Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mount Paran North Church

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

Ashley and Jesse came with me this morning to do the briefing at Gold Rush at Perimeter Church.
We had a great time with an enthusiastic groups. Awesome!

Met up with my team from Mount Paran North Church for lunch.


Gave a briefing to that group then took them over to Clarkston to work at Willow Branch in Clarkston with my partner Bennett Ekandem.

We picked up our car from T & G automotive, the guys that worked on Ashley’s car’s mirror. While parked in their lot, someone broke Ashley’s window. Even though they didn’t have any obligation to pay for it, they did! Just one more reason why I take all four of my cars to those guys to work on. T&G is located on 78 just past East Park Place and the McDonalds. They do great work and have saved me thousands of dollars of the years. Next time you have a car issue, take it to T&G.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gold Rush Dos!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:56 pm  

Today was the second day of missions for the Goldrush Conference! Jesse was my wingman to go with me up to Perimeter Church.
We had a smaller group than yesterday because most of the teams went for a second day and didn’t need the briefing twice.

Met up with Grant Haynes.
He’s opening a mission school here in Atlanta to help folks train to work overseas. We’d do most of the training here in the International Village. I think that’s a great idea!

Went around to the missions to take pictures/video of the teams from Gold Rush.



Then J and I headed back to the house.

We had some bad news this morning. Ashley had her truck at the mechanic’s last night. We got back too late from the mission to pick it up yesterday. Someone last night broke into her car. She didn’t really have anything in it, but we still have to have the window repaired. Another expense we don’t need.

Got home, rested, then went out for a 4 mile run. Fairly pleasant running conditions. Stress relief.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 9:08 pm  

High point of my year is the Goldrush conference hosted at Perimeter Church in Duluth. They have over 900 students working in 20 different apartment complexes!


I gave a briefing to an enthusiastic crowd this morning. They rocked that sanctuary with “Take the Church!” “To the People!” Groovy!

Got together with Ian and Ruthie North for lunch! Four of my favorite people! I got a new screen protector for my phone. Lookin’ good, baby!
We went by the church to check on our mail, then over to Best Buy to take back the other protector.

Over to Walmart to pick up supplies and then over to Willow Branch in Clarkston for Jesse’s guitar class.

Had a chance to meet with Shelita Carter. It was great to see her this evening.

Enjoying the Tour de France! Team Time Trials today. Love seeing those groups of 9 guys racing down the road. My favorite is the Point of View video that they shoot from the back of the motorcycles. When they shoot the road it feels like you’re riding along with them. Fun!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Stephen and Benson Baptist Church, NC

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:58 pm  

Had some roast goat today! J and I met up with Stephen Saffle from Eagle’s Landing BC and Bennett Ekandem, my partner from Clarkston. He’s interested in working more with the Islamic population. We certainly have plenty of them there!

It was fun to see the kids playing and getting a good lunch!


Jesse and I went to Briarcliff Baptist Church to meet up with our team from North Carolina. I gave the group a briefing and took them over to Hamptons at Lenox where they’ll be doing ministry.

Getting ready for the biggest week in the Summer! Always look forward to Gold Rush! We’ll be covering over 20 locations this year.

J and I also checked on screen protectors for my iPhone. I got the anti-glare kind on it now. Don’t like it as much as the crystal clear ones. The ladies at the store talked me into the decision. Should have gone with my gut!

Hot day today. Rained some. Super humid.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rest Day!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  


Muscle in my left eye is twitching.

Decided to rest.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

It’s great to be an American!

Today the Tours de France started.

I really enjoying watching the video from the biker’s perspective. Today they took off from Montecarlo, Monaco. Beauty!

Had a fun party with our neighbors this evening. Great food and cool fireworks!


Sugar hates all the boom, boom stuff. She hiding in my bed now.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Paper Work and Party!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:47 am  

Most of this morning I worked on filling out forms for the restructuring of our insurance package. Somebody has to do it.

Jesse and I went to Target to get the supplies for our party this evening.
We had a pre-4th party. Family said it was better for them.

Great to see the family!
My brother Bill played his Australian dijeridoo.

It was also a semi-birthday party.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kris, J & A!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:49 pm  

GREAT day today! Ashley was with me. And of course my stalwart wingman Jesse!

We had a meeting with a new partner Kris Elredge from Fellowship Bible Church.
We visited together and then went to see two of the missions in Roswell, Concept 21 and Aspen Point.

Very productive meeting spending some time with the managers!

Our next big task was getting Jesse’s new iPhone. He wanted the new phone and was willing to pay for the upgrade, so I don’t mind. Jesse’s old 3G is now going to Ashley who had a 2G or Edge phone. Big difference!

We went to the Apple Store at North Point Mall to get the phone. Very pleasant experience.
Talked with the team from NC, but didn’t get to see them because of the assignment in Roswell and Alpharetta.

Lot of stress getting everything set up for next week.

I liked this shoe. I was born on July 12th. I’m a patriotic baby.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Foot woe

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:44 pm  

This morning I had an incident in my yard. Apparently, I stepped on some kind of bad bug. Probably a yellow jacket. My foot swole up like a balloon. Ouch! I put a cold Pepsi can on the ground and kept my foot on it. Seemed to help!

I had lunch with both my kids today! Kathy was riding her long trip to the mission from Stone Mountain.j

Jesse and I went to check on my team from Four Oak this afternoon. Seems like they were having a good time!
We picked up some supplies at Walmart, then came on home.

My foot still hurts, but is less swolen.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lawrenceville Partners!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm  

Had a great time today meeting a new partners and some old friends! Pastor Jackie and his project manager Darryl came to meet Jesse and I at the Fried Tomato in Lawrenceville. We had fun talking about missions in the area!

Also got to meet Shawn Janes from 12 Stone Church. He’s there missions pastor for the church. I took him around to several of the missions, introduced him to managers and talked about partnering with Sweetwater Church that Pastor Jackie is leading. I’m praying that great things will happen this summer!

Jesse and I also went to Willow Branch in Clarkston. J teaches his guitar class. His student Aziz is very talented and seems to be taking the classes seriously. Jesse is a terrific teacher, very patient, never gets upset or frustrated, always has a game plan. Very proud of him.
I spent most of my time working on email so I didn’t have so much homework when I got back to the house. Also had a good talk with Bennett about working with our teams during the summer. It’s important for them to know how to share with Muslims. I enjoyed seeing both brothers together.

Hot day today, but the humidity was much lower. Not bad!

I know a lot of the time I feel like mission work is just keeping everything moving. I liked the look of this truck.

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