Whirlwind Missions

Monday, October 21, 2024

Duolingo! Anthony! Plants! Azalea! 10.21.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

Came in #7 out of 30 people last week. Very competitive. This coming week looks the same.

I had a misunderstanding with the team last weekend. They got it straightened out for me. Still having problems getting it from Venmo.


Walked .56 miles this morning while I was studying.

Called my friend Dan Perez in Houston today. He’s struggling with finances. Gave him some cheering up.

Talked with my buddy Anthony this morning briefly.

I put bags around the potted plants in the living room this morning. Keeps them from leaking onto the carpet. Pretty hard job. Awkward.

Vacuum the living room after I worked on the plants.

Heard from my health insurance agent today. He’s such a big help.

Saw these weird plants at the Buford Highway Farmers Market where Everly and I ate lunch. We got some dragon fruit while we were there. We weren’t impressed. These goblin fingers were cool. We didn’t try them.

E and I picked up Penelope at school. She has Drama Club on Mondays.

I took the girls home so P could eat the BHFM food. The chicken tenders get hard when we buy it so late. She didn’t like them very much.

Went to Azalea to help the kids with their projects. Gave them all gloves. Thank you Selma and Joey Blackmon for that!

One of my favorite kids told me he was going to make a zero on his cell project. I looked at his paper and it actually said it was due tomorrow! So we improvised a 3D cell structure.

Just keep going. There are some very serious students in this group. Doubt I’ll come in the top three. I’ve accomplished that goal over 100 times. I really don’t have anything to prove. I just try to make over 10,000 a week. Sometimes that’s the best, other times it’s #7.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Plants! Podcast! Tablet! 10.20.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:12 pm  

We all have stress.

Edited and uploaded the video I shot of the team yesterday.

This was a studious group.


Did my laundry.

Put the distilled water bottles up.

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths and feeders.

I put my carnivorous plants outside. They need a dormant period. I bring them in if it looks like it’s going to freeze. Why take a chance?

Cleaned off my front porch and St. Francis.

Watered the indoors plants in my room.

I got the Fire Tablet for Penelope today. Got the screen protector and the cover installed. It’s on charge now. I’m going to let Ashley set it up so it’s ready to go with her wifi at home.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “All Of The Above.”

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Deep Spring BC, TN! Al Madina! Kitab! BAPS Temple! Asian Square! 10.19.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:11 pm  

Set up for The Show.

Great to have my team from Deep Springs BC in town today!

We went on Safari to Al Madina, Kitab Bookstore, BAPS Temple, CD Tower, and Asian Square.

After going on Safari, I took them to Azalea to work with the kids. Went back to the church to strike the set and put the gear back up.

Then back to the mission. Great group of kids today.

Work on the prep for the NoZe Brotherhood weekend to come. It’s going to be epic.




Beautiful weather today.

Friday, October 18, 2024

PE! Waffle House! Library! Park! 10.18.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

Thursday night the girls spent their third evening with us. They went to sleep about 9:45 PM. Woke me up at 5:00 AM with a big roach in their bed that I had to eliminate.

That’s a lot of storm damage. I keep thinking, “That could have been us.”

At the concert, The Hives said that Atlanta had been their favorite place to play in the USA.

I think this scene from Forbidden West is so beautiful.

Penelope is excited about getting her new tablet!

She promised she’d teach her sister how to play games on the computer.



I sewed up a big hole in one of our blankets.

Looks like perfect weather in Waco for ComeHoming! Satch!

Took the girls to Waffle House. Penelope hasn’t been eating well, but she did a lot better today!

There was a Goodwill right next to WH, so we went looking for leggings, hoodies, jackets and long shirts. I think we had a lot of success!

I spent around $100 over the last three days on clothes for the girls for Winter. We got lucky to have so much to choose from at Goodwill. Soon, all that stuff would have been extremely picked over. I’ll keep some clothes in my car in case they need something when they’re with me.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil. One of the things I don’t like about my new car is the fuel gauge is tiny. I get caught out unaware sometimes.

Got Pad Thai for J.

We put all the girl’s stuff in my trunk to be ready for their Dad to get them.

Went to the Library Park.

Then to the Library itself!

Kathy was having problems at the library. I got the situation resolved.

I need to talk with my Health Insurance agent soon.

Miles got to my house around 4PM.

Blew the driveway and deck.

Picked up my groceries. Went inside Walmart to pick up some other supplies.

The girls enjoyed making thermoplastic toys with J yesterday.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

PE! Evergreen! Fire Tablet! 10.17.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:47 pm  

Girls went to sleep around 9:30 PM last night.


I ordered Penelope’s Fire 10 Tablet and all the accessories she needs for it today.

Jessi did some fun crafts with the girls. They did braiding of para cord and also playing with low temperature melt plastic.

We went to Evergreen to swim. The pool is heated so it wasn’t too cold. We hung out in the jacuzzi the most. It’s a hot tub!

We played some corn hole. None of us were very good.

Dried off and got changed. Hung out in the gym for a while.

Washed and dried the clothes we bought from Goodwill yesterday.

Ordered groceries to pick up tomorrow.

Ashley asked me a question about Nosy Be in Madagascar today.

Lots of good students in this week’s group.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Goodwill! PE! VOTE! LT w/JK! Forbidden West! 10.16.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  

I replaced another screen protector today. That’s three in less than two months. Crazy.



Everly read her book for about thirty minutes with me outside on the front porch. Finally got too cold for her.

I talked with Jimmy Kendall (Miles’ Dad) about Penelope’s birthday present. She wants a HD Fire 10 tablet. With a cover and 2 year warranty it’s about $200.

Took the vacuum cleaner back that Jessi ordered.

Took the girls to Goodwill to look for jackets, coats, long sleeve shirts and long pants. We got some good buys.

They picked out these ten and seven of them fit. That’s pretty good! Little over $30 for all of them.

K, J, the girls and I went to the Mountain Park Aquatic Center to do early voting. Great to have made our voice be counted!

Tell me what they really think.

We went out to LT to celebrate.

The girls enjoyed playing my favorite game Horizon Forbidden West. They got to fly on dinosaurs and swim under the ocean.

K and I watched Everly at the park while J played games with P.

K got some stretching in.

We met a man with a doberman puppy. He had sharp little teeth!

I helped the girls call Miles and Ashley.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

PE! Fall Break! Azalea! Antiques! Doggie Park! 10.15.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:11 pm  

Did my laundry.



Brutal traffic into Chamblee today.

Picked up the girls around 8 AM. Great to see everyone together!

Didn’t know this word.

I like Ashley’s halloween decorations. Even in the bathroom!

We did some math and reading with the kids at the mission.

Went by the antique store called “My Favorite Place” this morning. The lady in charge said the girls could have any of the glass eggs that they wanted. She’d recently gotten this gigantic lot of 100 boxes full of glass stuff from this guy’s barn. The girls were delighted. I also got a cool black globe and Dali mask.

I like having my plants inside, especially the banana plants. I was heartbroken last year when the cold killed two out of three plants.

After we ate at Hot and Cold, we went to the Doggie Park to play.

Penelope and I are still a bit sick. P has a cough. My throat still feels rough. We came on home to rest.

Soon they took a bath and we got the pallet set up. They’re enjoying watching a silly show about dachshunds.

Monday, October 14, 2024

PE! Azalea! Pet Smart! Good Will! 10.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:52 pm  

I came in #1 in the Duolingo leagues last week.

Way to go Kenya, way to go!

How best to handle anger.

Looking forward to seeing my NoZe Brotherhood friends soon.

Powerful cold front blew through today. The temperatures are really going to drop.


Penelope has a part in the play!

Everly wrote this.

I told the girls this morning when I was picking them up that “You know Pop Pop always make us do this,” I expected them to say “school work.” Instead, Everly shouts out “Spend money!” Then Penelope make a fold out joke about it at Waffle House.

Love my girls!

Everly did this one.

We ate at Waffle House and then practiced balancing on the tops of these curbs.

Took the things back to my storage area that I’d used at Peachtree Corners BC yesterday.

We went to Azalea to work on practice sheets. I have study books for Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.

The kids used sidewalk chalk to make the blue water. Paola added the fish.

Took the girls to Goodwill to look for pants and jackets. Found some good stuff.

Pet Smart is always a fun stop.

Moved some things from one room to my main room at the church.

Connected with one of the current NoZe Brothers today. Satch!

I brought some supplies back to the Mission from the storage area at the church.

Went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to buy things for gifts in Texas.

Good chat with my Mom.

Pretty hard competition this week. Not sure I’ll make the top three.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Map Jacket! PCBC! 10.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm  

I read about Big Wolf and Little Wolf this morning. Seems like a good story.

Sewed up a big rip in my map jacket. They’re getting pretty old.


Español! I’ll come in #1 this week.

I went to Peachtree Corners BC this morning for their missions conference. I gave them a history of our partnership then did the prayer and Red Thread sessions.

Don Cheto.

Another Bio lab fire? How is that possible?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Podcast! Plants! Clean Up! 10.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  

These hurricanes are taking their toll on people’s mental health.

It’s on my bucket list to see the Northern Lights one day.

I’m giving my buddy Anthony feedback on his book.



Getting ready for the missions conference at PCBC tomorrow morning. I always look forward to that!

Wrong. I am.

I’m making progress on getting connected with the current NoZe Brotherhood. Always fun.

Don Cheto.

I worked on getting all my outdoor plants back inside. They only spend six months outdoors. I washed and cleaned them before moving them in. I also put down garbage bags to try and keep the floor cleaner.

I’ve had this plant rooting in water. Put her in soil today.

Swept my carpet area.

I brought most of my deck plants into our living room.

This was the heaviest thing I moved. Wow. Glad I had a dolly.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the rugs.

I was tired after it was done.

Good this good message about next weekend.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Right Rewrite.”

Headed for #1.

I got a solid contact of a current NoZe Brother today. That’s always good.

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