Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:42 pm  

Today was a maximum output day.

I set up and confirmed thirty three locations.  99 miles on the good ol’ Chrisyler.

I had to go to Avondale station, Roswell and Decatur.  It’s always good to talk with managers again.  I’m looking forward to some great work next week!

K and I went out for ribs at Famous Dave’s.  That place is awesome.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:33 pm  

Ashley and I went to look at Mac computers today at Perimeter Mall.  Looks like we’ll get the MacBook on line.  There are some educational discounts we can take advantage of.  We’ll get the Adobe Design Suite for about $350.  That usually retails around $1,800!  Yow.

Kathy and I cruised over to the Mall of Georgia to watch Ashley’s boyfriend Miles play with his band.  They did pretty well for not having much practice.

Lots of firecrackers going off right now.  Freaks our little dog Sugar out.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:17 pm  

I went to Chamblee this morning to work with my teams from Trammell Creek and Walnut Street. I shot pictures and video at six apartment complexes. Fun! Everyone had a good time!

Got home, worked on editing and posting video.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:06 pm  

I felt like a circus performed today, juggling multiple tasks at the same time.

The challenge was three teams working in ten different locations.I gave a morning briefing to Trammell Creek Baptist Church, KY. They’re working at Azalea Place and Don Juan.

My other team is from Harp’s Crossing from Fayetteville, GA. They hosted a block party at Hamptons at Lenox and had Backyard Bible Clubs at Huntington Station and Huntington Creek.

My third team was also from Kentucky–Walnut Street Baptist Church in Louiseville. They’re serving at Huntington Terraces, Briarlake Village, Highland Gardens and Shallowford Gardens.

Trying to cover all those locations at the same time was tricky.

I’ve been working on my admin tasks this evening at home. Just about done!


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:45 pm  

Kathy and Ashley and I went to St. Peter’s Place Anglican Church in Roswell this morning. Our good friend Deborah Kidtoff was speaking. deborah We enjoyed hanging out at their church. Another of my partners, Jack Wolfe, is the pastor of the small Latino church near them. I was able to speak to two pastors in one morning. Good stuff!

Bill Doverspike, Kathy’s brother and Deborah and my family went to eat at Taco Prisa in Roswell. It’s always fun to take gringos to really authentic Mexican food. It was excellent. We were the only white people there. Everyone else just spoke Spanish.

I’ve been working on admin stuff. Just got off the phone with one of the teams in town. They’ll start work tomorrow. I have three teams to coordinate tomorrow. That’s a challenge.

Kathy found a lot of our old photo albums. I’m in the process of shooting them so I can put them on the web. You can see early shots of our family under History in our Photo Gallery. It’s a huge process so I’m having to shoot pretty fast. The best shots I actually take out of the plastic cover and shoot carefully.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:50 pm  

I just finished my fiancial report for my treasurer and CPA. Good to get that done!

This morning I went Kroger to pick up supplies for the Outreach Event that Greater Faith was hosting at Gwinnett Crossings. I had a date with Kathy so I didn’t stay.

K and I enjoyed a great meal at John Boys on 78. Good ol’ country cooking. We’ll go out for a walk later when it cools down.

Worked on the Team Assignment page.

My tongue still hurts from the dental drilling.

Ran 4 miles before lunch.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:03 pm  

Yesterday I endured the worst dentist experience of my life.

I thought the root canal was going to be the hard part.  It was nothing compared to the pain I had yesterday.  The dentist was filling in and kept saying, “I need to hurry up.  I gotta be in Alanta at 2pm.”  First he told me the procedure would take about an hour and a half.  Then he saw the clock and proclaimed, “We’ll see if we can do this in an hour.”  He continued to rush and then drilled into the side of my tongue!  The final blow was when he announced in a loud tone, “I gotta get outta here so I can go make some REAL money.”

I felt like I had be brutalized, insulted and had $355 taken out of my wallet.  Man.

So I just went home and moped around and felt like crying.  What a baby.

I took pictures of my tongue.

Yes, they’ll end up on the internet.

Kathy and I went up Stone Mountain this morning.  I had teams to visit, but Kathy needed me worse.

Ashley wrote the last of the newsletters and got them in the mail.  I think this new refrigerator magnet clip idea is going to work great.  If you’re not on my regular mailing list but want to be, email me at timacummins@gmail.com.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:40 am  

It’s 7:33am.

Kathy woke me up about thirty minutes ago.  Her mom just passed away.  Thank you, Lord for taking care of her for these last two years.  Thank you for bringing her to her eternal home.

We’re expecting some of the family to come by our house.

The best thing was that Kathy’s sister, Ann came over last night to check on her mom.  Ann had told us that K and I could go out and get some personal time and that she would watch her mom for us.  When we got back from eating Mexican food Ann had put Nell to bed and both of them were sleeping together.

Thank you, Lord, that Ann was here.  That she was able to help and that she was the one to tell Kathy.

Thanks, Lord for helping us this last year that Kathy could stay home and take care of her mom.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  

I worked on my newsletter this morning. Wrote about my tooth travails. I’m ready to print. Ashley didn’t have hers quite done.

Went for a 4 mile run before I went into Chamblee.

I took pictures of my team from Meadowbrook today. They had several kids accept Christ today! Awesome!

Came home to make the photocopies for the newsletter but the store closed early. Bahd luck.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Ashley came with me today to help me orient one of our new teams from Meadowbrook Baptist Church, Oxford, Alabama. The group served in six locations and really did a great job. Ashley shot pictures with her Canon Sure Shot and I shot video with the Soni HandiCam. The pix are on the web at the Photo Gallery.

We also went to Frye Electronics. We are looking for a new monitor and checked out the prices of the Macs there. Seems to be the same price at the Mac Store. I also picked up another Remote Control Micro Helicopter. That thing has been fun. It flies around the house like a hummingbird. The real hummingbird I saw at my feeder two days ago. Super groovy.

Kathy and I watched the Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp. It was an ok movie. Are all chicks crazy about Johnny Depp or what?

Took care of my admin work. Email. Phone calls. Bank. (PTL!)

I’ve run 4 miles the last three days in a row. Today I rest.


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