Whirlwind Missions

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nesbit Elem, Valencia Park & Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm  

This morning Jesse and I met up with our partner Keith Harrell at Nesbit Elementary School. We had a good discussion with Janet, who does social work there. There are many opportunities to help the kids who live at the missions. I’m looking forward to expanding our influence into other communities.

After our meeting we spent a little more time with Keith Harrell before he had to go back to work at Lilburn Elementary. He’s a great role model for the kids that go to school there.

I worked on setting up the locations for the Compassion in Action weekend. l

I’ve talked to my team leaders about it several times, but today was the first day I really felt secure about talking to managers about the event.

We went by Valencia Park to meet with the management there.
It’s a beautiful campus. They’re one of the complexes we’ll be working at on October 5th.

Still have two that I need to follow up on. I’ve been trying to get a hold of our team first.

Jesse and I went to Azalea to help the kids.
Steadily growing group.

Came home and ran 4 miles.

Saw this at Ace hardware. Not sure if I want a soldier as a yard ornament.s

And what color is this?

Now working on email/admin stuff.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clarkston, Zoo, Stone Mtn!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm  

Full day today! I’m a little bit sore. I decided to push down a couple of dead trees in my front yard. I felt like Conan.

Kathy and I went to church to hear one of my favorite preachers, Phil Kitchen.

He did a great job preaching a series on truth!

After church Kathy took me to the zoo. We usually get a membership once every three years or so.
Spent some great time with the Clouded Leopard. Incredible!

Also really enjoyed watching the Gorillas.
The zoo had a new exhibit of parakeets. Super cool! Flew all around you!p

Beautiful plants at the zoo!

Then to Stone Mountain. Enjoyed relaxing in the hot tub. Then hiked around the quarry side of the mountain. Awesome!

Walked about three miles in all.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:33 pm  

This morning I taught a class to the Gwinnett Neighborhood Leadership Institute. It was a two part, hour long seminar on communication.

First I do my presentation where I transport them to Cambodia. That gives people an idea of what it’s like to be an immigrant.

In the second half hour I do a study on Neuro Linguistic Programming with an emphasis on Matching and Mirroring people. I also do a brief overview of body language and some things to watch for.

The last five minutes I lead them through a relaxation and visualization exercise which helps cement the learnings in their mind.
Fun! Crowd seemed to love it.
I do very few secular events. They’re fun from time to time.

Came home and watched the season finale of Lie To Me with K.

Working on my admin work now, pix from the conference, email. . . .

Took K and J to gyros. Bought a slice of cake from this to give to Ashley!

K was still sad about 9/11.

Great day!t

Friday, September 11, 2009

Phone Calls and Rest

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:09 pm  

This morning I worked on phone calls. Always try to keep up to date.

Worked on my presentation for the Gwinnett Leadership Initiative tomorrow morning.

Some guy ran over the trees at El Toreros.t
Big pole on the ground.

Jesse and I tracked down a couple of things for the aquarium.
Came home and ran 4 miles.

Working on a new book called BetaPrayer. I always enjoy creating.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bayo, AKJ, Greek Food and Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm  

Today I had the super blessing of my whole family and my brother Bayo!
We met up in Tucker at a place I’ve never been to: Grecian Gyros.
Apparently, the place has been around Atlanta for nearly 20 years! My girls like the place, buy J and I had never been there. A new food fave!

After lunch, Kathy took Jesse on home, he’s still not feeling that great.

Ashley, Bayo and I went over to FBC Atlanta to say thanks to the missions department. They’re helping us out financially. PTL!

We went to FBC Doraville to pick up some clothes I had for Bayo’s mission at Huntington Terraces. Also talked to one of my partners, Deborah Hayes, who runs the Pregnancy Resource of Doraville. One of my volunteers might be able to help her. Always like to network!

Ash and I went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.
Some of them have the most nasty mouths.

I bought a few little things for Jesse’s aquarium. t Looking better!

What’s the secret to this?

Suck in your gut?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Azalea and 4mi

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  

Been studying on prayer and doing a lot of it lately. Sick wife and Jesse.

Went for a 4 mile run this morning.
Checked out my office at FBC Doraville.
Over to Azalea this afternoon.

I liked Angel’s new shoes.
Jesse wasn’t feeling well. He did get his fish tank going!t

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

Yesterday, one of our neighbors cut down some trees in his yard. He said he was tired of the gumballs. I understand that!
Still, I don’t cut down healthy trees.

Jesse felt well enough to go with me this morning to meet with one of my partners from FBC Duluth, Tandy Brennan.
We got to know each other when I was one of the speakers for the Deacons of their church. We had a fun time together then and today too! I’m really looking forward to speaking at their church soon!

From lunch we worked on getting some equipment for Jesse’s fish tank. I thought this was a funny picture!d

After being out for those hours, he started feeling bad again, so we came on home. Gotta take care of my wing man!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Running man

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:57 pm  

I enjoyed a fun day!

This morning I went for a 4 mile run. Just as I was getting home, Kathy was going out for a walk with Sugar our sweet dog. So I went back out for another 4 miles. Good work out!

Came home and picked up Ashley, Jesse and Miles to go out to eat at Chilis. Then over to Pet Smart. Jesse is setting up his fish tank again. We got him a good stand for the tank.
Jesse is feeling better.

Working on admin stuff now. Still feeling tired.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

FBC Mountain Park, New Orleans & Labor Day Fun

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:27 pm  

Kathy and I met up with Ann Mitchell (Kathy’s sister) this morning at FBC Mountain Park to hear Dr. Bill Blanchard speak.
He spoke on the importance of work AND rest! I need to hear that. Lots of great folks in that church!
After lunch, I went to N. Peachtree BC to meet up with my team from FBC New Orleans. Took them on over to Azalea to have fun with the kids. They did a great job!a

Then to Huntington Terraces to finish up their mission trip for the weekend! They were a real blessing!
Came home to check on K and Jesse. He’s got a cold. Spitting up green crud and coughing. He’s taking some Nyquil. If he doesn’t get better right quick, Kathy will take him to the doctor on Tuesday. Pray for healing!

Kathy rested this afternoon so she felt well enough to go to Fuddruckers for a family get together.

Always fun to hang out with them!
Ashley went to the birthday party for her best friend Ashley Baird. 21!
Back home now. Working on my usual admin stuff. It’s a weigh of life.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

FBC New Orleans & Stone Mountain Quarry

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm  

Today I had a great time with my team from First Baptist Church New Orleans! I picked up Bayo from his mission at Huntington Terraces and we met the team at N. Peachtree Baptist Church.
I had a briefing with the team then took them on a tour of the International Village, in particular Asian Square and Carniceria Numero 1! Fun!nd

Then over to Azalea to work with the kids at the mission.

Great time! Then the team did their second location at Huntington Terraces. Had a fun group there as well!

Kathy’s been sick so I’ve been concerned for her. Came on home about 6pm. She was feeling well enough to climb up Stone Mountain part way. We went up the quarry (East) side of the mountain. We had the whole place to ourselves. It was beautiful and awesome!


I know why they call it the Yellow Daisy festival!
I thought it was weird how the sheets of granite would just crack open.

Came on home and started on my admin stuff: email, blog, facebook, twitter. Web 2.0 baby.

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