Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chamblee Partners!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:28 am  

Got about a 1/2″ of rain last night and early this morning. r

I had a great meeting with some of my partners in Chamblee today!

We met at Cross Cultural Ministries mission at Pearl Lane. I’m going to have some of my partners from Texas help her do some painting and fixing up around the place.

Always good to see comrades in arms!

Jesse and I went by Best Buy to pick up some ear buds and look at equipment. Also to Staples to get more printer ink. Always something.

Then to Willow Branch to teach guitar. I work with Aziz teaching him intermediate guitar and some basic music skills. Today I taught him to read tempos. Four quarter notes per measure and how you strum the notes in time with the written notation. You sound like a musician when you say, “Play the third measure of the second line of music.”

Came home and enjoyed watching some TV with Kathy.

Back to Admin work. I have teams coming into town soon. Always last minute details with that.

Got word that a basement area that we’ll be remodeling soon for a new mission has some major leaks.
That’s never good. Better to happen now that after it’s fixed up!

For those keeping score, I went over 65,000 Twitter followers yesterday. Doesn’t that sound like a lot?

If you’re interested in what I write, check out

Tim’s Proverbs on our website.

Sky was beautiful tonight!