Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Starter and Willow Branch

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

This morning I went over to my mechanic at T&G to pick up my car.
It has been having some problems starting. I was glad they were able to get it fixed so quickly.

Worked on admin stuff this morning at home.

Also went for a 4 mile run. Pretty nice weather. Still pooped.

Went to Willow Branch to work with the refugee kids while Jesse taught his guitar class.

Know how to find the Greatest Common Factor and the Lowest Common Multiple?
How about naming the 6 Kingdoms or explaining the life cycle of Fungi? Welcome to my world!
After the class I took him to get a hair cut while I worked on phone calls.

Got some tough news from my brother Tito. Looks like the bank is going to foreclose on their church building. Very sad. I don’t understand these bank guys.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Huntington Terraces & Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:35 pm  

I enjoyed some quiet time this morning. Here’s what my area looks like.g

Today Jesse and I thought it was going to be a slow day. Wrong.t

My car didn’t start well this morning. You may remember that we had to get towed last month when it didn’t start. I wasn’t taking any chances this time. Ashley helped me get my car to our mechanic this evening after I got home.

We picked up Bayo Otiti, our missionary at Huntington Terraces, and Ruthie North, our missionary at Huntington Creek. We took them for lunch to catch up on how things are going at the mission.

It was great to see all the good things that God is doing. We all face challenges, and our missionaries have plenty of them!

Our goal today was to clean out one of the rooms at the mission at H. Terraces.


We loaded stuff into my car and went to FBC Doraville where I have a storage area. But we had to clean that out to make room for more stuff! We dumped some of it and put the painting stuff in another area at the church. Storage space is always an issue. People want to give me stuff all the time, but unless I have a place to take it, I don’t get it.

We got the room cleaned out and Bayo will have a party soon to give a lot of the extra stuff that we have to the needy families we work with.

We went to Azalea to check on the kids. We had a bunch today! Lots of kids need help.
Also went to Office Depot. I want to get Jesse a decent desk. He’s been using a folding table for the last year. He’s in charge of all our computer/web work. He needs a decent place to keep all the electronics and gear he uses. We found a couple that I think will do the job. I’m very proud of Jesse’s great work for us!

Slow day became a Go day!

I’ll work out on weights this evening. Burn off some stress.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

TV Preachers & Paradise

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:50 pm  

I watched several preachers on TV this morning. I’m amazed at how many pastors hardly use the scripture. No wonder the church is in trouble.

Went back to Stone Mountain. Soaked up some sun. Ran 4 miles on the elliptical treadmill. Enjoyed the hot tub.

Fun to watch the hummingbirds zoom past and work on Tim Bits: my posts on Twitter, which I type into Tweetlater that posts them regularly during the week. Less for me to do. I’ll break 27,000 followers this evening.

Relaxing day. Fun!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Stone Mountain

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

This morning I enjoyed hanging out in the yard, watching the birds. I have about 5 hummingbirds flying around. One of them comes within a foot of me. Super cool.
Kathy and I hiked up Stone Mountain this evening. It was gorgeous.

We’re so lucky to live so close to this awesome place. Even saw a couple of deer right by our path.


Lots of people waiting for the laser show!

Ashley’s having a dinner party with her friends at our house this evening. Good looking kids. Good looking food!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Todd & Ian

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm  

Today I had a great meeting with Todd Harrison, one of our biggest supporters and an overall great guy! We had roast goat together in Clarkston with Jesse and Kathy! Always fun. We had a good time talking about missions.

Then over to Chamblee to pick up Ian from work.
I brought him back to the Stone Mountain area where he picked up his car that was getting fixed. Seems to be running great now! Hope for a long time to come.

Ran 4 miles this morning. First three were easy. Last one was pretty tough. Sun came out. Humidity in the high 80s. Like running in a terrarium.

This evening I took Kathy to see Inglourius Basterds. I’m a huge Tarentino fan. This one was just ok. It was about 2 1/2 hours long. Quentin should have cut out about an hour of it. Still, pretty entertaining. Kathy didn’t like it. And she loves Brad Pitt.

I’m watching the international track competition in Berlin. Man! Those folks can run!

Looks like it’s getting ready to pour down rain. Lightning all around us.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Computers, Istanbul & Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:15 pm  

This morning I enjoyed an hour outside watching the birds. The hummingbirds haven’t been as plentiful as last year, but it’s still fun to see three or four of them buzzing around the yard.

Jesse and I went to my partner Keith Harrell’s house to drop off the computer that Jesse has been working on. It had a number of viruses on it. I was glad he could get it going again.
Then over to Perimeter College to pick up Ashley!

It’s our favorite day of the week. We met up with her boyfriend Miles at Cafe Istanbul to enjoy some Turkish food together. cj

Always a good plan.

We checked out Radio Shack and Game Stop at Northlake Mall. We needed to pick up some supplies for the mission. We got a couple of old Nintendo 64s going again. They’re the only system that the kids don’t immediately destroy.

The kids got to the mission soon after we arrived. We helped them with their homework and also gave them some other supplies that we had collected.
Came on home and started working on my homework.

Good day!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chamblee Doraville Property Manager’s Association

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:24 pm  

Got up early and went to the Kroger to pick up supplies for the meeting today with the Property Managers.

They are a group of dear friends!

We went to Willow Branch in Clarkston to pick up Joe Scott. We took him over to the DMV to get the title of his car transferred.
Drove more than 100 miles today.

Got home and mowed the yard. Hot, sweaty, dirty.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sweetwater and Clarkston!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

Jesse and I met up with partners in Lawrenceville from Sweetwater Church.
Pastor Jackie and his partners Darrell and Tony met us to talk about our work at Alexander Mill.

They’re one of my favorite churches and are doing a great job of outreach at the complex. I’m very excited about the ministry there!

After that meeting we went to Clarkston to help Bennett and his team at Willow Branch. I helped some kids from Congo and Somalia.

Jesse taught his guitar class.

Came home and ran 4 miles. Wasn’t that hot, but seemed like I was running in a terrarium. Tough. I watched the world track and field competition going on in Berlin this morning. I saw guys run 6.2 miles in 27 minutes. Wow! As you may guess, I don’t run that fast. But at least I run.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ashley and Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm  

It’s Ashley’s first day back to school! She’s a Sophomore now. Amazing!
This morning I went to FBC Mountain Park to visit with my good friend Debbie Lamb and take her daughters a couple of wedding presents. Kathy and I decided to buy them a small stepladder that you can use in your kitchen. Not too romantic, but I reckon they might actually use it!

Dropped off my financial report to my treasurer.

J and I worked at the house for a couple of hours then went back out to check on the office at FBC Doraville. Not too many bills!

Checked on the kids at the mission. We had a big group there today. Lots of kids need help. Does the homework look hard to you?
h It’s for a 6th grader.

After helping with the kids J worked on a lady’s computer at Azalea. Virus issues. I think we got it squared away.

We’re working on getting the Nintendo 64 (remember those?) going again. It’s the only video machine that the kids can’t mess up in a matter of hours.

We stopped at Publix to pick up some meds for Kathy.

Drove home in the rain. Been good to get the ground wet! We’ve had some other mushrooms in our yard.m

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family Time

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:19 pm  

I had a great time with Kathy this weekend. We got a lot of exercise.

Hung out at the pool at Stone Mountain.

I liked the big chess set.
And this license plate.

Reading a lot of body language.

Kathy and I went to the hospital today. We needed to check on some lab work.
This is where I was taken when I was burned in our house fire.
I’m working on admin things, including my financial report.

Went over 25,000 followers on Twitter this weekend.

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