Whirlwind Missions

Monday, July 16, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:32 pm  

Got up early this morning to finish up my financial reports for my treasurer.

Also finished burning the three sets of DVDs for my teams from last week.  Everything is on line already, just needed the DVDs to send them.

Started out the day giving a briefing to my team from Arkansas that’s staying over at N. Peachtree BC.  They’ll be working in six locations around the Chamblee area.  I took the drivers around and showed them how to get to each location and where the best place was to set up.

Went through my list to call all the managers to make sure and remind them about the teams coming into town.

I’m at FBC Doraville right now waiting on my team from FBC Bonifay, Florida to show up.  They’re in town but are in transit over to the church where I will give them a briefing.  They’ll be doing the cooking and meetings here at the church and will start at the missions tomorrow.

I have a third team that will arrive into town tomorrow morning.  They’re a puppet team that will be giving their show in nine different locations over the next three days.  They’re always a great team and I look forward to hosting them again.

My cell phone went dead this afternoon.  I had to go get another charger that will charge it up from the car lighter.  Takes a lot of talking to go through a whole battery, but this time of the year with lots of teams in town it’s important to be able to stay in touch.

I hope to take them around today, but may not be possible because of the traffic.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:19 pm  

Kathy and Ashley and I went to Clarkston International Bible Church this morning to support one of my partners Terry Earl. She has been working in Clarkston for the last six months with Bennett Ekandem and Ashley. She was commissioned as a missionary of CIBC today working under the direction of Whirlwind Missions. It was great to see her and my many friends at this missions minded church.Terry Earl

I’ve been working on editing and posting video to our mission video site. I try to post some of the material in this blog. Here’s the video from the Gold Rush teams.

I’m looking forward to watching Stage 8 in the Tour de France. The climbers are doing their thing up in the French Alps. Stunning beauty!T A K

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:37 pm  

Today I hosted a youth team from Crosspointe Church in Duluth. The team will be going to Ecuador in August.crosspointe1 They had a good taste of what they’ll be in for! It started raining about the same time as we were getting started. That was a bummer. crosspointe2 Fortunately, it cleared off and we were able to have outreach events at Gwinnett Crossings, Westwood, Huntington Village and Huntington Ridge. The turnout was decent considering the weather.crosspointe 3

Kathy and I worked out on weights, then went to Cici’s for pizza. Sort of like eating ice cream while drinking a diet coke.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:36 pm  

We hosted a team from FBC Venice, Florida today at Willow Branch.Venice, FL team

Ashley and I went shopping early and she took the supplies on over to Clarkston.

I still had a dentist appointment. Today Dr. Friedman put the crown on the prepared tooth. Sharp pain when they were trying to get the temporary crown off. Jabbing metal into the gums is just wrong. All done now. I chewed on both sides of my mouth, pretty much pain free. Bwana asifiwe!–ptl!

We had a great time at Willow Branch with an enthusiastic crowd. I really enjoy getting to know the folks over there. Many of them speak Swahili!willow branch kid

Made some changes in the Team Assignments page and also answered email. It’s a way of life.

Venice 2

Ran 4 miles.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:07 pm  

Today is my birthday. I’m 49.

When I worked in the news business in Savannah, I learned most of the police codes for the scanner. A Signal 46 meant a “dead body.” A “49” meant “crazy person.” I didn’t die three years ago. Maybe I won’t go crazy this year.

Ashley helped me today. We gave the third of the briefings for the Goldrush teams at Perimeter. Very responsive group.

Then we went for Indian food at Vikhyat near Northlake Mall. My favorite. Great to enjoy it with Ashley. She loves Indian food.

We went to six sites where Gold Rush teams were serving. I shot video and Ashley took pictures. Good team work.

Kathy and I enjoyed going to see Transformers today. I liked it. Super cool action sequences. Big bad robots fighting it out. Can’t beat that.

I ran four miles last night up in Jasper. I gave my missions talk to about 30 kids. Sure was a long way to drive for that little church. Never can tell what can happen in the lives of kids . . .


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 am  

I’m at my office at FBC Doraville and it is POURING rain outside. Couldn’t have happened at a worse time since I have about 1,100 volunteers in town doing missions in 35 locations.

Did my briefing again at Perimeter Church this morning. Great response from the kids!Goldrush

Had a meeting with my manager friends in Chamblee/Doraville for lunch. We talked about Senate Bill 529 and how it affects the immigrant population. Not good news for the immigrants.

I’m headed out of town to go speak to a church in Jasper, GA in a few minutes. I always enjoy speaking to kids. Sure is going to be a long day for Mr. Tim.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:52 pm  

I’m watching Stage 4 in the Tour de France. Dig the first person point of view video!

Did the first of three briefings for one of the largest youth conferences in the States. We have over 700 kids at Gold Rush. They’ll all be our missionaries in our missions this week. They’ll serve at 21 different complexes.

Worked with FBC Powell. Shot pictures and video on Roswell Road. At one complex they had nearly 80 kids! Incredible!FBC Powell

Came home an worked out on weights.

Talked with Jeffery Palmer today. He’s a young film maker who wants to spend some time with me here in the International Village. I always like helping young folks get started. We have some incredible stories to tell!


Monday, July 9, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

I had a good friend of mine from Kenya spend the day with me.  Cathy Palmer is a MK from Nairobi where we grew up.

Ashley and Kathy also came to help with the teams from FBC Powell, TN.  We had a great time with them.

We start with the Goldrush teams tomorrow.  We’ll be working with around 800 people this week in 35 different locations.  It’s a beautiful thing.

Enjoyed watching the Tour de France.  Terrible crash involving about 20 people this evening just outside of town.  Lotsa bikes flying around on the ground!  Didn’t want to see that.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:32 pm  

I’m sitting at my computer watching Tour de France which starts today! Sweet! Originating out of London. Fantastic video. I love watching the country go by with the camera riding on a motorcycle. I had SUCH a good time watching some of my biking heroes race by around my own Stone Mountain earlier this year.

My favorite is George Hincapie. He was with Lance for his 7 wins. I don’t reckon he’ll win, but I’m pulling for him.tour de georgia
Checked email and calls.

Ran 4 miles this morning.

Ashley and I went to get the new Mac computer. She’s getting into the digital design work for our ministry. In particular working on brochures and our maps. I think she’s really going to come up with some great stuff.ashley's mac

Ashley and I also ate Indian food together at Vikyhat restaurant. I love that place. Not only is their curry fantastic but the Patels speak Swahili too! They’re originally from Nairobi. It’s a hoot to order just like I was back home in Kenya.curry


Friday, July 6, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:33 pm  

Went for a bike ride with Kathy this morning. We did 7 miles around Stone Mountain. It was great.
stone mountain

Spent time working on phone calls. Had some managers and partners call me for more information about next week.

Updated the Team Assignment list. Also updated the Contact list with some additions and some changes with managers in several complexes. Overall, seems like most of the changes were for the better.

Finally got word on the Glennbrooke apartments. We’ve been paying utilities for over 8 months on an apartment we hadn’t gotten clearance to use. They have a new management company and they brought in my partners from the Boys and Girl’s club. The guys running that program are Christians. I’m glad they’re here. We’ll be able to do some special event stuff there in the future.

We have my mother in law’s funeral tomorrow.


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