Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Georgetown, part Dos!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:48 pm  

It’s been great being here with my folks.

My Dad is one of my heroes. I always learn a lot from him!

Helped hook up the wi-fi system in their house today, with the help of Jesse–of course!
Ran 5 miles this afternoon. Got sprinkled on some. No big deal.

Went to visit with my brother Jim and his family tonight. Always fun to hang with him!

I liked this big longhorn!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 11:53 am  

Jesse and I had a safe trip to Georgetown, Texas! Praise the Lord for that! We appreciate your prayers for us.
It is almost exactly a thousand miles from my house in Stone Mountain to my folk’s house in Texas. Long way!

We enjoyed a great time talking and catching up with what’s been going on here in Georgetown, especially how my Dad is enjoying his retirement!

This morning we’re working on setting up a time to talk to supporters in the area, in particular our friends at the Worship Place where my Dad was the pastor for seven years. It’s always great to spend time with friends!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

We’re back!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm  

Kathy and I had a good time in the mountains of Tennessee around Chattanooga.

Low clouds when we left Atlanta.



Winter has started! It was mighty cold up there.

We did a lot of biking and walking around the valley.
Spent some time at the bookstore looking for info on Costa Rica.
Would you say this is a sign from God?cr

I’m interested in expanding our ministry internationally to that location. Pray for that!

Jesse and I will head west to Texas tomorrow morning. We’re driving to Georgetown to visit with my folks and meet with a committee from the Worship Place who is a big supporter financially of our ministry.

We’ll be away for about a week. Pray for our trip!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NAMB! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  

This morning Jesse and I went to the North American Mission Board HQ in Alpharetta. Normally takes us about 45 minutes to get there. We took it easy, roads were slick!

Great group today! I like the church planter candidates.


They seemed to really be interested in what I was saying.

We went to the mall to eat and look at book stores. I got a new book on Brains. I’m looking forward to learning from it.

J and I checked the office then went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

When they’re done the get to play the video games.
Currently the favorite is Halo.

Went by to see Bayo. He had a missions conference last weekend. They can really wear you out. My partners at Movers and Shakers gave him some furniture. People are so generous to missionaries!b

Came on home. Started packing for my trip to Tennessee with Kathy. PTL for that!

When at the mall I saw this signage. I wonder where you’re supposed to stand?

Christmas is here! Oh, yeah. It’s just October.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Plumber & Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:59 am  

tThis morning I waited for our plumber to come fix the toilet. He did a great job. Works.

While waiting for him I got a head start on my usual big projects: Financial Report and the Outreach Update. Finished all of that. I’ll take the copies with us to Texas next week and write the letters in the car.

We had a good time with the kids at Azalea today.

They helped us with the envelopes for the newsletter.

I had a Great Candy Throw with them. Always a hoot!

Came home in horrible, horrible traffic.
Finally got off of 78 and took some back ways to get around it.

Ran 4 miles this evening.

As we get into the cooler weather, the clouds become more delicate and wispy.

This is called a Mackerel Sky.

More rain coming. Mushroom weather!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Azalea, the Falls and Willow Branch

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 pm  

Lot of rain today! Over 3″!p

Jesse and I went to the see his doctor. He’s so pleased with Jesse’s progress!

We went by Azalea to pick up 20 chairs. Took them over to The Falls.

Met with Aziz at Willow Branch.
We helped him with his song. I think he’ll do great at the concert.j

My favorite night of TV: House, Lie to Me, Castle. Groovy!

I shot some ripples in a pool yesterday. Can you see the whirlpool? Hint, it’s not over the dark area.w

Beautiful place!p

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rest and Run

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:37 pm  

Rested this morning.

Ran 4 miles this afternoon.

Feel great.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Driving Recon

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

Jesse is planning on taking his driving test this coming Tuesday. I’m sure he’s going to do great! We went to the area and drove all around the potential sites so he knows the speed limits in the area.

We practiced parallel parking. Can you do that?

Worked out on weights.

Nice rest day.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:04 pm  

Were you aware that gold hit an all time high three days in a row this week?

Today Jesse, Kathy and I went to Fernbank to see the special exhibit on Gold there.

It was a lot of fun. Very interesting displays on the make up of gold as well as the mining and manufacture with gold. Bad part was I wasn’t able to take pictures. Fun to learn!
My Dad had to have is heart device worked on today. He did just great! PTL! My brother’s family has had health challenges too. Jim’s wife Kathy Lynn suffers with kidney stones. Pray for the whole Cummins clan!j

Got some bad news today. The new mission at Durant at Sugarloaf is a no go. Their lawyers decided they didn’t want us over there. Their loss. We were supposed to have an event there tomorrow. I’ll just use the stuff I bought at Azalea instead.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Azalea Clean Up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:31 pm  

This morning I had a great team helping at the mission. There were 15 fourth graders and 4 parents.


They scrubbed the walls, fixed locks and organized supplies.

Much needed help!

Rested this afternoon at Stone Mountain, then ran 4 miles.
Then back to Azalea! Kids didn’t have any homework. Played games.
Had fun. Not a bad thing!

Jesse and I practiced parallel parking.

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