Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 4:31 pm  

Woke up with a terrible headache.  Last couple of days have been miserable.  I guess it’s all the pollen.  Kathy has been sick too.  She’s feeling a little better this afternoon.  She’d had a fever.

The flowers are beautiful. I reckon the pollen is just part of it!

In my quiet time this morning, I read where Jesus told his disciples that they had to “count the cost and carry their cross.”  He said how we have to “love Him more than our own wives or children.” That’s heavy!  On this special day when we remember how He gave up even his own life, our dedication seems pretty insignificant. Lord, forgive me when I take your love for granted!

This afternoon K and I went to eat lunch with Kathy’s brothers and sisters.  It’s always fun to see the whole family together.
Came home to rest and take more tylenol.

Great to spend time with my children!

Happy Easter!  He is RISEN!

Life is fragile! Not for the weak of stomach.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 11:33 pm  

Jesse, Kathy and I just got back from a few days on Tybee Island. 
I love the Savannah area!  I spent 5 great years there covering news with WTOC-TV/CBS.  I’ve been over nearly every foot of that island and city and I still see things that amaze me!  I got to spend an afternoon with Jim Carswell. 
We covered hundreds of stories together.  I won three separate Associated Press awards working with him.  We always spurred each other own to do our best!

The beach was so beautiful.  I love the lighthouse–which is the oldest in Georgia!
We had a couple of cold days there, but we still loved it.
I went into Savannah several times.  I always take my bike and just ride up and down the historic streets. 


I imagine Ben Franklin and George Washington strolling around the squares. And of course the Pirates!p

Savannah has the largest historic district in America.  It really is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. It is also the home to Bonaventure Cemetery–my favorite!

This time of year the azaleas are just awesome.  The best time of day is about an hour before sunset.  The lighting is just incredible!
It was great to get home to see our sweet Ashley!
I had my iPhone with me, so I actually stayed caught up with work.

I LOVE what I do!

And who I do it for!

He’s not dead!  He is RISEN!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bird Sanctuary!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:14 pm  

Rest day.  I was exhausted from all activity yesterday at the mission!
I worked on my Story Tim video project.   I now have 50 stories in honor of my 50 years!  I’ll work on editing and posting the final ten this evening.

Kathy and I are going to get out of town next week.  PTL!  I have an assignment tomorrow afternoon, but after that I’ll come home, pack the car and skedaddle outta here! I spent some good time with Jesse today.

This afternoon we went over to the Bird Sanctuary at Stone Mountain.
It was quiet, except for the song birds!  Beautiful, even though it was cloudy and had been raining.
Spent time with Kathy’s brother Paul and his son Luke.  Great to see them again.
Jesse and I played a game of Settlers of Catan.  It was fun!

Working on my video project and going through my email.
Pray for our safe trip tomorrow!

And now. . . wild times in Acapulco!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Peachtree Corners at Azalea Place Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:35 am  

Had an AWESOME time this afternoon with Peachtree Corners Baptist Church.  They hosted a terrific time with my kids at the mission.  It was perfect weather and a terrific turnout!

I was able to share the story of Easter with about forty kids!  Many of the parents and children were from Bangladesh and come from a Muslim background.  It’s important to share what we believe in a positive, not threatening way.

I think these Outreach Events do that in a wonderful way!
Also went to check on Ruthie North in Stone Mountain on the way home.

She’s working on selling jewelry that the refugees are making in Clarkston.  Pray that that ministry will go great!

I enjoyed spending time with Ashley & Jesse this afternoon.
I read about a new game called “Settlers of Catan.”  It’s cool board game out of Germany.
We had fun building our cities!
And now, another spell binding, Story Tim! Where I endure the coldest night of my life on the top of Mt. Kenya!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

Kathy and I had a relaxed day today.
We stayed around the house most of the time to keep Jesse company.  He’s feeling better, but still doesn’t really want to get out.

I took care of some errands at Walmart.  The pollen is covering everything with a lime green dust.
Fortunately, my head hasn’t hurt today.  Amen!  I’ve taken a lot of tylenol in the last few days.

Working on my Twitter account.  Been a lot of fun connecting with people.  It’s free.  Join the party!

Kathy and I walked about four miles to the park this afternoon.
We finally had some clearer weather. We’ve needed the rain, but it sure was nice to dry out a little.
The trees are so beautiful!
Great day!
And now, taa taa taa! A Story Tim! One of the wildest bus trips I ever took: to Lamu, Kenya!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blair Meeks and NAMB Candidates!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

I had such a fun day today! Like my little iPhone?

Ashley was my wingwoman! Never too much Ashley!
Had a lunch meeting with my of my favorite pals from my old days of shooting news: Blair Meeks.
He was always a terrific go getter and all around great guy.  We had fun renewing our friendship and talking about or days in “the biz.”  Blair worked in the news industry here in Atlanta for years.  It was fun to see him on TV!

Ashley and I fought a terrific rainstorm on the way to pick up a car to take over to our new missionaries, Ian and Ruthie North.  The need the transportation and Jesse was kind enough to let them use his car for a while. It was fun to get to visit with Ian’s brother, Eric!
Pray that he’ll stay an help us here in Atlanta!

Got to see my brother Marco Solano.  He’s the director of the mission at The Falls in Duluth.
They’re having an Outreach Event this weekend.  I bought him the supplies he’ll need for the event.  It’s always awesome to see him!

Jesse is doing better today.  He really didn’t get too swollen, but his surgery is still hurting him.

Just got an email that one of our missionaries living on site at Concept 21 Delk had his apartment broken into and a bunch of stuff stolen.  I know what it’s like to have your place burglarized.  The missing stuff is just a small part of the violation you feel.  Please pray for Pastor Rick and his family as they process this loss.

Baylor just got beat by Penn State in the NIT championship.  I remember when I was younger and watched Penn State beat our football team in the Cotton Bowl.  I really don’t like Penn State.

This afternoon, Ashley and I went up to Alpharetta to the North American Mission Board where I gave them my best shot for about an hour.  I talk to them about raising up volunteers.  We had over 3,400 volunteers come through our missions in 2008.  Awesome!

Many of the candidates are going to be military chaplains.  What a crucial ministry!

After my session with the new missionaires, Ash and I went to the mall for some shopping and supper.  Then on back home to check on Jesse and Kathy.  He seems to be doing better.  Keep praying for him!

And now, what you’ve been waiting for:  More Story Tim!  A truly death defying video where my plane nearly crashes on the way to Joburg, S. Africa!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wisdom–Gonesville! & FBC Duluth Youth

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm  

Everything seems coated with yellow dust.  I’ve had a headache for three days now.  Dad gum pollen!

Jesse went to the oral surgeon today to take out his wisdom teeth.  I still thinks it’s funny that they were extracted on April Fools day.  He seems to be doing pretty well.
I’m glad that Kathy is staying home to nurse him.  I think it helps to have your mom around.

Went to Azalea to check on the kids.  Helped Rosybell read and Johjuan with his math.  Mustak is pretty good about helping the younger kids.  Gives me hope to see the kids act right.
Then over to FBC Duluth this evening.
I spoke their youth group.  This church has been a great supporter of our work for years.  Their pastor resigned to back to the mission field in Africa.  Transisitions are always delicate.

The kids were very enthusiastic.
I love going crazy with them! Fun!
And now, for your viewing edification,  a ride on a Kenya train where I felt like it was the end of the world!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yard Work = Hard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

Thing about yard work is it never seems to be done!

I’m trying something new this year.  Instead of gathering up all my leaves I’m trying to just mow them into little pieces.
I read an article about how crazy it is to remove the leaves and then fertilize.  The leaves WERE fertilizer.  Of course they don’t look as good.

Started me thinking about whether we already have what we need, maybe in a different form!

It’s not that we need new people in our churches that do outreach, as much as converting the “regular” members into a more dynamic form.

Best thing was that I got the lawnmower to start!  Even that will preach!

Been doing a lot of research on the whole social marketing phenomenon.  Do you have a Facebook page?  Twitter?  Post videos to YouTube?  LinkedIn?

I think that all these forms of connection need to be proactively used by the church!
Had a fun morning with my kids.  I’m glad that Jesse is feeling better.  He goes in for his oral surgery tomorrow.  I find it wonderfully whimsical that he’s getting his Wisdom Teeth removed on April Fool’s day!  Ark, ark!

I took the kids to eat at Metro Cafe Diner.
For dessert we had a piece of cake that was the size of Ashley’s head!

Spent a couple of hours with the kids at Azalea.  I thought we’d nearly finished all their homework yesterday.  Joi and Mohasana came to the mission with a 20 page packet due tomorrow!
It was a pre-CRCT test.  These immigrant kids have a hard time with these standardized tests.

When I was a little Tim, I ate those tests up like candy.  But my parents had Masters degrees and one was a teacher and I spoke English as my mother tongue.  BIG difference.

Pray that they’ll do well on the test.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, another Story Tim!  I this one I tell of my adventures riding buses in Nepal and India!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Videos and Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  

Had an easy day today so went back to my “Story Tim” project.  I recorded another 11 videos and downloaded them to my hard drive.  That makes 28 new stories in the last three days.  Suh weet!

Jesse is finally getting over his sickness.  We went over to Azalea this afternoon to check on the kids.  They had a lot of homework.

I focused on helping Joi with his math and Mohasana with her English assignment.
Jesse made sure that Clinton, Mustak and Neem made progress with their projects.
Jojuan also needed help with his comprehension work.  Productive day!

I’m back at my home office now catching up with my email and blog.  Daily discipline!
The trees are so beautiful now!

I’m editing, compressing and uploading video to my YouTube site while I work on other projects.  It’s a labor of love!

Here’s a video on my encounter with a German toilet. Ach, nein!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Eagles Landing, Sam’s Party & Stone Mountain Sunset!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

I’m so glad that Ashley is my daughter!
She went with me this morning to FBC Eagles Landing.
It’s a major church just south of Atlanta.
Their Outreach Pastor, Bruce Mewbourne, is a good buddy of mine.
He’s doing his best to help mobilize his church.  His pastor Tim Dowdy had a great message on being a CrossFit Christian!  He’s my kinda guy for sure.

Ash and I enjoyed talking to a bunch of their members, encouraging them to get involved with missions!  She made at least 100 balloon animals for the kids there.  Blisters on her fingers!

High point for me was talking with Phil and Jami Covone.  In this picture they’re with one of their main partners, Laura!
They are missionaries working on a church plant with Latinos in Henry County.  If all goes well, I’ll be able to help them get appointed with the North American Mission Board.  I really enjoy helping people get started and accelerate their work!  Being part of a team is SO important.

After Eagles Landing, we went up to FBC Doraville where they had a reception for Pastor Sam Letson who is moving to another church in Tampa, Florida.It was great to see my partner Paul Reynolds from Me and My House ministries too!
We will surely miss them!

I have a lot of friends at FBCD, a church where Kathy and I got married and where my father in law Bill Doverspike pastored for over a decade!

We got home and after a rest I climbed Stone Mountain to watch the sunset.


I am so glad that I have this incredible natural wonder (the largest single stone on the planet!) right in my back yard.  It was awesome tonight.  Go, God!

Here is my Story Tim for your amusement!  Another toilet story!  This one is from one of the most dangerous toilets in Africa, located on Lion Hill, near Nakuru, Kenya!

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