Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jesse’s Audiology Test & Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:45 pm  

Fun to have lunch with the whole family today!

Many of you know that my son Jesse was born functionally deaf in his left ear.

His right ear is perfect, so he’s managed to compensate for his handicap.

Today, J and I went to an audiologist to have his hearing tested and check and see if there was anything that could be done to help him.
Although he has very limited hearing in his left ear, his inner ear on that side is perfect!

The doctor was very encouraging that with amplification he could hear almost normally! Very exciting news!

We took all the measurements for the device today. We go back in a couple of weeks to actually “tune the device” in so that it works properly with Jesse.

That is really good news! The device is expensive (about $3,000) but I feel confident that we’ll find the money somehow.

Jesse is really happy about it! Super cool!

After the hearing test, we went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. I was really glad to see Linda Small again.

She’s been a faithful volunteer who’s been in Seattle for the last couple of months visiting family there. Sure am glad she’s back!

The kids helped us do the envelopes for our monthly newsletter.

I’ll work on writing my article tonight.

I liked this license plate.
I saw this big deer in the parking lot of Canton Road Antiques in Roswell.

I thought this sign was odd.

Beautiful sunset at Azalea.
I’m so glad the days are getting longer!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Partners!

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:23 am  

Always fun to talk to people about our ministry!

This morning Jesse and I rode over to my office at FBC Doraville to meet up with Bob Ashman and his Pastor Bill Kontyko from Northside Independent Methodist Church.

They are interested in reaching into the community around them in Sandy Springs. We have a lot of work in that area and we certainly need help! I look forward to helping this church get mobilized.

After lunch, J and I went over to Open Table Church, which is now the new occupant of where Northwoods Baptist Church used to be.  We went to visit Ruthie North at her new office. It’s always great to visit with her and hear all the great things she’s got going on!

Then back to my office to meet up with Keith Tillman who is the Pastor of Clinch River Baptist Church in Nashville, TN. He’s served with us before and now he’s the Senior Pastor of his congregation and wants his folks to come minister with us here in Atlanta.

I showed him around the International Village and then we went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. I sure was glad he was there because we had a lot of kids to help.
Good day!

While we were at my office we heard these odd bird calls. I ran outside to see over 100 cranes flying overhead in V formations. Cool!