Tim A. Cummins @ 11:29 pm
It’s been a WONDERFUL year for me!

I’m excited to see what God has in store for me for next year. I’m praying to go to Jerusalem!
I went to Lowes for bird food. Bought Ashley an orchid. I love these flowers!

I hiked up Stone Mountain today. I really love it up there.
Gorgeous sunny in the 60s day!

It’s especially beautiful when it’s been wet and you see the reflection of the sun on the stone.

I also thought this smooth bark was awesome.

I saw some interesting carvings on the mountain today.

Someone will love for this long.

This is an ancient Native American Indian dialect.

I also liked these lines of crystal embedded in the granite of Stone Mountain.

And what flavor of gum would you like?

This evening we went to Jason’s Deli for a family get together. Always great to see loved ones! Isn’t family THE most important thing?

Rainbows all around me!

This one came from this Pineapple.

Can’t believe I busted my glasses today.

I just reached into my pocket and they were broken in half. Bahd luck.
Not sure if you know what the Masada was. Didn’t think they had a bakery.

I hear fireworks in the distance.
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:33 pm
On Friday Kathy and I went to lunch with two of my favorite missionaries: Keith and Cornelia Harrell.

They are doing a wonderful job at Villa Nueva in Norcross!
Spent a couple of hours working on fish tanks. Cleaning the 50 gallon tank is a bit of a chore, but nothing I can’t handle.

My head is still a bit dizzy when I first get up, but I’m a lot better!
Fantastic weather outside. I need to get some exercise. I’ve been sedentary with all this cold weather.
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm
Seemed like a catch up day today!
Went by the office to pick up the mail and check on the plants.
Then over to Huntington Creek to pay a bill for the Norths.
Had some banking to take care of.
Then to Azalea to check on the kids. I let a few of them into the mission. They enjoy playing Mario Brothers.

Came home and worked on podcasts! Always fun!
I think you’ll like “People are the Reason.”
And this one is very timely! “The Gift that Lifts!”
Now back to Admin duties.
Just talked to Jesse. He’s making good time and said the roads are fine Amen!
I liked this picture one of the kids drew.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:14 pm
We had such a great trip to Texas! Even though that 980 miles doesn’t get any shorter . . .
Crossing the mighty Mississippi River is always a major milestone.

Great to hang out with the youngsters!

Lots of great food and fellowship!

Always fun sharing with the little ones!

We passed around the guitar and played some tunes.

I wish Miles could have come. We barely had room for Sugar, our dog!

Here’s a picture of the computer Jesse built for me.

Look at the size of the fossil.

We went hiking around the Falls in Georgetown. Love these cliffs!

Looks like something Tolkein would have come up with.
I love Texas!

My 2011 Resolution:

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:26 am
My sweet family rolled back into Stone Mountain, GA around 9pm this evening! We drove over 600 miles today!
I’m working on posting the photos I took.
I shot a bunch of pictures of old slides from Kenya that were cool.
The family in Georgetown is doing really well. It was good to hang out with them!
Happy New Year greetings!
Pray for Jesse. He’s driving straight up to New Hampshire to spend the rest of his holidays with his buddies. He shoots out tomorrow!
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:19 pm
This morning I worked on newsletters!

Made my copies and got stamps.

Ashley rode over to the mission with me. The kids help put the labels on the envelopes.

They even helped stuff them this time. Normally, we write a personal note on each letter.
Came home to work on podcasts. I like both of them today!
Check out Trail Blazer.
I think you’ll also enjoy New Born Ideas are such babies!
Jesse is coming home this evening! Can’t wait to see him.
He just pulled in! Glad he’s home safely! I welcomed him into the driveway with this light up heart.

I liked the swishy immediacy of this shot. Gotta love his Mom!

I’ve been feeling weird with this dizzy head, so I haven’t done his fish tank yet. I plan on doing that soon.
Since I wrote that, Jesse said we can do it tomorrow.
GLAD to have him home!
Tim A. Cummins @ 2:56 pm
Woke up feeling weird on Saturday morning. Real light headed. When I first got up my head really started spinning. Seemed better once I moved around a bit.
This morning and even now I still feel a bit light headed. I’m sure it’s no big deal, but I did let my doctor know.

K and I went to Clarkston International Bible Church for the Christmas Cantata “The First Noel.” I thought they were very creative and did a good job.

Find anything different about our Mary and Joseph?

I once took this banner to the top of Stone Mountain for a prayer time, right after 9/11.

Still don’t feel too great, so we went to Kroger for me to do a blood pressure test. It was 127 over 84, which is just slightly high.
Came on home to rest.
Need to make the copies for the newsletters.
I thought this sign was interesting.

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:14 pm
I had a fun day on Friday. About a 1/4″ in the rain gauge.

Went to see Tron. It was ok.

K and I ate Chinese. Intricate carvings!

And the clouds were awesome!

I loved this Christmas cactus.

Saturday I’ve been working on our newsletter. We need to print it tomorrow and get it ready to mail before we go to Texas.
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm
After the hard freeze of the last few days, we’re back to milder mid 50s weather. AMEN!
The party went great at the mission. Ashley came to help me and I enlisted some of the older kids and High School students as well.

They seemed to really have a good time!

We colored pictures. Decorated cookies. I told the Christmas Story. Oh, yeah! Place was totally, completely wall to wall people.

We served about 50 kids. And another 15 adults.
Appreciate all these families!