Whirlwind Missions

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stone Mountain!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:48 pm  

I worked on admin stuff this morning. Called one of the managers in Gainesville. We may have to postpone the start of one of the missions to rehab a room.

Went to the Post Office to buy stamps. Liked these old TV stamps.


Saw a cool cicada.


This is from a Magnolia tree.

K and I rode our bikes to Stone Mountain. t
About 10 miles in all. My legs are tired. It was beautiful out there! Sure do love that place!


I like lichens.

Started to get dark on our way home.

Ashley got in a fender bender today. Everyone is fine.

I heard today that the President of the North American Mission Board resigned on Tuesday, he and his top three aides. Sure hope it doesn’t turn out to be some scandal. I really liked him.

Kathy took me to the movies. I saw GI Joe. It was ok. I’d give it a 5 out of 10. District 9 looks like it’ll be better.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ashley & Jesse! School supplies!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm  

Had both my sweet kids with me today!
We went to the National Association of Church Administrators this morning. I spoke to them about our immigrant population and some basics about body language.
Then over to Azalea to hand out the school supplies. Wish we would have had everything we needed.

Back to the house to pick up Kathy. We had a dinner this evening at Toreros with a group of friends from our neighborhood. I thought that was cool.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Schedule and car woes.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:17 pm  

Jesse and I loaded up and headed out for Huntington Ridge this morning.  I had it in my schedule to meet with the Zamoras for lunch today.  Apparently, the had lunch Monday instead.  Bahd luck.  We had a good visit and talked about a couple of situations at his complex he wanted me to know about:  a drainage problem by the mission and a new Bible study that was going.

Our 2 pm meeting was also canceled.  One of the partners couldn’t make it.

So Jesse and I picked up Ian North and went to lunch.
Then over to the Borders bookstore.  He’s written multiple articles for publication.  We went to Borders to look at the other magazines that might want his material.  Helpful time.

While at the store, Ian got a call from Ruthie that the Buick had conked out on the side of the road.  Not good.  So we piled in the car and went to find her.  I took them home and J and I went back to the car to wait for AAA.  I love AAA! Those guys have really helped our family.  Ashley has a flat tire, they fix it.  Kathy gets locked out, they get you in, car conks out—100 miles of towing.  Excellent!

So we brought it on over to T&G the mechanics that work on my car.  Hope it’s nothing serious.

Came on home.  Ran 2.3 miles.  First run I’ve had in a couple of weeks.  Bad back.  Bad foot.  Bad neck.  Not good.

Felt pretty good.  I ran an abbreviated version of the 4 miles I normally do.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm  

Jesse and I enjoyed meeting up in Clarkston with Ian and Ruthie North! Always a good time. Bennett came by a little later. We enjoyed delicious roast goat and chapatis!

Then to Briarcliff Baptist Church to pick up school supplies for Azalea. We had the good fortune to see Jason Sullivan there too! He helps out at that church. We loaded the supplies into the Chrysler and boogied over to Azalea Place. The kids helped us bring the stuff in from the car. We told the kids that we’ll distribute everything tomorrow at 4:30.
We couldn’t do it today because Jesse teaches his guitar class today at that time. We had a good time back at Willow Branch. A family from the Anchor church brought by some snacks to the mission. Generous!

Their children had collected the snacks for the mission kids.

We had a new volunteer from Moody visit with us today! Kieley came to us from Moody, up in Chicago. She helped the kids at Willow do some crafts!k

Hot today. Hottest I think this year. My car briefly went to 102 degrees!
My body is feeling better, I’m actually thinking about exercising again. But then I step outside and think, is this really good for me?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Gains in Gainesville!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

Jesse and I spent the day with one of my partners Tyler Recker.
We worked in Gainesville, home of the largest chicken factories in the world!

We started out at the Columns at Chicopee where we have had work in the past. The new manager was very affirming and looks forward to us being there.
Also established a partnership with the managers at The Retreat at McEver and Lenox Park. Excellent!
Stopped by Best Buy on the way home to pick up an external hard drive. Jesse needs it to fix Keith’s computer.

We went by the Bird Watcher’s shop. I asked him about the hummingbirds this year. I told him I hadn’t seen nearly as many this year. He agreed that they’ve been fewer this year at his place. We’re not sure why.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Twitter Rank

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:02 am  

On March 1st, 2009 I started my Twitter account.

I focus on Ben Franklinesque witty sayings.

Today I broke 23,212 followers. That ranked me as 1,930 out of over 6 million users.

I thought it was pretty cool to be in the top 2,000!

Check my tweets out a twitter.com/timacummins. Groovy!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rockbridge Baptist Church

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:40 pm  

Kathy and I had fun seeing our friends from a new church: Rockbridge Baptist Church. They were previously Glover Baptist Church, one of our terrific supporters!

Can you see the bubbles?

It was great to spend time with good friends!

We also ate Thai food. I thought Kathy looked like a tiger!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Power and Outreach!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

This morning about 6:30am everything in my room went quiet. Usually I have a fan blowing, but the power went dead and I woke straight up. The power company told me a squirrel chewed through a power line and crashed a whole neighborhood. Bizarre.

Went to Kroger to pick up supplies for the Outreach Event at Villa Nueva.
Saw Roxy Kendall and her baby when I was at the store. Roxy is Miles’ sister, who is Ashley’s boyfriend. Cute!
Cruised over to Villa Nueva to meet up with my team. We unloaded the car, then rounded up the kids. Special thanks to Keith and Cornelia Harrell, the leaders of the mission and their summer team leader, Katie.
It was fun to hang out with the kids!


We also handed out school supplies thanks to partners at the North American Mission Board.

Came on home and rested. My foot with the sting itches like crazy now. Guess that’s better than feeling like I’m being stuck with a needle! The swelling has gone way down.f

Brought Keith’s computer back home for Jesse to work on.

Good day!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Yellow Jacket–1, Tim–0

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

About every 5 days, I clean out my hummingbird feeders and replace it with fresh sugar water. Otherwise it starts to ferment, and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for hummingbird inebriation. It’s a fight between me and the yellow jackets who also enjoy the sweet water.

Stepped on one that was under some leaves. STUNG! I got ice on pretty quickly, so it didn’t swell too badly.

Went over to Keith Harrell’s house to pick up his computer. It has multiple viruses. Jesse is working on it now for him.

Keith and Kaitlen (his daughter) went with me to FBC Doraville. I needed to check the mail and pick up a grill for the Outreach Event at Villa Nueva tomorrow.

Also went to Walmart. Needed face paint. The store in Chamblee didn’t have any. So I’m going to try finger paint. We’ll see how it works out. It’s safe for your skin, but not sure how it’ll look.

Took the Harrells back home and came back to rest my foot. Stupid yellow jacket.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Anthony and Villa Nueva

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

Jesse, Ashley and I together all day! Yeah!

Went by Providence Christian Academy to pick up some of my gear from Carl Barrington.

We met up with a new partner Anthony Marable from Victory World Church. It was great to talk about missions and show him the Villa Nueva property. We’ll host a block party over there on Saturday.
We also went by Party City to pick up supplies for the that outreach event.

Then back to the office to work on admin stuff.

Good day!

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