Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Video! Live! Edits!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:39 pm  

Studied Portuguese. It’s a way of life.

Recorded new Verbal Surgery “Waves of Light.” An enlightening edition!
Also went live for the first time!

My first attempt was landscape mode instead of portrait. Ooops! I did a second live take about two minutes later. I deleted the first try. I kind of feel bad about that now.
I just watched the recorded live stuff, which I thought was pretty funny. Cool to see little emojis flying around! I literally couldn’t see them when it was live! Wasn’t wearing my glasses.
Came home to edit the four videos I shot a few days ago. It’s a slow process because of having to wait for the processing and the uploading of the video each time.

Dropped off the financial report to our Treasurer.

Started packing and wrapping all the gifts. I kind of go crazy with the wrapping thing.

Went by Walmart to get bubble wrap. I have breakables I need to wrap to get to the UK. Working on wrapping presents.

Called my jury duty line.

I do not have to show up on Monday. I just hope I have Thursday off. There’s a conference in Jonesboro I want to go to.

After editing for a few hours, I went for a 10.94 mile bike ride.
Interesting mushrooms.

Released my First Secret of Life video for Patreon on FaceBook.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Videos! Blade Runner! 10.6.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 am  

Friday, I almost missed studying Portugese! Remembered I hadn’t worked on language until 10pm! Yow! Working on science terms.

I added a new podcast! WOOT! I recorded Verbal Surgery -494- “Fresh Pressure” when I was going through some really hard times. Powerful stuff!

This was a special release for me, because it was the first time it was scheduled ahead of time and then published on Facebook with a link. All through my phone!
I’ll be doing the same protocol when I’m in Europe. Unfortunately, I ran out of my space for October since I’m trying to upload things for November. Called my server company for help with an extra 200mb of storage.

Recorded “Boat Trailer.” Good stuff. Also figured out how to shot videos in my car with my phone. I shot four for the Patreon page!

I took Jesse to see Blade Runner 2049.
The original may be my favorite movie ever. This one was really good, but too dark in spots and kind of long.
When looking for gifts for my friends in the UK, I found this crystal skull shot glass. I think it’s a thing of beauty.
Beautiful sunset while I was riding my bike Friday!

Love this shot of the girls!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Portuguese! Gifts! Ashley and Girls! Bike! 10.5.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:27 pm  

Studied Portuguese science terms this morning. Nearly to the end of the DuoLingo language tree for Portuguese!

Worked on the Best of Verbal Surgery 2017 today. Printed the covers and cut them out.

Started burning the 20 podcasts, 10 videos and over 1,000 proverbs onto the USB drives.

While files were copying, I continued to work on the packaging. Glued the covers on the envelopes.

Got it done in record time!

Also recorded, edited and uploaded a video promo for Rockbridge Baptist church. Hopefully, many people will go on Safari with us.

Went to Global Mall to eat and shop for gifts for my friends in the UK.

Also went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market, CD Tower, Hoa DA, and an antique place to get some small things. Saw the cobra in a jar!

Stopped by Azlaea to pick up the girls and take them for some frozen yogurt.

Penlope found a train set to play with.
Did the banking.

Came home and rode my bike 4.89 miles.

Had to cut it short because it was starting to get dark.

Started working on scheduling release dates of my podcast when I’m out of town and on Jury Duty next week.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Portuguese! 500! TimCoins! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

Studied, want to guess?

I saw this on a Tshirt while I was looking for gifts for my friends. It’s Ashley’s birthday!

These are the titles of the four I got.
My friend Anthony always says, “Tim always gives the best gifts!” Hope they like them!
If you want to get a lot done, it’s important to organize. I need dates to keep focused if there is a real time crunch.

I’ll create more stuff in a couple of weeks than most people could produce in a year. And I just added a new video project this afternoon!

I recorded my 500th episode of Verbal Surgery this morning! WoW! It’ll release early next month. What a blessing that show has been to me. A terrific outlet.

The TimCoins have been a big project. I enjoy making things for friends. Of course it’s all marketing!

I really like the look of these!

I’m also creating a package to sell. It’ll include ten videos, twenty podcasts and more than a thousand proverbs.
I organized the files and will copy them onto USB drives. I’ll be putting the whole package together soon in gold envelopes. Costs me hardly anything to do, but they’ll look really cool.

Went for a 12.86 mile bike ride.

Went to work with the kids at the mission. Of course I always have fun with the Magnificent Baby. Although it’s hard to call her a “baby” any more with a REAL baby at the table!

Today Penelope said, “Black cat” and “White cat.” She’s really expanding her use of grammar. She’s doing great with lots of different colors.
Ashley is doing awesome and the baby is thriving!

Some of the older kids help me carry chairs and tables outside. We are enjoying the terrific weather.

Went by the church to pick up some costumes for the videos I’ll be shooting.

Also took some chairs from Ashley’s house. There were so many it was hard to stack them. Put them with the rest that I have at the church.

Went by CD Tower to pick up a few Chinese things.

To the bank to deposit some money. One of our sponsors always writes in cursive. The machines can never read it.

Talked with my friend Piper to figure out when we can take her church on Safari and to the missions.

Beautiful full moon this evening. The iPhone really doesn’t do it justice.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Podcast! Portuguese! Shopping! Meds! Mission! 10.3.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Certo!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -493-“Contingent Agenda!” Find your happiness with this smiling concentrated episode!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Having a problem with one of the lights in my tank. I already got new ballasts a few days ago. Still not working properly. Measured it to get a new one from Walmart.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Beat Up Old Hat.” How do your beliefs constrain you? Excellent audio today!

Deposited checks into the bank. THANK YOU, JESUS! I saw that we were doing a little better, folded my hands in prayer and prayed before the ATM. I think the guy behind me thought I was a bit crazy.

Got the groceries. Need them!

I got several kinds of apples today. I tried apples and peanut butter for the first time a couple of days ago. I never really liked peanut butter. The kind I grew up with in Kenya when I was a kid was super gross. I thought it actually tasted pretty good!

Finally got my light to work. Pretty frustrating.

I don’t keep fish in the tank. I swap out curios from time to time.

I’ve been on a FaceBook addition mode lately. Went over 4,000 friends! My goal is to reach the max which is 5,000. I’m using it for marketing, so the more the better.

Went to the thrift store to get Kathy a cane. She said she needed one. I was really hoping she was doing better. Hate it when she takes a turn for the worse.

Went to the mission to work with the kids. Always great to see Penelope! She’s been potty training herself. What a Magnificent Baby!

Ashley is doing a great! She’s so beatiful and the kids love her SO much! I know I do!

They just keep getting older!

We’ve enjoyed being outside. Fantastic weather! And Penelope always wants to be outside!
I love for Penelope to have so many friends. Azalea is a wonderful place for kids. So much love.

You don’t see this every day. Looked like something out of the circus.

Gassed up my car on the way home.

Got a new miniature orchid at Walmart today. She’s so beautiful.

Cleaned my fish tank.

They haven’t been eating well. Concerns me. Hopefully the water change will help them.

Watched the season finale of An Idiot Abroad.

Admin duties now.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Penelope! Portuguese! Painting! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:01 pm  

GREAT to have Penelope spend the night! She’s always such a blessing!

I studied Portuguese and caught up on my blog this morning. I was totally crashed out last night with Penelope.

Penelope helped me clean the glass door.

She took a nap after lunch and I painted the deck furniture.

Just about ready to put everything back up on the deck! Jesse will be putting his tent back up soon. He’s looking forward to moving back outside.

I updated my phone to the new iOS10. I like it for the most part. Has some small bugs that bother me. I’ll figure it out.

Enjoyed holding my new grand baby! Everly is SO beautiful!

Ashley was the first one out to start helping the kids. She is an amazing young woman!

Miles is such a great Dad!

I always have fun teaching the children. It’s not easy sometimes, but still very rewarding!

Came home to ride my bike 4.87 miles.

I won’t do that again. Got too dark. Not safe. It wasn’t completely dark, and I did have a light on my bike for safety, but still.

I mean when the street lights come on and the moon is bright, it’s too dark.

Watched An Idiot Abroad with K. I think it’s pretty funny.
Admin duties now.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Portuguese! Media! TimCoins! Westside! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:46 am  

Studied Portuguese!

Just keep going!

Added material to my Twitter feed. It’s automated with five posts every day. I have it to run until January of 2018. I’m a mighty prolific piece of business. The tweets are my version of sermon notes. Check them out at @timacummins.

Jesse tells me there are over 60,000 of my proverbs.
I’m teaching at the UK Hypnosis confenence in London the first weekend in November. As part of my marketing, I’ll be giving out TimCoins to my friends there. I like crafty projects! Especially when they involve making a lot of stuff with my face on them! Ay, caramba!

I like the weight of the half dollars. I got them for face value at the coin shop.
Figured out the “proof of concept.”
Then went into mass production. Mass being 50.

Cut the pictures out.

I like the look of that!

I used a DIY lamenating idea by putting them on package tape then putting another layer of tape on top.

Went to Westside BC.

Wore the map jacket to church. Chilly at 59 degrees!

Four new deacons!

Children’s sermon can last almost as long as the grown up sermon.

Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of making friends.

Got home and ate a quick lunch. Then back to the TimCoin project.

I’ll finish it soon. I need to glue the Tims on the coin. Can’t do that with Penelope around!

Went for a 10.86 mile bike ride.

Saw a cool double zipper cloud.

Vulture looked hungry. I just kept pumping the pedals!

Wore an old map jacket for my ride. Not sure how I’m going to manage the cold when it REALLY starts to chill down.

My sunshine splitter looked cool on the floor.

Ashley brought Penelope over about 5:45pm. Always fun to have the Magnificent Baby around!

On the way to the park, I saw an ice crystal rainbow.

She likes the sand.

And climbing!

Beautiful sunset!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Deck Prep! Bike! Patreon! Painting! 9.30.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

Studied Portuguese future conditionals this morning.

Still learning every day!

Enjoyed recording a new podcast this morning!

LOVED this one called “Time Lying and MEmories.” It’ll release soon! Verbal Surgery -499-. Wow! That’s a lot of recording!

Spent time working on my Patreon page.

Ever heard of that? I am an early adopter. Believe it or not, at one time I was in the top 1,000 people on Twitter! I had a blog before people even knew what a “blog” was. I had to explain it’s a “WeB Log.”

Patreon is a subscription service where people can sponsor creative people. I’ll be offering special editions of my podcast as well as one on one coaching. All as a way to make some extra income.

I’ve been working on FaceBook. My goal is to hit the 5,000 friend mark. I’m over 3,600 now. I had 1,986 downloads of my podcast this month. SO close to 2K! All this social media is part of my strategy to raise support. We had over $1,000 given because of email and FB requests. First time we’ve ever tried!

Prepped my deck for a second coat. Washed it off.
Scrubbed it with a broom.
Then let it dry.
Watered my plants outside.
Cleaned off my outdoor furniture. I’ll spray paint them tomorrow.

Blew my garage and driveway.

Went to Lowes to buy a few little supplies I needed including a new ballast for a light for one of my aquariums.

Paid bills.

Rode my bike 15.50 miles.

During my ride, I took a short break to pick up trash on the side of the road. Hate litter!

Looked better! It was everywhere! Second time I’ve cleaned this stretch lately.

Came home and painted the deck for the second time. Might as well. Had nearly a whole gallon left!

I love mushrooms.

I’ve never seen black mushrooms before.

Cool colors.

Watered my plants in my front and side yards.

I usually refill my hummingbird feeders on Saturdays. They all had plenty left. Only one reason for that. They’ve headed back to Texas. Believe it or not, they may go all the way to Costa Rica during the Winter! I’ll miss them. I leave those feeders up the whole year. I’m hoping I may see some other species come through on the way South.
Very productive day.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Penelope! Podcast! Groceries! Train! Azalea! 9.29.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

Penelope spent the fourth night in a row with us last night. She just keeps getting better.

This morning we picked up breakfast at McDonalds and went to the park for a picnic. She enjoyed playing with the other kids there.

I released a maximum chillage edition of Verbal Surgery -492- “Vacation Station” today. Fun!
Uploaded to my server and link on FaceBook.

While Penelope took a nap, I did the banking and grocery shopping.
Picked up the faceplates for the switch and plugs we were missing.
This Santa looked a little tan to me.

After I finished getting the groceries, I came home and took Penelope for her first train ride.
She LOVED it!

Then over to Azalea to take her back to her Mom and Dad. 🙁 The longer I keep her, the less I want to take her back. Silly Grand Dad.
It’s always fun to see the Bengali ladies fawning over Ashley. It was their first time to see Everly!

She’s SO beautiful. Just a perfect baby!

What a marvelous family!

I’m thinking about getting some shoes like these.

Came home to study Portuguese.

Admin duties now. Looking forward to resting, although I really feel pretty good!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Labels! Newsletters! Penelope! Tabias!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  

Got the labels together for my newsletter this morning. Had everything I needed in a box. Except for stamps.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps. Penelope was pretty active there. Lots of stuff interested her.

Took her to Stone Mountain to see the train. Sadly, it wasn’t running. She wasn’t happy about that!

Later that day, I gave her a box to pretend to be a train in.

Enjoyed walking in the water at Stone Mountain Village. She liked the sand.

I wear her out on Safari.

Went to the bank to deposit money. Thank you, Jesus SO MUCH!

Finally got a chance to study Portuguese.

Lotsa days.
Went to the Atlanta Baptist Association to pick up the Newsletters.
The kids helped me get them all together. We had some comfusion on the project with the little kids. Took us a while to figure out what had happened. No big deal.
Got them all in the mail!
WONDERFUL to see my friend Tabias Echols today! One of my original youth group from twenty years ago! He came by to check on Ashley and baby Everly. He was a huge help to me this afternoon!
Big crowd with my “curb side service.”

Penelope’s favorite video is of her dancing. I love this frame from the video where she’s looking at me. She is SO beautiful! It has been a wonderful four days for me basking in her magnificence!

PLUS a new baby to fall in love with! Yeah, baby! Literally!

Didn’t get home till nearly 8pm. Lots of homework today.

Cleaned Penelope and got her to bed.

Admin duties now.

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