Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

Full speed ahead day, baby!

Started out early finished up my newsletters. Got them in the post before noon.

Went to Kroger to make the order for the big event at Kensington Station on April 7th. Picked out one of every item I needed, they scan it in, then I tell them how many I need of each item. It’ll be ready for me to pick up the morning of April 7th. Mainly I needed to make sure that they have the hotdogs and buns ready. No way they’d have enough for 400 people.

Then over to Walmart to buy the candy I need for the event. I picked up $164 worth of sugar sweet goodness. Kids ought to be mighty hyped up after that!

Enjoyed lunch with Bennett Ekandem. We talked about one of our new partners, Milkano. He’s a Ethiopian pastor in the Clarkston area. We’re helping set him up with about 10 computers so he can teach his congregation–plus use it as an outreach tool. Bennett also supplied him with Bibles and chairs. We’ll take equipment from Springchase which we’ll be moving out of on Friday over there too.

Dropped off some paperwork for Jesse at Dekalb Tech for his GED class. His home schooling is coming along really well. Take a look at his work at aeokos.org. He’s already programming and some of his stuff is really popular–particularly VoteGrabber. He’s a clever lad. I like his TILT section—Things I Learned Today.

J and I spent a couple of hours together this evening. He always teaches me something or helps me improve our web site. Ever heard of Google Analytics? It’s a site analyzing program. Pretty cool. We average over 100 visitors a day at www.whirlwindmissions.org. This blog gets over 800 views a month.

J helped me embed our YouTube video this evening. He taught me how to do it at least. So that way if you want to hear me talk about what’s going on rather than just read it all you have to do is push PLAY. So GO for it!

After lunch I had a meeting with Amy Turner a leader in the Singles SS class at FBC Duluth. Her class is going to do an Easter Outreach at WestWood apartments. Amy is also the Choir Director for Meadowcreek HS. Many of her students come from the WestWood area. I used to really dig Choir in HS. I went All State in solo/ensemble in Texas. Sure seems like a LONG time ago. But I still like to sing.

Also worked with the kids at Azalea. Talked with Jimmy about what his brothers had said about him. He didn’t deny anything–just said it was because they “teased him.” Still made me really sad.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

Ran 4 miles this morning. Beautiful weather.

Then over to the Center Precinct Crime Watch meeting with about 15 managers and the cops. I got to spend a lot of time with Carlos Martinez who is the manager for Kensington Station where we’re starting a massive new work. Other managers I work with were also there. It’s a good way to see a bunch of my partners in one whack.

After the meeting, I got a call from Liz Pearson a partner of mine from Briarcliff Baptist Church. We’re working together on the “Great Day of Service.” I’m helping them focus on outreach in the community. We also did a recon of several properties together. I think they’re going to fit in best at Briarlake Village, just a couple of miles from their church. I always enjoy putting a team together and getting them rolling on the Jesus highway.

Also worked on writing newsletters. Kathy and Ashley also helped me write some. I’ll finish the last few tomorrow morning.

Went to Azalea to help the kids. It was their report card day. Some I was really proud of!

Others, not so much. I got pretty upset with one kid who is really smart but LAZY. He came home with 4 Fs and a D. I did the flip out.

Then his brothers started talking about his youngest brother and the way he’s been acting lately. I was shocked. He’s always super nice and respectful around me. It was just heartbreaking to hear how he’s been acting at home–cussing out his parents, threatening to “cut them up” while they’re sleeping. I mean he’s only in 4th grade! I was so sad.

Got home and talked to Kathy about it. Decided I needed to run to help me de-stress out. So today I ran a total of 8 miles.

I’m still sad.

This mission stuff is really hard on you emotionally. If you get attached to people–like I do–it’s like my own kids failing. I take their failures really personally. I keep asking myself, “What else could I do?”

I told their older brothers that I felt responsible. They told me, “Not your fault, Mr. Tim. You did the best you could.”

My problem is just how good is “my best?”

I’m one of those ultra Type A, high achiever, never satisfied, kinda guys. I always feel I could have done more.. .

Father give me peace.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:54 pm  

Started work in Douglasville this morning!

I had my partners Bob Wiley and Kim Jeffrey meet me at Columbia Gardens.  We had a great talk with the manager there who is a dear friend of another manager we work with a lot in Villa Rica.

It’s all about relationships!

I’ll be going back to Douglasville in April to speak to a multi-housing conference.  I accepted the invitation to make a presentation ONLY if they agreed to do some outreach in the area.  When Bob said, “Ok” I immediately started contacting partners in the area.  The Father was at work!

Went to the mission in Azalea to help the kids with their homework.  Most of the kids are Bengali.  I had one of my older girls come to help explain a math problem.  She said, “I’ll help.  But I have to separate them.” When I asked “Why” she said, “They speak two languages.”  Never occurred to me that they had different dialects.  Learn something every day. . .

Worked out hard on weights when I got home.  Kathy did too!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

I had lunch with Joel Harrison–director of the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association this morning.  We had a good time talking about reaching Atlanta for Christ.  I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to mobilize many more people through his contacts in the church community.

Worked on the newsletters.

Went to the mission at Azalea.  The kids helped me with the labeling.

Debriefed a lot of them about the immigration problems.  Some of them were really freaked out over it.  Especially the younger ones.  It’s so sad when they talk about their uncles being led off in handcuffs.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

I had a great time preaching at Glover Baptist church this morning.  I always enjoy being with that congregation.

I did my Prodigal Son story in African mode–like I did in Niger.  It was fun. Also spoke on missions in our area.

Kathy and I hung out at Stone Mountain.  Ran 4 miles and worked out on weights.

Worked on the DVDs for The Less band.  I hope that’ll help promote them.  They’re good lads with real talent.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:04 pm  

Ashley and I worked on the invitations for the banquet on May 5th and on our newsletter which is now ready to copy. It looks great! Ashley is really talented with this graphics design stuff.

Kathy and I had a terrific time this morning. We rode nearly 6 miles around Stone Mountain. The weather was fantastic and the trees were bursting with color. I really love Atlanta in the spring. It truly is one of the most beautiful cities on Earth. Now if only we could do something about the traffic . . . .

K and I also had fun this afternoon. We took K’s mom with us to see The Less, one of my favorite bands. Two of the guys are sons of Todd Harrison—a great supporter of our work. Remember last Summer when we went to Montana? That was to Todd’s cabin. I think The Less is one of the best new bands around. I went to Mercer this afternoon and shot a concert video for them. Most of you know that my background is in TV. I used to shoot news for CBS and CNN. In fact I have 9 Associated Press awards for my work. I can truthfully say that I enjoyed this shoot more than just about any that I’ve ever done. Except for perhaps chasing cops down alleys with machine guns. Nothing beats bang bang stuff.

The songs and interviews with the band will be on the Whirlwind Missions YouTube channel just as soon as I edit them. Click on Mission Videos to see them LIVE! When The Less gets their own channel I’ll upload the video to their own site. I’m a big believer in helping friends–especially really talented ones that are committed to OUTREACH.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:04 pm  

Early morning for me.  Up around 4:30 am, my mind buzzing with things to do.  Finished my newletter, worked on the invitations for our first Whirlwind Banquete on 5/5 (YOU are invited!  Blog readers RULE!), did more paper work for the North American Mission Board.

Crashed out for a couple more hours after working till about 9am.

Then up and a quick (not THAT quick) 4 mile run.

Took my 81 year old mother in law and her 85 year old sister out for lunch.

Finished up my email.

This is my day off?


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:41 pm  

Had a terrific time with Stan Dobbs today.  He’s the CEO for Apartment Life.  Cool guy and a real passion for reaching the folks in apartments.  I certainly feel that!  I think we’ll be able to partner on multiple fronts.

Also had a get together with Cathy Wilson.  She’s a new Mission Service Corps missionary with the North American Mission Board.  I’m helping her plug into apartment ministry and with Pregnancy/Women ministries.  I think she’ll be a great asset to the team.

Finished up my paperwork.  Made a request for another MSC person helping us work in the Austell area.  Kim is a great soldier and will do a terrific job at Kingsley Village and with the other complexes in the area.

I need to get on over to the kids at Azalea!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Full speed ahead day!

Started out in Forest Park talking with the Regional Manager for Jamco properties at Laurel Pointe.  I had Pastor Reed from FBC Forest Park, Toni Branyon and Tom Lawton with me.  There are some hurdles to get over–the place is supposed to be really dangerous and Jamco has never worked with us before.

I feel confident that with your prayers this will all work out.  I wrote a letter of introduction to the owner along with some reference letters.  Tom will take that over tomorrow morning.

From there I went to Austell to have a meeting with other partners at Kingsley Village.  Kim Jefferies and her daughters have worked there for years in the past.  With Focus properties taking over that area looks like Kim will be back.  First Communities properties used to own it.  When they took over KV, Kim’s work stopped.  This is the same thing that happened to us when FC took over Glennbrooke in Marietta.  Pray that upper management will change that attitude.

Mel Morris from Lite House was at the meeting.  We work with them in 5 other properties.  They are also starting new work in Forest Park–we’ve been invited to help there as well.

Bob Wiley was also there–he’s the Multi Housing guy for the Georgia Baptist Convention.  I’m glad he was there to see how we do things from the ground up.

Kathy and I went to FBC Duluth this evening to visit with some partners and to see one of my favorite new bands:  The Less.  Two of the musicians are sons of Todd Harrison–one of my good friends and tireless supporter of our  mission work.  I’m expecting big things to happen with this band.  Google The Less and check out their My Space Music page.  These guys rock for the Rock!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:26 pm  

Spent most of the day at the Georgia Baptist Convention building. Has a big (like HUGE) cross that’s sunk into the middle of a lake. Couldn’t really figure that one out. From the road you can only see just the tip of it.

An incredible, and I’m sure incredibly expensive, building. What a waste of SBC funds. At least IMHO.

We had a get together of the Mission Service Corps folks in Georgia. I had four other people on my team there. Six if you include a new couple that I’ll be working with in Forest Park. We were definitely the Wild Bunch. Maybe it was just me. . . .

I am definitely one loud puppy.

I guess it’s true what my wife says, “I live to hear myself talk.”

C’est la vie, baby.

Mike Riggins spoke in two sessions and was the main reason our team went. He’s been in charge of MSC for years and is now in charge of all NAMB personnel. I think he’s a great guy. I appreciate his ministry to us SO much.

After the meeting we shot back to Clarkston/Willow Branch. Terry Earl and I talked about her new ministry working with pre-k kids and their moms at their homes. Bennett is going to help get that set up. I’m expecting great things from Terry. She’s uniquely gifted for that ministry and is terrific with women/children in particular.

Then over to Azalea to help my kids with their homework. Met a couple of new moms from Bangladesh. I’m teaching one of them English. We’ll see how that goes. Hello, my name is Selma Akther Chowdury. Chowdury is like the Bengali version of Jones.

Watched Borat with Kathy this evening. I thought it was pretty funny, but definitely not for everyone.


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