Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 4, 2009

Back in the Saddle! TWO!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:06 pm  

When it rains, it pours:  blessings!

Today J and I met with a new partner from First Baptist Atlanta, Darrel Suderman.
He’s giving us some furniture for the missions as well as his car!  We figured out the logistics for picking everything up this morning.

Then went to Clarkston International Bible Church to meet up with four partners!  Keith Harrell, Terry Earl and Ian and Ruthie North.  Terry had a friend that donated a van to our ministry that she’s going to be able to use for her Burundian ladies.
Keith helped me figure out how to get to the DMV office.  So all six of us rode over to Hapeville to transfer the titles of both cars from the previous owners to Whirlwind Missions.

Then our ministry transferred the titles from Whirlwind over to the missionaries.  We were able to accomplish the double transfer in only about an hour and a half!  To me, that’s almost like crossing the red sea!
So double blessings to Terry and the Norths as they continue to do a fantastic job in the refugee/immigrant communities!

After the title transfers, J and I went to talk to the ATT store about Kathy’s phone.  It stopped working yesterday.  They said that it was still under warranty, but we had to take it over to Snellville to get it exchanged.  What a hassle.  But we got a new phone for her and her numbers transferred, so I reckon it’s all good!

Finished working on my financial report.  Still trying to rest, although I’m about at 90%.

Liked these orchids!

And here’s another Stoooory Tim!  Can you believe I actually had an encounter with the KKK?  Check it out!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

Been resting today. Feeling a bit better!

Kathy took me to see the new Xmen movie:  Wolverine.  I liked it!

Went outside for a bit to check out my new little video camera.  Here’s what it looks like:

Friday, May 1, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 pm  

Been resting.

Still feeling weak.  But better!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm  

Came home yesterday with a scratchy throat.

Mowed the yard, perhaps in retrospect not the best plan.

Felt bad all day long.  Laying around trying to rest.

Headache and weak.

Pray, please.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clarkston, Sony camera & Bengali speaking Mexicans!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

This morning  I was supposed to have a meeting with my computer partners at ReBoot.  They help us refurbish old computers to outfit the missions and families that need computers.  Unfortunately, the timing didn’t work out so we had to reschedule for next week.

I went by Clarkston to drop off the two new Kinyarwanda Bibles I had for my partner Terry Earl and to see the Wonderful Wednesday program at Clarkston International Bible Church.
Then Jesse and I went over to Clarkston Community Center to say hello to my partner Cathy Palmer and to bring her some more yarn from one of my partners at NAMB.

We then met up with Ian North to eat lunch and debrief all the missions conferences that we worked at this weekend.  He’s also putting out his first news letter this month.  Busy!
My other assignment today was to pick up a new video camcorder that could shoot in HD.  After research I decided on the Sony MHS-PM1.  It’s a tiny guy with a big heart!  Shoot 1080i true highdef video and has a 5 mp sensor.  I picked it up at the Sony Style store at Lenox Square for about $170 which I thought was a great price!  I want to do a lot more with video and I think that it being so portable (it’s about the size of a box of cigarrettes) will enable me to do that. Always great to get a little extra money from my tax returns!

I liked some of the displays at the mall! Cool!

Not sure if you watch the Story Tim videos, hope you do.  I think they’re all really funny or interesting! Here’s a sad story about a car wreck I covered.

After picking up the camera, J and I went over to the Borders bookstore across the street from the Mall.  I think it’s the best bookstore in the city!

Then over to Best Buy to pick up a 8GB  storage card for the new camera.  Only $40!  Amazing how storage cards have gone WAY down in price.

Also went to check on the kids at Azalea.   We have a new kid at the mission named Tambir.  He’s from Bangladesh and speaks almost no English.  SO, I went around trying to teach the kids some of the Bengali phrases that I know.  They got a HUGE kick out of it!  The children I work with are very similar to MKs, we’ve both grown up around multiple languages.  I think we’re wired to pick up other languages faster than most people. The kids jumped right in with the “Asalaam alekums” and the “kamon asens” the “balos” and the “ajamai.”  It’s always fun to learn new things!
Came home and spent about two hours mowing my yard.  My throat was bothering me this afternoon.  Kinda scratchy.  After all that dust today, feel pretty weak.  Pray that I keep my strength up!

Also pray for the people suffering with the new strain of flu.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:19 pm  

Had a terrific meeting with my partners from Dunwoody, Barry and Tom along with the director of our mission at Huntington Ridge Eduardo and Sheila Zamora.  She fixed us a delicious lunch of shrimp and rice as we talked about missions in the area.
The Zamoras are really doing a fantastic job at Huntington Ridge–a very difficult assignment.

We had a very powerful prayer time where we prayed specifically for our brother Barry and the challenges he’s facing with his business right now.  Isn’t it tough for everybody?  Pray for Barry and Tom–they’ve been great supporters of our ministry!

Went over to my office to check on the mail and see how my other partners are doing.  Our pastor at FBC Doraville moved to Tampa.  We don’t have a regular person preaching there right now.  Now sure who is supposed to fill in this Sunday.  Pray for that transition.

I can hear Kathy coughing.  Pray that she’ll feel better.

It’s newsletter time.  Finished the layout for this month’s issue and went over to the mission at Azalea to let the kids help me with the stickers.

They enjoy all the cool stamps and helping Mr. Tim!  I bought them doughnuts.

I had them make like the doughnuts were glasses.  I thought it was pretty funny.  Of course I’m easily amused!


Came home and ran 4 miles.  Beautiful weather for running!

When I got home, the kids had most of the newsletters done!  Praise the Lord!  Ashley dropped them off at the Post Office this evening.

And now. . . for your edification . . . Stoooory Tim! From my days shooting news. DRUG BUST!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 11:24 pm  

Today I’ve been working on my newsletter.  And resting.  I didn’t realize just how tired I was.  Sure was glad I didn’t have any pressing appointments this morning!

I was outside this morning when I got a call from Kathy.  She was working with the refugee babies in Clarkston and needed me to come help get a window open in her room.  I knew that that old church building had probably been painted at least ten times over the years.  They normally don’t ever open the windows, they just paint over them.  I got all my tools together and went to check on the situation.  Sure enough a lot of paint!  Unfortunately, to get to the outside frame to break the seal you had to open up the storm windows.  And you couldn’t open the storm windows unless the painted shut windows could open!  So no go.  Bahd luck.

Plan B!  There’s a door into the room that leads to the outside.  We were able to block that door open and they had a little security fence so that the babies couldn’t get out.  Voila!  The solution!  Glad that worked out ok.

I took the girls (Ashley was out of class by that time) over to Madina to eat some roast goat.
Actually the girls got Chicken Chop Chop.  J and I feasted on the Oromo platter.  It’s always fun to have the whole family together!
I dropped the girls back at their car and Jesse and I went over to Staples to pick up the supplies I needed for the newsletter and over to the Post Office to pick up, you guessed it! Stamps!

They told me that the stamps were going up to .44c in May.  They also explained to me that there’s a law now that the PO cannot increase the stamps except once a year.  That’s why they started the Forever stamps.

My plants are doing better outside.  I thought I’d killed my beautiful beugonia.  Starting to come back!
Had a nice rest this afternoon!  I’ll put the finishing touches on my newsletter tomorrow morning, then take the envelopes to the mission tomorrow to get some help from the kids!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Foothills Community Church and Mt. Zion!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

Great day!
Ashley and I made a road trip up to Foothills Community Church nestled in the N. Georgia Mountains in Marble Hill.
This church gave us a very warm welcome and made us feel right at home. I really enjoyed sharing our ministry with this terrific congregation.
They even had a baptist today!
We came home and had a brief rest.  Then Kathy and I went over to Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Snellville to support the newest members on our team, Ian and Ruthie North.
They did a fantastic job of sharing their ministry with the congregation.
I’ve had a partnership with this mission minded church since 1996!

It’s good to be home tonight.  I’m pooped!

Here are some images from my friends in Michigan!
Beautiful sunset to end up the day!
And here. . . for your viewing pleasure! Stoooory Tim! One of the weirdest and stinkiest stories I ever covered!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Michigan WMU!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm  

Just got back from the airport from Detroit where I spoke at the state convention of the Woman’s Missionary Union.  I taught two classes and preached this afternoon.

It’s about 10:30 pm now.  I need to crash out so I can be ready to go preach tomorrow morning Foothills Community Church in N. Georgia.  It’ll take about 2 hours to get there.

Glad to be home! It’s my sweet wife Kathy’s birthday today!

I’ll post pictures from my trip tomorrow.  Fun time!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Georgia Mission Service Corp & Impact Atlanta Prep

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm  

I went to the Georgia Baptist Convention building this morning.
There was a meeting with the Mission Service Corps Missionaries from the North American Mission Board there.  I had four people from my team at the meeting:  Bennett Ekandem, Ruthie North, Rebecca Hampton and Keith Harrell.
Is was great to see them as well as meet some of the other folks on our team.
The guys at the GBC made the statement that I recruit about 25% of all the missionaries appointed in Georgia.  I thought that was pretty cool.
I saw this moth in the parking lot. Cool!
After the meeting we had a lunch time together and then Bennett and Ruthie and I met up with Ashley and Jesse at First Baptist Atlanta.  My partner Derrick Posten had picked up the majority of the supplies from the local Kroger.
I say the majority because they didn’t have it all.  That surprised me.  This was the first time we used this Kroger.  I hope they get the rest of the order right!
Ashley and Jesse picked up the grills that we had cleaned yesterday over to the church so we had all the equipment in one place.  Lots of stuff!
I took Ruthie, Ashley and Jesse over to the mall to enjoy some fellowship as well as go to the book store and Best Buy to continue my search for new video equipment. I thought this was a cool display!

We went over to Azalea to check on the kids at the mission.  I wanted to make sure that Miguel had handed out the last of the sandwiches that were donated from FBC Mountain Park.  It was all gone!  Lots of happy, well fed folks!

Then to the FBC Doraville to check on things at my office.  Thursday is my day to check on my plants.  Also collected a couple of bills.  Received the official notification that Ian and Ruthie North had been appointed.  AMEN!

We enjoyed hanging out with the kids at Huntington Creek.  Ashley and Ruthie did an art project, while Jesse, Eric (Ian’s younger brother) and I entertained them by jamming on the guitars and maracas.  Groovy!
Ian got home a little later and we took them all out for BBQ at Pig N Chick.  Excellent fellowship and pulled pork!
Jesse and I went over to Best Buy to take his computer in for repair.  It had some hardware issues with the hard drive.  He had gotten pretty much all the info off of the drives.  The tech guy said he could replace the drives in a few minutes, so we waited for that to happen.  He replaced them with new 150GB Seagate hard drives.  J was really happy with that.    Now he’s upstairs loadingon the software on his computer and getting it running again.  PTL!  Our ministry depends on Jesse’s great work with computers.  When he goes down, we all slow way, way down.

Fortunately, I’m able to keep up with my blog, email and the like, but the web site updates pretty much stop.

We came home from Best Buy in some of the worst weather imaginable.  Kathy got stuck out at Stone Mountain.  She’d been riding her bike.  We went to get her with tremendous hail, lightning and torrential rain blasting us.  Some of the scariest driving I’ve ever done.  I was really afraid that my windshield was going to get smashed.  Glad to be back home!  Kathy was soaked, but safe.  Amen!

I’m still getting ready to go to the big conference in Detroit tomorrow.  I have to be at the airport around 8am tomorrow morning.  That means I’ll get a really bad night’s sleep this evening.  I have a tendency to wake up a lot when I know I have to be somewhere early.  C’est la vie, baby.

I’m looking forward to the conference.

Be praying for me as I travel.  Also for the seventeen Outreach Events we’ll host this weekend!\

And now. . . Stoooory Tim! Where I recount adventures in Mexico!

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