Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

NAMB & Bayo. DMV no go.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

Jesse and I picked up Bayo at Huntington Terraces on the way for me to do my presentation at the North American Mission Board.
It was a great group of candidates at the board today!
After the seminar, we took Bayo to the Family Christian Book Store to pick him up a new Nelson Study Bible. He loves it!

Then on to Clarkston where we met my partner Joe Scott at Willow Branch.
He had a car that was donated to our ministry. After the donation, we give the car to on of our missionaries, in this case Joe! We went to the DMV, but unfortunately all the paper work wasn’t in order. We’ll get it next time!

Came on home to work on the new contract for our teams and my normal assignments.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

J & A!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

GREAT to have BOTH of my kids with me today! Supa blessing!
We picked up Bayo at Huntington Terraces and went to Perimeter Mall. I wanted to check out some books at the Barnes and Noble. I’ve been reading about body language. Fascinating subject!

Scooted over to Walmart where I picked up some supplies including basketballs for the missions!
The kids always enjoy that!

Took Bayo to the Metro PCS place to get his phone then back to his mission to drop off the basketball.

Then over to Clarkston to take Jesse to his guitar class. He teaches Ashley now, too! Aziz seems to be playing a lot better. They were working in 7th chords today.
While the kids were rocking out, Bayo and I went to the sewing machine place to check on machines that he might use. He didn’t find what he needed. He says he has better connections in NYC. We may need to take a ride up there!

Got to spend a little time with Bennett and Ian! Always a good thing!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Trey and Bayo!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

This morning Jesse and I met up at El Toreros (mi oficina #2) with my great partner Trey Garrard!
Trey helped Ashley at her mission at Kensington Station. Whirlwind has been supporting him at Dallas Theological Seminary where’s he’s working on his degree so he can be a Pastor! He’s a great guy and I’m glad we got to spend time with him!

We went by office at FBC Doraville to pick up the mail and check on the internet connection from my partners Deborah and Ron Hayes. I’m glad that they got it working again! J and I worked on it for about an hour and the ATT guy said we’d have to call back the next day. Glad Ron was there to figure it out!

We gathered up toys that a friend and dropped off and took them over to Huntington Terraces for my partner Bayo Otiti to use. He’s doing great at the mission there and seems to be settling in well.
Went by Walmart to pick up some supplies then over to Azalea Place to go check on the kids and ask them how they felt about school getting ready to start. Girls were ok about it. Boys not so much.
Took Bayo back to the mission and Jesse and I came on back to Stone Mountain.

My back is better, but still not good enough for me to start running again.

Working on financial reports.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pain and Relief

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:35 pm  

I hurt my back last Tuesday. Started to feel better Saturday.

I went to the Braves game with one of best friends, and the smartest guy I know, Carl Barrington.

We had fun visiting together and seeing the Braves beat the Dodgers. Cool!
I picked up Kathy and we went over to their house for supper and games. Fun!
Sleeping better. Still tired. Kathy let me sleep in this morning.

It’s rained about 3 1/2″ over the last four days at my place. Mushrooms starting to sprout.
One of my favorites!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Back ouch!

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:13 pm  

Still hurting with lower back issues.

Worked through all my email and calls.

I’ll get my financial report together tonight if I feel well enough.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jon & Priscilla Sapp

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm  

I’ve really been looking forward to this afternoon!
Jesse and I went over to the Westin hotel near the airport to meet up with two great friends of mine from my mission days in East and Southern Africa. Jon Sapp was the Regional Director for E/SA and was a great leader for our missionaries!
I wanted to get his input on how to get our International Mission Board personnel that haven’t been deployed for visa or medical issues, and plant them in the people group they want to work with here in Atlanta.

Jesse and I went by my office at FBC Doraville to work on our modem that’s not working. ATT sent us a new modem and we have to install it. We got it all together, but apparently there’s a problem with the signal. We’ll work on it again tomorrow.

My back has really been hurting again.

I spent hours working on newsletters. I’m sure that plays into it.
It was great to work with Jesse today!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 12:08 am  

On March 1st, I entered the world of Twitter.

This evening I broke 20,000 followers! Cool!

Check out twitter.com/timacummins.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Computers and Newsletters

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:04 am  

This morning I headed for Staples to pick up envelopes, ink and labels for our newsletters. Also went by the Post Office to pick up stamps.

Then to Reboot, my partner that helps us with us computers, to pick up two sets. I took the hardware to Azalea Place and to Huntington Terraces, two of our best missions!

Picked up Ruthie North, Ernest and Jouvens to hang out with them and take them for lunch. Also great to talk about work and friends!

The kids at Azalea helped me with the labels. THANKS kiddos!
This afternoon started writing the newsletters. C’est la vie, baby!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lookout Valley!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

K and I had a fun weekend in Chattanooga!

Did a lot of biking.

Looked around the downtown area.

And as always my favorite Reflection Riding.

Need to work on my newsletter.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Teams and Soccer!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

Went into Chamblee this afternoon to check on my team at Huntington Creek. They were doing great!

My goal was to go by all three locations, but I got a call from a partner who needed supplies for a block party this weekend, so I had to go to the grocery store instead of seeing them all. Bahd luck.

Got all the supplies and dropped them off at FBC Doraville which is where I met the President of our board at Whirlwind Missions: Dr. Carl Barrington. I’ve known Carl for over 20 years and went to W. Africa with him and and wife Pat in 2007.
Carl took me over to see the Italian team play the Mexican team at the Georgia Dome. It was the largest soccer game ever held in our city. Estimated about 35,000 people came to the game! I was pulling for the Mexicans–and they 2-1. Awesome. This picture was near the start of the game and a lot more people showed up!

It was beautiful to walk downtown as it was getting dark. The missing windows from this building came from the tornado that hit downtown Atlanta last year.


Kathy and I are headed out of town for a few days. Sure am looking forward to some time off. I looked at my travel notebook, and I think I’ve had about 4 days off in the last 28. Gotta take a break when it gets a little slower.

This week was my final week of the Summer Teams! Had some great ones! But I am glad to get back to “normal.” Whatever that is!

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