Tim A. Cummins @ 8:15 pm
Took care of a bunch of admin duties, check writing in particular.
Always plenty of bills!

Got the labels in we ordered.

Went up Stone Mountain.

Beautiful clouds!

Cirrus looks like horse’s manes.

I love sitting on these big chunks of granite!

My shadow enjoyed his walk.

I love the reflection of the Sun off the face of the mountain. Looks like liquid magma!

Watched the Alamo Bowl. An amazing game which I’m glad to see BAYLOR won! Some incredible stats including most TD ever in a single bowl game!
Enjoyed a walk through the neighborhood.
I like this typewriter. Don’t miss those good ol’ days!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm
We had a fun party for my dear brother Bill Doverspike today.


Most of the families turned up.

Always good to see friends. And birthday pie!

Worked on cleaning out the car in preparation for our trip to Texas starting tomorrow.
Fun day!
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:33 am
Couldn’t believe how mild it was today!

Love it!
Worked on the January edition of the newsletter. I decided it was better to get it done early, then have Miles mail it right after Christmas.
We don’t want to carry a big box along with us to Texas.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps.

Walmart for groceries.

I like these little cars. It’s always parked at Walmart near the Auto department.

Ate at Cicis.
Somebody likes pizza.

J and I went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

We worked on labeling for the newsletter.

We enjoy giving the kids doughnuts for helping with the labeling. Actually, we give them to all the kids whether they helped or not.

Then off to buy Christmas gifts for the kids at the mission.

K and I enjoyed watching the Mentalist Season One on DVD. My favorite show.
Beautiful sunset!

Ever wonder what the inside of the Earth is like?

Are you smarter than a 4th grader?

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:18 pm
Gave myself a haircut this morning.

Dapper Dan.
Had a great meeting and time of prayer with my friend Eduardo Zamora.

His son Samuel had an accident with his hand and severed part of his little finger. Please pray for the surgery which will be Tuesday morning!
Then went to Azalea to help with the kids!

Ashley and Miles both were there today, so that helped out a lot.

I liked Rashawn’s device to see how the little dipper rotates on it’s base star.

Kathy and I just watched The Help on Netflix. Powerful stuff.
I liked this sticker I saw today.

I thought this fireplace scene was cool.

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:16 am
Had a fun day with Jesse!

This is how I see him.

Enjoyed some good East African food then over to Barnes and Noble to hang out in the book store for a while.
We dropped off some for Ashley and Miles.

Groovy, baby.
Ashley joined at at Azalea to work with the kids! Good group!

We had visitors today from the North American Mission Board: Tobin and Aslam.

We gave out recordings of the Christmas story to all our Bengali friends. The DVDs were in 16 Asian languages, including Bengali.

All my friends seemed to really appreciate the gift.
Came home and watched Super 8 with Kathy. I liked it.
Admin duties now. Yeah!
J and I both took a picture of this. It’s a display for a reducing sensitivity tooth paste.

Are you smarter than a 6th grader?

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm
Finished up the yard work today.
Raked leaves.

Blew the roof and gutters clean.

Glad to have Jesse to help me.
After I got cleaned up, I recorded a new podcast!

One of my favorite things to do. Everything runs in “Cycles.”
Admin duties!

Looking forward to seeing fossils with Jesse tomorrow!