Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm
This morning I had the utter delight of getting a complete physical. The needle sticking and the probing wasn’t too horrible. They really are great doctors! The best part about going to my doctor and great friend Pat Barrington, is that they are all missionaries over there.
Dr. Abraham is a real man of God!
And in case you were wondering, I’m in great shape!
I went over to Best Buy after my physical. After buying the new camcorder last week, I got home and found coupons from Best Buy awaiting me! One was for 12% off of cameras/camcorders. They told me bring it back and they’ll give the deduction, no problem. Groovy!
Had lunch with my family. Aren’t they cute!
J and I went to Willow Branch to work with the refuge kids. There are several girls who want to learn guitar now. J’s class may really be expanding.
Got down to 25 last night. The water in my barrel froze. I liked the crystal shapes of the water.
I thought these clouds were beautiful.
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:16 am
Full day today!
I had Kathy and Ashley with us along with Bayo to speak at the David Henderson Sunday School class at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church.
Bayo and Ashley both spoke and did great. Really proud of them both.
Here are my two favorite Nigerians.
Bayo and Bennett!
I normally have 30-45 minutes in that kind of setting. I compressed my presentation to about 10. I think it’s fun for folks to hear from some of my other awesome partners.
The Hendersons took us out for lunch at J. Alexanders. That place was great! We also had Keith and his daughter Kaitlin Harrell with us for lunch. Happy to spend time with them too!
I brought Bayo and the girls back home, took a short siesta then straight back to PCBC after picking up Bayo again. I checked out the great work that the men from FBC Mtn Park did las week.
Had fun this evening at the missions conference. I think we made some good contacts.
I stopped by to see my brother and sister-in law David and Debi Doverspike.
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:06 am
From time to time I like to post landmarks.
This week I passed 60,000 followers on Twitter. I am in the top 2,000 users. Last I read said more than 200,000 regular users and more than 4.5 million separate Twitter accounts.
I’m really proud of the tweets I post, which have a Ben Franklinesque spin to them.
If you’re not into Twitter, no fear! All my tweets, are on the whirlwindmissions.org site. Just click on the button “Tim’s Proverbs.”