Whirlwind Missions

Friday, January 9, 2009

Stone Mountain biking

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:22 pm  

K and I had a fun day today.
We rode our bikes from our house to Stone Mountain.sm
It was beautiful weather and the mountain was fantastic!  We rode about 5 miles.

I’d run the bike up the hills and ride the bike down the hills at full speed. Groovy.
Isn’t this an iconic shot? I love the white steeple against the blue sky.
How about the yellow and blue?
It’s been wet, so I’m looking forward to what types of mushrooms will start to sprout. What a fantastic part of our planet!
I enjoyed seeing this 1959 Ford Customline. It was parked outside of Walmart. I started taking pictures and another man started telling me all about it. He’d just gotten out of the Navy and paid $400 cash for it back in ’59.c
We had a movie day too!  We went to see Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood’s new movie.  I thought it was some of his best work.  I’ve worked with a lot of Hmong people so it was especially cool.  He’s definitely my favorite all time actor.  And a great director too.

Fun day.

Here’s a story from my dad about catching a thief in Kenya.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pure Fun!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:05 pm  

Today I had a great time with Todd Harrison.
He’s been a HUGE supporter of our work and a great friend.  He supplies us with a lot of snacks for the missions around Atlanta.p
Today I picked up goodies for Azalea Place, Kensington Station, Huntington Terraces and the Mommy & Me program.  The kids will love having a little something to reward them for their hard work.

I went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail and to see if I had any extra school supplies.  I didn’t.  So I also went over to Office Depot to pick up some notebook paper and binders for the kids.

I was still concerned about Clinton.  He was doing just fine and in fact apologized to ME for getting upset.  He’s one of my favorite kids so I’m glad everything is cool with him.

Bill Hickey came over to the mission at Azalea to bring some baby clothes & diapers over to Rosena who will have her baby in a few months.
THANKS so much to my partners from Perimeter Church who provided those essentials!

Here’s a story from my Mom about Coastal Kenya. Check it out!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:32 pm  

Ashley, Jesse and I had a good talk with Trey Jarrad today.  He helped Ashley at Kensington Station for a few months before going to Dallas Theological Seminar.
He’s another of the folks that Whirlwind Missions supports.  It was good to get a report from him and see how well he’s doing in school.  I don’t envy him taking Greek or Hebrew!

J and I went over to check on the office, pick up bills and see how everyone is doing.  Seems like 2009 is starting out great.

We did some banking then over to Azalea to check on the kids.  We helped Mustak and Clinton do work on multiplying fractions. 
Clinton had a hard time getting it.  I think I may have hurt his feelings.  Sometimes it’s hard to correct people for the tenth time.  I didn’t yell at him, I just think he was sad that he didn’t get it as fast as Mustak.
Pray for the kids at the mission!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday Tire Woes

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:47 am  

It could have been a day of tragedy yesterday. A car pulled out in front of Ashley, she swerved to miss him and because of the slick roads it sent her car into a spin. Her back tire hit the median (thank God that was there!) and smashed the rim which immediately flattened her tire.
We all helped her get the spare tire on them. It was a good training session for Jesse. I told Ashley if she has this situation, call AAA.

She was actually pointed toward the traffic that was behind her. She’s perfectly fine! Her angel has been working overtime, since she had something similar to this happen to her about a month ago. It’s amazing to me just how pitiful the drivers are in this town. I see this pulling out in front of people all the time.

We went to Lithonia to a junk yard there to pick up another rim for the Lumina.
Took us forever to get to the place, because there was a huge wreck on I20. Amazingly, there was no blockage at all on our side of the highway, but so many people looked at the wreck that it blocked traffic for about 2 miles. Can you believe how this car ended up?

Took a couple of hours but we got another rim and had it put on at Tires Plus. We buy the road hazard warranty so they took care of mounting and balancing for free. Amen.

In the morning Jesse and I went for a meeting with Santi Gahatay one of our new missionaries working with refugees from Nepal and Bhutan. I also met with Bennett Ekandem so I could get these two together. It was a good time of fellowship and planning.
Came home and ran 4 miles. Very mild–nearly 70 degrees! Got dark on the way.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

This morning I was overjoyed to have BOTH my kids with me today.  Ex cell ent.
We met up with the Directors of the Villa Nueva Mission in Norcross.  Keith and Cornelia Harrell have been on the field over 7 months already. 
They’re doing a great job!  We’ve had some interest from Carolyn and Michelle in the Villa Nueva community.  We had a lunch together to talk about the families we’re working with.  I pray they’ll both plug in at the mission.

Then over to Huntington Ridge to check on the Zamora family. 
Eduardo and his wife Sheila moved in last week.  They’re doing great.  We spent some time working on getting their internet hooked up. 
What a mess! Looks like half the residents are pirating Comcast.  Or else that’s the only thing that works!

Bill Hickey is helping us get the H. Ridge class room fixed up and repainted.  He’s always a great assistance to our ministry.
We went over to Azalea to check on the kids.  Clinton had a bad ear ache but he’s better now.  Glad about that.

We helped Said get his sound card working. I had to install some drivers from Dell.com, but we got it working.  Said was thrilled.
Had fun this evening.  We shot off some fireworks.  I think the pictures are cool.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 1:48 pm  

I continue to work on my video project from the 8mm film vault that my Mom and my grandfather Clyde O’Bryant had. It’s pretty cool seeing footage from 50 years ago.  I’ve watched a lot of baby video of me!  What a trip.

I have a bit more than an hour of footage to edit.  I’m breaking them down chronologically.  I’ll keep them all under 10 minutes so they can be posted to YouTube.  I feel that once I have the video uploaded to the Google-You/Tube servers, that historic record will be preserved.  Similar to having my folks tell their favorite stories on tape.

Mild outside and damp.

Here’s another video from my Dad.  This one tells about a wild church experience he had!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Living in a Cloud

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Cool, almost drizzly, foggy day today.
Reminds me of living in Limuru, Kenya at our mission conference center at Brakenhurst.  I especially get those feelings when I smell wood smoke.  Takes me straight back to Africa.

Spent hours today working on a video project that I shot in Texas with my folks.  I recorded a bunch of my Dad’s best stories.  I also have some with my Mom that are also great.  I edited everything and compressed all the video.  Next I uploaded it to our YouTube account.  I’ll post them in the blog so you can enjoy them too.

Here’s the first one. It’s about Baptizing in the bush in Kenya.

I enjoyed a quiet day while I edited video.

Watched the birds.

Ran 4 miles in the clouds.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 4:05 pm  

Rainy day today.  We sure need it!

Went through my email, set up appointments for next week.  Added info to our Team Assignments page.

Been working on my financial report.  Needed to add in some information to a spreadsheet for my treasurer.

Cold outside.  Sure wish I could go out for some exercise.

Added figures to my Feeder Watch study that I’m doing with Cornell University’s Ornithology Department and the birds in our area.  I saw 25 Chipping Sparrows this morning. 4 Eastern Bluebirds just came by.  I like to feel connected with the land.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry New Year!

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:09 pm  

We had a quiet evening last night.  Ashley went out with friends to listen to music.  J and I wished each other a great new year with a big hug.  Sure is great to have him!
Kathy crashed early.  That’s her best gift to herself!

Happy 2009!
The dog slept with me.  All the firecrackers scare her.  She gets under the blankets and feels safe.  Sweet little Sugar dog!

We had the biggest outreach of the year yesterday!  Had over 700 Campus Crusade students in 70 locations.  We gave out food to over 540 families.  Shared and prayed with all the families.  Awesome!

Finished my financial report and turned it in to my treasurer.

I bought K a blue tooth headset for her phone a couple of months ago.  She decided not to use it so I have it now.  Figured out how to pair it with my phone.  I think it’ll be useful when I’m in the car.

Ashley and I went to the mall to look for calendars. I love my extreme weather calendar.
Pray for the missions in this new year and for the missionaries who make them happen!

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