Tim A. Cummins @ 3:09 pm
This morning Kathy and I went to our home church, First Baptist Mountain Park. It was great to see many of our friends again.
I liked Richard King’s encouragement towards incremental spiritual growth. Learn a Bible verse this year. Spend a minute praying a day.
He had a high jump stand on the platform set to about 7 foot. How people can jump that high is beyond me.
It was also great to hear our new Minister of Music Josh Sutton this morning. We’re looking forward to hosting a team from the choir in a couple of weekends.
Pastor Bill Blanchard preached on Prayer–a subject a really resonate with. He used the Lord’s prayer as a model.
I think the best thing I did in 2009 was the BetaPrayer project. If you’re interested in prayer, check out this link.
Kathy and Jesse and I went to Imperial Garden for lunch.
I always think their orchids are so beautiful Art by God!
Working on admin jobs now. Jesse now helps me with the Financial Reports we do for Whirlwind. Always good to have help!
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm
This morning I followed my usual routine of feeding “my” birds. As I was scraping the suet on the side of the trees, I had several goldfinch come with inches of me. It always brings me such job to be close to nature.
As I stood there, smiling and happy, it occurred to me that in a way, I’m like God’s bird. The birds that come close to me, that aren’t afraid of me, that want to spend time with me. . . . how special they are to me!
I just stand there and smile with joy.
How much the Father desires our company, our love. How happy He is when we spend time with Him! A very special moment indeed.
This afternoon I had the fun of sharing about mental health with the HEAL project. They’re part of the Gwinnett Neighborhood Leadership Initiative.
I was part of a panel that discussed ways that we could help bring better mental health to our communities.
I also was able to share a guided visualization and relaxation exercise with them. The group seemed to enjoy it.
Came home and ran 2 miles. I’ve been out of the exercise loop for a while. Trying to break my way back into it. Felt good!
Had a nice rest when I got home.
Enjoyed hanging out with K this evening.
Beautiful full moon this evening.
It’s what I call a “Woo HOO” moon. Cuz when I see it, I yell out “WOO HOO” at the top of my lungs. Not sure the neighbors dig it. But once a month I reckon they can stand.
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm
This morning we got our carpets cleaned. Always a thrill a minute.
Ashley and I finished producing and mailing the newsletters this morning, then dropped them off at the Post Office. Great to have that task done each month!
I enjoyed hanging out at the bookstore this afternoon. I got two new books. Drive, by Daniel Pink is about motivation. His last book “A Whole New Mind” was brilliant. Really looking forward to reading through that one.
Also got Joe Navarro’s new book “Louder than Words.” He is THE body language expert in the world. His last book “What Every Body is Saying” was excellent.
Came on home for another project: Family Picture 2010!
Miles helped us shoot the pictures. We picked this one for our new Prayer Card.
Enjoyed watching Psych on TV with Kathy. I recorded it so we could watch it together.
Fun day!
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:29 am
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:45 pm
Fun to have lunch with the whole family today!
Many of you know that my son Jesse was born functionally deaf in his left ear.
His right ear is perfect, so he’s managed to compensate for his handicap.
Today, J and I went to an audiologist to have his hearing tested and check and see if there was anything that could be done to help him.
Although he has very limited hearing in his left ear, his inner ear on that side is perfect!
The doctor was very encouraging that with amplification he could hear almost normally! Very exciting news!
We took all the measurements for the device today. We go back in a couple of weeks to actually “tune the device” in so that it works properly with Jesse.
That is really good news! The device is expensive (about $3,000) but I feel confident that we’ll find the money somehow.
Jesse is really happy about it! Super cool!
After the hearing test, we went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. I was really glad to see Linda Small again.
She’s been a faithful volunteer who’s been in Seattle for the last couple of months visiting family there. Sure am glad she’s back!
The kids helped us do the envelopes for our monthly newsletter.
I’ll work on writing my article tonight.
I liked this license plate.
I saw this big deer in the parking lot of Canton Road Antiques in Roswell.
I thought this sign was odd.
Beautiful sunset at Azalea.
I’m so glad the days are getting longer!
Tim A. Cummins @ 1:23 am
Always fun to talk to people about our ministry!
This morning Jesse and I rode over to my office at FBC Doraville to meet up with Bob Ashman and his Pastor Bill Kontyko from Northside Independent Methodist Church.
They are interested in reaching into the community around them in Sandy Springs. We have a lot of work in that area and we certainly need help! I look forward to helping this church get mobilized.
After lunch, J and I went over to Open Table Church, which is now the new occupant of where Northwoods Baptist Church used to be. We went to visit Ruthie North at her new office. It’s always great to visit with her and hear all the great things she’s got going on!
Then back to my office to meet up with Keith Tillman who is the Pastor of Clinch River Baptist Church in Nashville, TN. He’s served with us before and now he’s the Senior Pastor of his congregation and wants his folks to come minister with us here in Atlanta.
I showed him around the International Village and then we went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. I sure was glad he was there because we had a lot of kids to help.
Good day!
While we were at my office we heard these odd bird calls. I ran outside to see over 100 cranes flying overhead in V formations. Cool!
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:28 am
Got about a 1/2″ of rain last night and early this morning.
I had a great meeting with some of my partners in Chamblee today!
We met at Cross Cultural Ministries mission at Pearl Lane. I’m going to have some of my partners from Texas help her do some painting and fixing up around the place.
Always good to see comrades in arms!
Jesse and I went by Best Buy to pick up some ear buds and look at equipment. Also to Staples to get more printer ink. Always something.
Then to Willow Branch to teach guitar. I work with Aziz teaching him intermediate guitar and some basic music skills. Today I taught him to read tempos. Four quarter notes per measure and how you strum the notes in time with the written notation. You sound like a musician when you say, “Play the third measure of the second line of music.”
Came home and enjoyed watching some TV with Kathy.
Back to Admin work. I have teams coming into town soon. Always last minute details with that.
Got word that a basement area that we’ll be remodeling soon for a new mission has some major leaks.
That’s never good. Better to happen now that after it’s fixed up!
For those keeping score, I went over 65,000 Twitter followers yesterday. Doesn’t that sound like a lot?
If you’re interested in what I write, check out
Tim’s Proverbs on our website.
Sky was beautiful tonight!
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:21 pm
GREAT morning today!
Kathy and I went to one of my favorite churches: Dunwoody Baptist!
They’ve been great supporters of our ministry from the very beginning of our work.
My partner Bayo Otiti was commissioned by the church along with his wife Marjorie.
It was a special time for me as a team leader.
And my friend Mark Paul baptized his son Jonah. Mark is my treasurer Jon Paul’s son and is the Youth Director at DBC. Awesome to see generations of Christians!
I love the whole Paul family!
Beautiful grandkids!
I have some great partners at DBC including Barb Newman and Mike Whelchel, a man I’ve known for nearly 20 years!
I thought Pastor Mack Hannah did an awesome job of preaching on service in our community!
My partner Tom Frost is a great man of God and a big supporter of our ministry with Bayo.
Had a restful afternoon and enjoyed watching TV with Kathy this evening.
Took care of admin work. Setting up Outreach events for a mission conference in Conyers. Working on getting my partner Jeff Anefils to Haiti with some other friends of mine.
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:19 pm
Mighty cold start for the day. Frosty windshield.
Ashley and I rode out to RUMC for their Missions Conference.
Ashley was one of the two speakers for the whole group!
She wowed them! She just keeps getting better and better. Never too much Ashley!
We like to look at antiques. Here are some of the favorite things I saw.
This note was in the bathroom. There were two copies.
We checked out a store that had great craft stuff. The owner’s husband was an audiologist. I talked to him about Jesse. He only has partial hearing in his left ear. I’d liked to get him checked out. A hearing aid might really help him.
Some of them are really small.
We also went to North Point Mall to hang out and do lunch. I liked this cake that a family had for their daughter’s birthday.
Cool chocolate fur!
We came on home and it was such a gorgeous day that I went for a 2 mile run. Haven’t been exercising much lately. Don’t dig the cold weather.
Watched District 9 on DVD. Really liked that movie. It was shot in S. Africa. We lived in Johannesburg for about 5 months. It was fun to see the sites again, including Soweto.
Went to Stone Mountain this evening to shoot some video and pictures.
Beautiful out there!
I thought Egyptian religions were long gone. Guess not!
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:21 am
Woke up about 6:30am after a very restless night of sleep.
I had to drink the other half of this jug of stuff. It wasn’t horrible, but 2 liters is a lot.
Kathy took me over for the procedure and I was out of there in about an hour!
They put an IV in my hand and one shot later, boom. I was out.
Propofol is a powerful drug. The doctor told me, “It’s the closest thing we have to turning the brain off and on.” I told him, “Just make sure you turn me back on!”
You may recall that Propofol is what killed Michael Jackson. I think I kind of freaked out Kathy. She asked me, “Are you nervous?” I told her, “Whenever I’m being put out I always wonder if I’ll wake up. I’ve had a good life. I’ve brought something positive to the world.”
Never can tell when your last day will come.
They did find one small polyp (The doctor said it was the size of a ladybug. Where did that comparison come from?) It was sent off for biopsy.
Hopefully everything will be fine and I’ll be ok for another 10 years.
I had a great hamburger at Red Robin. It was better to eat it than just watch Jesse eat his like yesterday!
Also treated myself to ice cream. Excellent!
Rested the rest of the afternoon.
Had a good talk with my Mom tonight. She’s having her colonoscopy next Wednesday. I was glad to be able to tell her it was no big deal.
Watched Burn Notice that I recorded with Kathy this evening. Smooth is smooth, baby!
Now admin work before crashing out.