Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fellowship & Teams!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:07 pm  

Woke up with my back still hurting. Took a bunch of tylenol. Feel better.

Met up with Ian and his sister Lisa North, Bayo and BOTH Ashley and Jesse. GREAT!
We enjoyed getting together and talking about the work.


Then over to see my teams from Inskip BC, TN.

And my group from Faith BC.


Ashley shoots pictures and lets me concentrate on shooting video.

Came on home early so I can rest my back.

Ashley’s taking Jesse over to Willow Branch so he can teach his guitar class.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ashley’s Sermon at Cowboy Church

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:43 am  

Here’s Ashley’s sermon!

Part ONE

Part TWO


Monday, July 20, 2009

Inskip & Faith! Back & Toe Woes!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

This morning Jesse and I gave a briefing to our teams from Inskip Baptist Church, TN and Faith BC, NC. After the briefing, we took the leaders to their four sites so they would know how to get there.

We ate a quick lunch then went to pick up our Faith BC team and take them to their location.

Over to the church to check on mail at the office then over to check on our Inskip teams.

Everything seems to be going great! We changed the Faith team from Woodgate to Chamblee Heights because the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church was hosting a week of ministry there. Great to see them still involved!

When we visited with the team working at Huntington Terraces we met our missionary living there, Bayo Otiti. He’s a great guy from Nigeria. He was wearing some dapper cowboy boots and kicked my big toenail right with the end. Broke the big toe nail right in half. Talk about get your attention! I cleaned it up an put some antibiotic and a bandaid on it. Boots 1, Flip flops 0.
While checking on my team at Huntington Creek, stopped by to visit with Ian and Eric North.

I got home and did something to my back. Lower back muscle hurts. Have no idea what I did. Guess it’s one of those getting older things.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:23 pm  

Worked on editing videos today. Burning DVDS and posting them to You Tube. Very labor intensive.

Good a good morning with Kathy and Jesse. K hasn’t been feeling well. Glad she’s a bit better!

Here’s what we did yesterday!

Here’s ASHLEY!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cowboy Church! Ashley preaches!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:26 pm  

GREAT day today!

Of course I reckon it’s normal that parents are proud of their kids. I just think I have more to be proud of than most!


We went to Cowboy Church located in N. Georgia in Fairmount. Great country music and Gospel singing!

Ashley spoke on putting on the whole armor of God, but instead she called it the Lasso of Faith, the Boots of Readiness, the Cowboy hat of salvation, and the Belt of righteousness. Cool.

There was a colorful entrance into the arena. We dedicated the arena to the memory of Brandon Miller, Rebecca Hampton’s grandson. Rebecca is the leader of the Cowboy Church.

It was a fun afternoon!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Keith, Katie and Teams!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 am  

Great day Thursday!

I had Ashley and Jesse with me as well as two of our other missionaries: Keith Harrell and Katie McLean.
Always great to spend time with folks from our team.

We spent the day checking on our teams from FBC Bonifay, FL and FBC Garland, TX.


They were doing a great job! Thursday is their last day. They’ll be headed back home on Friday! Adios, amigos!

Spent all Friday morning working on admin chores, budget spreadsheets, accounting stuff. Gotta do, whatcha gotta do.

Went for a 4 mile run. Super hot.

Been editing video the rest of the day. Capture, edit, burn DVD, compress as MPEG4, upload to YouTube, post to web site. It’s a process that takes time, fer sure.

Went to eat a sub sandwich with Jesse. Today we heard that the DA is not going to prosecute Jesse on the arson charges when he had his breakdown. Praise the Lord for that!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

NAMB! Teams!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:48 am  

This morning I had a new wingwoman: Kathy!

It was fun to have her along!

We started out out morning at the North American Mission Board HQ in Alpharetta. They were an enthusiastic group!
Then to check on our teams from FBC Bonifay.

As well as our team from FBC Garland, TX. They did great work in the mission and also hosted a terrific block party this evening. Awesome!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

FBC Garland/Bonifay!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

GREAT day today! Ashley and Jesse BOTH with me. Don’t get know better.

We had a meeting with Jesse’s doctor. He’s very pleased with Jesse’s progress. Excellent.

We met up with our teams from FBC Bonifay at the Chamblee complexes. They were doing great!
And so were the folks from FBC Garland. Awesome!
We also took a camera over to Bayo to document his work at the mission.

Then over to Willow Branch for Jesse to teach his guitar class.
Went to Walmart to pick up some glasses repair stuff. Broke another pair of reading glasses. Reading is such a contact sport.

Ashley put the pieces together again.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wacky squirrels, Washers and Floridians

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm  

Spent some time outside this morning. Enjoyed watching the birds. Saw one squirrel that had a bobbed tail.


Jesse and I met with the driver of the bus for the FBC Garland team. We went with him to drop off the teams at their first four locations, then took him around the second half of the route with an empty bus. His wife was there to take down line by line directions of how to do the route. He seemed to be doing fine.

We dropped off the washer and drier set from the Sullivans to the Norths today. Sure was glad that worked out ok.
Saw my team from Bonifay, Fl! They’re always one of my favorites! This is their sixth year in a row to be with us. Wow!


Took the team leaders around the city so that they can find the missions.

I’m the tour guide for a safari into the International Village.

J and I got home after 9pm. Start working on email!

Here are the stats on our Photo Gallery, the most popular section of the whirlwindmissions.org site.

Photos uploaded: 115110 Disk space used: 81.89 GB
Photos viewed this month: 19642


Friday, July 10, 2009

Team Prep

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:23 pm  

Much of my time goes into to planning for teams.
I have to know how many people are coming—that determines how many teams & locations each group can cover.
I need to know their transportation. If they’re coming in a bus, I have to think through the route to each one of the missions because the big bus can’t make right turns very well.
Then I have to make sure that all the teams have places to go where the group leader can check on them easily. They need to all be in the same area as possible.

It gets pretty tricky. Takes some thought to figure out the logistics and the route for the bus. They would have a nightmare of a time doing it from Mapquest.

Then I have to call all the managers just to remind them that the team is coming on certain days and certain times and let them know what their responsibility is. Normally, that’s just to make sure they have bathrooms available.

Jesse has been working on a computer of a partner of mine. He did his best, but it has a virus on it that he couldn’t get off. So I took that back to him.

Also went to the bank to deposit some money (Thank you, LORD!), and to the Post Office to drop off some checks for some utility bills.

Ran 4 miles this afternoon. Hard.

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