Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:04 pm  

K and I took care of Grandma this morning.

Then K did a loop around the mountain on her bike and I ran 4 miles.

This afternoon J and I worked on cleaning up the 50 gallon aquarium downstairs.  He was really interested in salt water fish, now not so much.  It’s an electrical hazard so we decided to get rid of it.   We have a smaller aquarium for the couple of fish and crabs that were left.

I’ve been working on admin stuff.

Nearly time to work on the newsletter.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:01 pm  

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Kathy and I enjoyed a fun time at the zoo.  We only stayed about an hour so we could get back and take care of K’s mom.  Ashley watched her while we were gone.  We also went out for curry at Vikhyat near Northlake Mall.  Love that place!

Ran 4 miles.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

I spent the morning helping take care of my mother in law.

Early afternoon I ran 4mi.

Kathy and I went to help with the Outreach Event at Willow Branch with the team from Connect ’07. It was like working at the UN!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm  

I took the Connect ’07 team with Bennett over to Buford Highway this morning. We did the prayer walk with Asian Square and Ngozi Tropical Foods. It was fun to see the gringos squirm at the sight of some of the goodies!

Then I shot over to Gwinnett Crossings to meet with Pastor Kim of the Korean Church of Atlanta. He and two other pastors and 3 kids will be hosting a Backyard Bible Club. I’m very excited to see a unification of a number of churches at this complex.

My tooth is feeling ok. Can’t really chew on it, but no sensation of pain. My jaws hurt from all the needle pokes. Hard to open my mouth really wide or chew.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:04 pm  

I went to scope out two new missions in Lawrenceville with my partner Tyler Recker. We’re setting up 12 locations for the Youth Outreach United teams for next week. One of the managers was named Destiny. She was prayed up and said she’d been asking God for someone to come help them. It really did feel like being moved by the hand of God.

Then I went to have my root canal done. I thought Dr. Woods did a great job. Pretty much pain free. All the infection was drilled out so hopefully I won’t be dealing with the pain issues.

I’m enjoying flying my remote control inside the house helicopter. Enormous fun.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I gave a briefing to our Connect ’07 team in Clarkston. Bennett and I set out the plans for the day for the team. We’ll have Outreach Events every evening in order to generate contact with the community.

Working on the DVD version of the Multihousing Seminar I did in Texas. I’m having to compress and add a menu to them. Everything is on line already. My team that’s in charge of ELearning is getting a special Web portal together to watch the seminar on. Higher quality with faster download due to the Flash encoding.

My jaw hasn’t been hurting too badly. Looking forward to going to the Dentist tomorrow. Weird, huh?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:54 pm  

I had a wonderful meeting with Johnny Crist the senior pastor of the Atlanta Vineyard Church and his director of missions Luanne Thompson. We went to several of the missions near his church so we could start planning on outreach in the area. He’s an amazing pastor and one of the very few senior pastors that has gotten out and actually see the mission field where we work.

Went by First Baptist Church of Doraville to check my mail and to pick up some painting supplies for a painting team that’s going to be working at Oak Forest tomorrow morning. I’m all about using free labor.

Also checked out Super 8 a motel near the International Village. The Sales Manager for this hotel used to work at Comfort Inn/Best Western Inn near FBC Doraville. Their price has really gone up since they became a Holiday Inn express. I’ve been looking for a new place to put teams and I think this one will do fine. It’s not as secure since it’s a motel, but I think it’ll be fine for most teams.

Worked on editing the video I shot this weekend at Kensington Station. I have the movies complete and burned to DVD as well as put on our video web sites at Google and YouTube. I can put the higher quality video on Google since they have unlimited storage capacity. For free. It’s a beautiful thing, baby.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

My jaw has been bothering me today.

I worked out on weights and ran 4 miles after lunch.

Went to Kensington Station to help Bennett and Ashley with a group from FBC Central Florida to host a concert and dramas.  We had about 14 adults and children receive the Lord!  Fantastic!

Kathy and I watched You, Me and Dupree this evening.

 Saturday, June 16, 2007

My wife’s sister Ruth had a birthday party today.  We got most of Kathy’s brothers and sisters and their families to eat with us at Asian Buffet.  We had a great time and enjoyed seeing all the relatives together.

Ran 4 miles.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:19 pm  

Went to the dentist this morning.  He didn’t really do anything, just said that I need a root canal/crown put on the tooth that I broke.  He is pretty sure that that’s the reason I’ve been suffering.  Apparently the nerve that runs to that tooth also goes up to the jaw area.  I’ll need to go to another dentist that specializes in that.  Guess that’s better than having a brain tumor.

Ashley and I went over to our treasurer’s house.  We also went to lunch after the dentist and talked about our marketing plans for the ministry.  Ashley is so creative.

If you’re not on our newsletter list and want to be, send me an email at timacummins@gmail.com.  It’s worth getting the snail mail edition of the newsletter.  This month we start with a special fridge magnet that will post a monthly prayer reminder.  Ashley will be in charge of that.  I think the magnets are pretty cute.

Thanks for praying for my tooth issue.  I’ve really suffered with this thing.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:07 am  

June 14, 2007

I met with a new partner today, Matt Johns.  He’s on our team with the North American Mission Board.  We spent about 4 hours together getting him set up with an assignment and working on his newsletter.

Also met with partners at the Salvation Army.  A team from I-Pod and Global Events Group works on soccer training/computer skills in a couple of apartments around Doraville.  I’ll see what I can do to help them out.

Kathy and I went out for ribs last night at Famous Daves.  That stuff was really good.

Jesse and I got these remote control tiny helecopters we’ve enjoyed from Thinkgeek.com.  Fun!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:42 pm  

I had the good fortune to work with Ashley most of the day.  We went to Briarcliff Baptist Church to pick up some food that was left over from the last block party.

We dropped the food and some clothes that we had collected to the mission at Azalea and visited with the kids for a little while.

Then over to FBC Doraville to check on mail and partners at the office.

Banking was next.   As my pastor Steve says, “We live by faith, but we live ON money.”

We ate salads and sandwiches at Perimeter Mall.  Then I followed Ash around to watch her shop.  Shocking as it may sound, we have very similar tastes.  I’m an arty kinda guy.  I know bad art if it’s on the wall or on your body.

We got home around 5:30pm.  I started working on email and other office admin work.

I figured out how to add slides to the Video Seminar.  I’ll work on that this evening.

Worked out on weights this morning.

Got my polarizing filter in from Sony for my camcorder.  Extremely sweet.  I look forward to shooting video now more than ever.  I was really irritated by glare in the lens.  These have a a special coating plus the polarizing aspect.


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