Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, February 27, 2010

HEAL project

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm  

This morning I followed my usual routine of feeding “my” birds. As I was scraping the suet on the side of the trees, I had several goldfinch come with inches of me. It always brings me such job to be close to nature.

As I stood there, smiling and happy, it occurred to me that in a way, I’m like God’s bird. The birds that come close to me, that aren’t afraid of me, that want to spend time with me. . . . how special they are to me!
I just stand there and smile with joy.

How much the Father desires our company, our love. How happy He is when we spend time with Him! A very special moment indeed.

This afternoon I had the fun of sharing about mental health with the HEAL project. They’re part of the Gwinnett Neighborhood Leadership Initiative.



I was part of a panel that discussed ways that we could help bring better mental health to our communities.

I also was able to share a guided visualization and relaxation exercise with them. The group seemed to enjoy it.

Came home and ran 2 miles. I’ve been out of the exercise loop for a while. Trying to break my way back into it. Felt good!
Had a nice rest when I got home.

Enjoyed hanging out with K this evening.

Beautiful full moon this evening.

It’s what I call a “Woo HOO” moon. Cuz when I see it, I yell out “WOO HOO” at the top of my lungs. Not sure the neighbors dig it. But once a month I reckon they can stand.

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