Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:27 pm  

Made a road trip up to Gainesville today. I checked on partners up there. It’s incredible how much like Mexico that place is now. Arrow Tires have been a big help to our ministry in that area.

Working on details for the Video Seminar.

Still having some pain in my jaw/ear. Haven’t taken any pain meds so far so I must be getting some better. My left eye seems pretty much healed up too. I had a bug fly in it a few days ago when I was running.

Caught up on all my phone calls and email since my days off this weekend. Everything seems to be running smoothly! Excellente!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 am  

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tried to rest today.

Feeling better.

Spent time with Kathy and Jesse.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:04 pm  

 We slept in again this morning.  I did much better last night.  PTL.  I’ve come to realize I’m not that good with pain.  I would have told the Nazis everything.

We cruised on into Atlanta and ate Indian food at Vikhyat near Northlake Mall.  Super good.

Ran 4 miles.


Saturday, June 9th, 2007

I had a really hard night.  Didn’t sleep well at all because of the pain in my jaw.

We slept in a little later.  Felt better when I got up.

We drove over to the W. side of the Chattanooga where the art and bookstores are.  I really enjoy that place.  It reminds me of Austin.  Kind of a hippy flavor to it.  The folk art in particular I find absolutely fascinating.

I got a couple of really cool pieces including some toy robots that are just the bomb.

We ate pizza at Mr. T’s in St. Elmo, one of my favorite American towns.

Friday, June 8th, 2007

Kathy and I get her mom over to her sister’s house in the morning.

Then we went over to Marietta to get our team started on the two Franklin Road properties.  Worked out pretty well.

Kathy enjoyed a gyro at the Mediterranean Deli while I got them squared away.  Then we drove the other 100 miles on up to Chattanooga.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:56 pm  

I briefed my team from Willowbrook BC, AL this morning at FBC Tucker. Then we went over to the Buford Highway corridor and I took them on a Prayer Walk. They had a fantastic time.

We ate lunch together at the church then we went over to Highland Gardens, Azalea Place, Woodgate and Pear Lane/Don Juan. I made sure the driver knew how to make the circuit around the town. I shot video and pictures of the team. I’ll post them on the web this evening. I already edited the video and burned DVDs for the team.

I’m back on the antibiotics and decongestants plus some pain killers. I can’t take the pain meds when I’m working because it involves a lot of driving. Good thing is that usually during the day it doesn’t hurt much.

Had a good rest when I got home.

Working on the media, uploading, editing, burning . . . it’s a way of life.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:35 pm  

Jesse and Bennett Ekandem and I went to Duluth this morning to work on a couple of issues.  One is our new portal for our E-Learning Multi-Housing Seminar and the other was the micro-loan project.  Both are big deals and I was excited to have two of my best partners working with me on this.

I’ve been suffering with this ear infection or whatever it is.  I’m back on antibiotics and got some pain pills.  I’m against pain.  I hear it’s helpful, but I can’t really see the upside right now.

Still uploading the higher resolution video to Google.  The files are actually smaller than YouTube and yet look better!  No wonder Google is rich.

I need to get some exercise.  Ran 4 miles yesterday.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

I went to a UNITE meeting at New Birth Church in Lithonia.  There is a big resource of man power there.  My prayer is that they’ll let us help them mobilize it.

Set up the final locations for my weekend teams.

Miles is feeling better.  Glad for that.

Working on uploading the higher resolution Video Seminar to our Google Video site.

Pretty bad pain in my temple/ear/jaw area.  I don’t consider myself to have a high tolerance to pain. I think deep inside I’m a big baby.  I try to avoid pain.

Doesn’t eveybody?


Monday, June 4, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:53 pm  

Ashley and I went back to Marietta to check on our Team at Spring Chase. They were doing great! Their youth director, Austin Allridge, is a great guy and I knew they’d do fine. We shot lots of pix and video for the web site.

We went to Northlake Mall to look for books and to pick up a soldering iron so I could fix the intercom system at FBC Doraville. I picked up the mail and checked on my plants.

Came home and worked on email/admin stuff.

In the middle of my email work I got a call from Ashley that said that her boyfriend Miles had fainted in the parking lot. He was taken to the ER in an ambulance. I spent a couple of hours at the hospital with his family and Ashley. She’s with him now. He got his face banged up a bit and whacked his knee pretty hard. He still has to have an EKG and a CAT scan to make sure he’s ok and try and figure out why he passed out. I reckon he was just really tired and the heat got to him. Sure hope that’s all it is.

The kid’s like a son to me. He’s a sweet ol’ boy. Sure didn’t like to see him beat up.

Lord, we ask a blessing on Miles. Protect him, guide the doctors. We bind the evil one any kind of spirit of fear or apprehension. AMEN.

Thanks for praying for him.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

Today I experienced Greater Faith church in Duluth.  Two of my favorite partners are Pastors Robert and Shelita Carter.  They have been faithful, diligent and experienced mission directors.  I’m glad that they’re working with Ashley in Kensington Station.  It was a special service as they were bringing in Shelita Carter as Co-Pastor and ordaining several ministers and decans.  They were rocking!

Ashley and I went to First Baptist Church in Marietta this afternoon and evening.  I briefed their youth group on how to get kids to their Backyard Bible Club. Then we went over to Preston Chase and actually showed them how to round up people.

I helped take care of my mother in law this evening.  It’s just about drive you crazy.  She’s not comfortable and so she constantly wants to be shifted from the bed, to the chair, to the bed, the chair . . . .you get the picture.  I try and tell her, “Mama, you’re just not gonna be comfortable. No matter where you go, you’re not gonna feel great.”  Dem’s hard words.

I need to go check on her.


Saturday, June 2, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

Ashley and went to the team meeting at Kensington Station this morning.  We had a great talk with the manager Carlos as well as people from three local churches:  Crossroads, Breaking Free and Greater Faith.  Ashley made a presentation about the after school program.

I finished compressing all the Video Seminar DVDs and sent them on to my partners at Axcess Connection.  They’re the guys helping us with the E-Learnng project.

Ashley and I also worked on our refrigerator project.  We’ll decorate these clip magnents with our picture.  Then each month we’ll have a postcard that can be added to the clip on your fridge.  I think it’ll work great!  Ashley’s working on the template for our cards.

I took care of my mother in law for a few hours this afternoon.

Kathy and I hiked up most of Stone Mountain.  Cool day.

I’m uploading the higher resolution Video Seminar to our Google Video web site.  Jesse just about has the Video Seminar page completed.  Groovy!


Friday, June 1, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

Still working on encoding the video into an AVI format.  Once it’s done I’ll send the DVDs over to Jason’s business so we can start working with it on line.

Jesse is reformatting his computer.  We looked for RAM for his computer.  I think he’s going to get it on line.

Ran 4 miles.

Watching Kevin Costner in the Guardian.  Just an ok movie.


Thursday, May 31

Had a meeting with a good buddy of mine Jason Lemming.  We worked together for years at Perimeter Church.  We set up the big summer program “Goldrush” together.

He’s doing IT work in setting up different E-Learning systems over the internet.  I’m working on coding my video seminar into AVI files that their computer can read and reproduce.  I think it’ll be cutting edge technology.

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