Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Taxes! Verbal Surgery! 3.8.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

I downloaded a file from Ameriprise investiments last night. I printed it and got it ready to mail to my tax guys.

Countdown to when Nana gets here! Amen!

I’ve enjoyed listening to this guy’s music. I think his short videos are really funny.


Short pants weather.


Ordered more parts. i’m getting ready to transplant a lot of the carnivores.

Did some research on whether it’s ok for dogs to stick their heads out of the window. The main danger was them jumping out.

Talked to Nana about writing articles for the newsletter. I think it’ll add a lot to the mailout.

Took the tax packet to the Post Office and used the Self Service window.

Ordered more cables for our iPhones. Also ordered another power/audio adaptor for my car. It’s really starting to short out.


Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Steady Head.”

Blew the porch and most of the driveway.

Washed all my bed linens and pillow cases.

Looks like #2 for me this week.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Taxes! Website! 3.7.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Jessi taught me how to take screenshots from YouTube videos yesterday. I screenshot over twenty pictures. This afternoon, I cropped them to get them ready to put on the website.

I enjoy starting new creative projects.


Beautiful day.


I like Jessi’s new curtain. It looks cool in her new office.

Checked the oil and gassed up my car.

I was afraid that I was missing my tax document that said that I had health coverage. I called Tim Deter and he told me that when you get to Medicare, you no longer get that document.

Got my taxes done. I sent them in this afternoon at the Post Office. Later this evening I checked an email from Ameriprise and saw I had another document I needed to download. I’ll send that as a separate packet. The hardest part of doing the taxes is working on the housing allowance data.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

File Cabinets! Food Forest! Azalea! Website! 3.6.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:58 pm  

I am working on the website for The Food Forest Namibia. Jessi reminded me that I could take screen shots from the videos on YouTube to use as pictures for the site.

Processed checks, went to the bank and deposited them. Thank you, Father!

J came with me to see the grandgirls. We talked with Nana during the trip.

Cooler today.



J and I moved the filing cabinets into the newly painted office.

We went to the Dollar Tree and Walmart to look for flower seeds.


Not used to seeing this.

Ashley and Miles picked the girls up from the bus. J and I went to my office to check the mail. Everly and I went to Azalea to work with the kids.

We wondered if this Red Headed Woodpecker had a nest or was just looking for bugs.

I activated the Wix account and linked thefoodforestnamibia.com. I’ve started working on the site design.

Just keep going.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Anthony! Spray Paint! PE! Wind! 3.5.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

Robots can’t do much worse than the humans.

Harder to redeem an Amazon gift card than you would think.



So windy that I canceled the Mission today. Miserable outside.

I harvested some rain water in my Gorilla Cart and put it in my carnivore container.

Had to remind a contact that I work with internationals.

This is problematic for me, but I’m trying to just ignore it.

I shot another coat of primer on the filing cabinets and then a coat on with the fluorescent green. The wind helped with this project cause the fumes were really bad.

Good talk with my buddy Anthony.

Miles and Ashley asked us about keeping the grandgirls in May. That wasn’t a problem at all! However, watching Ryder was. I have two bad portions on my fence where I think he could get out pretty quickly.

Good talk with Nana.

My sweet girls!

We ate at Burger King. They have a pretty cool playground.

I think Penelope is an extraordinary artist. She’s coloring this.

Great to have teams coming.

My Mom was talking to me about getting a Kindle. I let her know that the Kindle app is also for her iPad.

Synched my Apple Pay with my main bank account.

Just keep going.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

J’s Office! Filing Cabinets! PE! Azalea! Red Thread! 3.4.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:11 pm  

I think the office really turned out cool.

Good to see Miles and Ryder!


I picked up the girls at the bus. We went to Dragon Wok. It wasn’t very good. Penelope still has a fever. She was mainly complaining about feeling tired. She got straight under the blankets when she got home. Of course I did get them ice cream, so that may have impacted feeling cold.

Went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. Super windy. We got a bunch of rocks to hold the papers down.

I gave some things away at the conference. I redid the papers for the Red Threads from Pilgrim Tim. I sent a pair of them to Pastor Stephen and Tricia, his assistant who really ran the conference.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Gear! PE! Balloons! Azalea! 3.3.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:59 pm  

I like Eric Barker’s blog.

I talked with billing support at Blue Host. I needed to see how much the domain name registration cost this year. Turned out to be $24.17.


Español! I came in #4 last week. Astonishing I did that well with how slammed I was.

Talked to Bill about Bluehost and his website.

Talked with a friend of mine at Roopville Road BC about my stay there.

We have homeless guys that hang out around the church. I sorted and stored all the items I took to the conference from my car. Because this dude was there I had to lock my car, unlock the church lock, lock the church lock, put that one item away, go back to my car, unlock my car, get another item, lock my car, over and over and over again. Usually, I’m by myself and I leave my door unlocked and the church door propped open. But not when some dude is crashed out right beside the door.

Watered my plants.

I brought my carnivores back outside. No threat of freezing for the foreseeable future.

I picked up the girls at the bus. Penelope wasn’t feeling well. She had a temperature, sore throat, and chills. I asked her if there was anything I could get her to eat to make her throat feel better. Perhaps ice cream? Completely covered under the blanket a little voice quietly murmurs “Donuts.”

Everly’s artwork.

In celebration of the completion of the painting of J’s new office, I bought fluorescent colored balloons to match the green walls. Penelope and Everly helped me blow them up and tie them all to a stick. Woggest decoration ever.

Everly and I went to the Mission to work with the kids.

Time changes everything. We keep going.

Teams so far.

Good talk with Nana about my weekend in Carrollton.

Tossed all the remains of the shower remodel into my dumpster. It was SUPER heavy. I cut the bags and took pieces out to make the job more manageable. I still can’t believe they left that stuff for me to get rid of.

This looks interesting. The Kielce brothers have a hotline where you can leave parenting tips.

Just keep going. Tonight I was so tuned in on the assignment.

I find his videos really funny. Strong language advisory.

I got in touch with my old buddy Randy Rainwater today. I’m hoping to connect with him soon. I gave him some places to meet up.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Roopville Road BC Missions Conference! 2.1-2.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 am  


The missionaries met together to share.

I liked their motto.

I keep studying no matter what.

GREAT time with the college students Saturday evening. It was the On The Road Show.

Gassed up my car before going back to my host home.

Temperatures plummeted during the night. I was sleeping on an air mattress. Never could get my butt warm. Made for a hard night.


We were interviewed a couple of times during the weekend. I was my usual calm, sedate self.

Good to see friends and a full church.

Pastor Stephen Peeples is one of my favorites. The choir was incredible.

Always good to practice reading in Spanish. John 17.

Final evening.

Got home late. I packed some food for K to enjoy when I got home. It was a tiring weekend. Started my Monday catching up the blog because of wifi issues where I was staying.