeah, baby!
Gassed up my car.

Picked up my newsletters and talked with my friend Joel Harrison at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association.

Ashley and I worked on folding and labeling the newsletters. Penelope was very patient with us, but eventually, I let Ashley finish the job and I took the Magnificent One out to play!

We dropped the newsletter off in the mail.

We went to Marietta to enjoy Brazilian food and to pick up some supplies we needed.

We also dropped off Ashley’s computer. We needed to get another battery for it. It won’t stay powered up even when attached to the wall! Seeing that we’ve had nearly no issues with it in the six years she’s had it, I figure we’ve done great!
Worked with the kids at the mission.

Went to the church to drop off the amp and extention cords I needed for this weekend. My amp took a crash out of the back of the truck it was riding in. FORTUNATELY, it still worked! I won’t be taking it out to the field again!

Repaired the little guitar that I got for Penelope. It was missing a tuning peg and needed three new strings.

I was astonished how great this little guitar sounds!

Added my podcast Verbal Surgery to be released on Spotify. Could add a lot more listeners. Although I still think the majority comes from iTunes.

Admin duties now.

Beautiful sunset!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

FBC Mountain Park! Soccer on the Streets!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm  

Eu estudo Portuguese este amanha.

This morning I hosted the Haitian ParaOlympic Soccer Team at FBC Mountain Park!

They sang beautifully!

They also had art to help them support their families.

Then we went to 5 Points to play in the Soccer on the Streets program.

Fred Sorrells was interviewed by three TV stations in Atlanta.

As was Wounded Warrior, Robert.

Sanje Patel is the man who has built the Soccer in the Streets program. He was very touched when one of the Haitian artists gave him one of his paintings.

We met a new friend from Sudan, Deng! I liked him.

Spent some time with Videoshop to show my friend Fred how it can edit video. It’s incredibly robust for just an app on the phone!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Portuguese! QM! Team!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:57 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning! Surprised?

Worked on three new chapters in my book!

Went to Parkview High School to see my friends with the Haitian Para Olympic Soccer team. There was a gigantic soccer tournament going on there!
This is just two of the twelve soccer fields.

My friends got to practice kicking the ball.

They had fun playing with the kids, too!

Fred Sorrells has been a great mentor and friend to me over twenty-five years!

Big moon in the sky tonight!

After we ate supper with the team, Fred and I went to the ATT store in Tucker to check on a new phone for him. They didn’t have what we needed in stock, but we got it ordered and got the backup done, so that was good work!
Admin duties now.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Portuguese! Live! Haitian Team on Safari!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:51 am  

Worked on Portuguese! Por que nao?

Released Verbal Surgery -509-“Knot Able!” Learn how to learn!

Just click on the the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server and released on FaceBook.

Dropped off the Financial Report that Ashley prepares to our treasurer.

Went LIVE on Facebook with the video version of “Knot Able.” Then also did a live shot in Portuguese about the importance of how you use your voice in Hypnosis.

I took the Haitian Para Olympic team on Safari! Showed them the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

We interacted with people from Togo, Israel, Japan, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Kenya and Guatemala! We had prayer with many people!

We also visited China Town!

Serenity Garden!

Then to Azalea for some missions with the kids!

We also had a visit to Plaza Fiesta and Cicis for supper. Then back to FBC Mountain Park. Good time!

Too tired to even do my homework last night. Caught up on Admin Duties Saturday morning.

Beautiful moon flower!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Portuguese! Passport! Azalea! Fred!

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:30 am  

This morning I studied Portuguese! Certo!

My mentor Fred Sorrells came into town this evening. I worked on getting out a media kit to the TV stations in the ATL as well as the newspapers. Did research on the contact person for each of the media outlets and sent them all news releases.

I was contacted by my friend Alberto Dell-isola from Brazil this morning. I sent him the particulars from my passport as well as the days that I’ll be coming to Brazil. I’m spending about five extra days in country. Since they’re paying my way and my airbnbs it’s worth it to get a little bang out of their buck!

I printed off all the labels for our newsletter.

Went by Post Office to get stamps.

Also to Walmart to pick up some more small envelopes.

Printed off some cards to memorize passages in Portuguese. It’s all about speaking out loud. It’s important to memorize blocks of speech. It’s not only about the words, it’s about the pronounciation of the words correctly at speed.

I can look at these cards when I’m driving and practice the pieces over and over again.
Just like I memorize Bible verses!
Paid bills.

Wrote two chapters in my book.

Beauty trees on the way to Azalea!

The kids at the mission helped us do the labels!

I still need to put the return labels on them and get the newsletter inserted.

Enjoying Suggestible You.

Met up with the Haitian Para Olympic soccer team this evening at FBC Mountain Park! My good friend Fred Sorrells was there! I’ve missed Fred! We had many good times working together in Zimbabwe, S. Africa and Madagascar. I’ve never been more productive that when we worked together!

I helped them find housing at FBC Mountain Park. The church was SO generous to us! Sure do appreciate them especially Kevin Lamb.

You don’t see this every day!

Fred and I went to Walmart to get groceries for the guys in the morning.
Got home around midnight.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Portuguese! FBC Mountain Park! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:16 am  

Studied Portugese this morning. I’ve been waking up at 5:00am and studing for about 1:30 hours.

Went to FBC Mountain Park to talk with Pastor Paul Ballard and Kevin Lamb about housing the Haitian Para Olympic Soccer Team for a week. They’ll be here for a week.

I was sure was glad to get that taken care of!

I thought this dew covered spider web was cool.

Been reading the book Suggestible You by Erik Vance.

Picked up checks at FBC Doraville.

Enjoyed playing with the kids and helping with their homework.

Penelope loves the sandbox.

Happy children!
We got to see Sandra’s baby, Mateo! What a little cutie!

Beautiful sunset.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Portuguese! LIVE! Girls! Mission! ISS!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning!

Released a new version of Verbal Surgery -509- “Rising Kite!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Went LIVE on Facebook with the video version of “Rising Kite.” Great stuff.

Then went Live with a Portugese edition called, “Por Que Fazer Hipnose.” Basically that was about helping people every chance we get.

The girls came over to the house today! What a blessing!
Enjoying reading Suggestible You by Erik Vance.
Helped the kids at the mission. Enjoyed being with Everly today!
Hard to get a shot with Penelope like this! She doesn’t like stuff in her hair or on her head!
Spotted the International Space Station for the 33rd time this evening!
Starts with a message from NASA.
Then track with Skywatch. Although it doesn’t seem to be synching up very well with the actual position these days. It does show where it will be, it’s just about four minutes off.
I helped about half a dozen kids see it this evening. We had fun!
Been calling and contacting friends of my in churches to try and get housing for a ParaOlympic team coming in on Thursday from Haiti with a friend of mine Fred Sorrells. Pray that that comes together soon! Nothing so far, but I’ve only been working on it a one day! They come in Thursday!
Admin duties now.
Still need to work on a chapter in my book Quantum Metaphors.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Penelope Turns 2!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

Added more material to my Twitter feed last night. I have tweets scheduled into March of 2018!

Studied Portuguese! Certo!
Lotta days in a row!

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery this morning. A friend of mine had ALL his stuff stolen along with his car. Heart breaking. When I feel a lot of emotion, my recordings are always way more powerful. I’ll release it tomorrow. It’s called “Rising Kite.”

Saw this truck on the way into Chamblee. I wonder what country THAT is?

Penelope turned TWO today! I met up with the girls around noon. I needed a lot of time with them today!

We went to the Simply Mac store in Norcross first. Ashley’s computer had dropped and had stuff poured on it. (Whoops, Penelope!) When we got to the store, it powered up perfectly! Thank you, Jesus!

I’ve been in a primarily vegetarian mode these days. We went to a S. Indian vegetarian food place today called Udipi. We thought it was excellent!

It was great to hang out with the girls!
On the way back home, we stopped at the Goodwill in Duluth. I got Penelope lots of fun things for her birthday including this slide and blue dinosaur!

It was fun to watch her sliding down over and over and over again!

Beautiful Full Sun Moon today. My Indian name.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I spent most of my time playing with Penelope and the kids outside.

Beautiful sunset!

Lovely moon!

We had a fun party for Penelope! Kids had pizza and cookies!

Everyone sang Happy Birthday!

Penelope got a little shy with EVERYONE singing so loudly!

She liked the big cookie!

GREAT to see the Kendalls!

Got to talk with my Mom this evening, too!

Biggest news was that I heard from my mentor Fred Sorrells today! We worked together a lot in Africa. He’s bringing a team from Haiti to the ATL this week. I’m helping him get lodging and some media coverage as well as inside the soccer establishment here locally.

Had coversations with my friends Larry Lawrence and Austin Alridge about it!

Always fun to be around Fred. He’s a blessing!

Admin duties now. Feeling pretty tired.

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