Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bathroom and Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm  

This morning I worked on my bathroom. I needed to recaulk all the seals around the tub. Took an hour or so.

J and I did errands: went to Staples for supplies and bank. We also got haircuts. Jesse has more to cut.

Then over to Azalea to work with the kids.

I mainly worked on math problems.
It was good to see Tabias. He’s one of my original youth group. He’s in culinary school now.
Beautiful clouds coming home.

Came home. Ran 4 miles in the dark. Not too crazy about that.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Grace, Olde Salem, Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

This morning Jesse and I went to Grace Fellowship to pick up a couple of our partners. I love this picture of Pastor Buddy!b
Just as we were getting ready to go I got a call from Ian. He was at our mechanic’s garage getting his brakes worked on. That’s normally a whole day job, so J and I went by T&G to pick him up. Always fun to hang out with him!

We shot over to Grace to pick up Erin Burchik and her partner Russell and went to Lawrenceville.
We met up with Hasiba who is the manager of the property. We had a good visit together and took a look around the property. I’m looking forward to Grace doing their usual awesome job to help out once a week there!

We had lunch together and I took them back to the church. Dropped off Jesse and Ian at the book store while I went over to a nursing facility to check on Mrs. Paul, the mother of my good friend Jon. She broke her hip but seems to be doing well. She has such a wonderful smile! I can see where Jon gets his great attitude from.

Picked up the guys and we went to T&G to get Ian’s car and pay the bill.
s They thoroughly check out the car after they did the brakes. Never cheap! I think he should do well for a while at least. It’s these sudden big expenses that really hurt.

Checked on the office at FBC Doraville, over to Walmart to pick up some supplies for the mission then to Azalea. Had a good group of kids.
They seem to be trying pretty hard.

“He did his best.” That’s what I live by.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hard Drive Death. Willow rocking.

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Last night, just before I crashed out, I bumped my desk and my external hard drive fell off. Bahd luck. It was a 500 GB drive. I had about half of it filled up with pictures and video I shot. Complete failure on the drive. J tried, but couldn’t recover any of it.

The good news is that I have all of the material on line on YouTube and Smugmug. I lost the highest quality level, but what I have on line is good enough. Sad.

Got a new hard drive that is actually 1.5 Terabytes. That’s 1,500 Gigabytes! On sale at Best Buy for $134. Unbelievable.

Jesse and I went to Willow Branch this afternoon.
We’re helping Aziz prepare for the concert on October 17th. He wrote a song. I’m helping him get it into a verse/chorus/verse form. I think he sounds pretty good. I’m sure the crowd will love it.

Came home and ran 4 miles. Still stressed out about the loss of data. C’est la vie, baby.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Compassion In Action with Perimeter Church

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm  

Ashley and I went to Perimeter Church this morning. t
We had a great time seeing friends in their outreach ministry. Chip Sweeney is such a great guy. We worked together since nearly the beginning of our ministries.

Huge amounts of ministry today!
Had a great turn out at Foxwood where Ashley and I hosted the block party. We called in extra help and Kathy and Jesse also came over. GREAT to have the whole family working together.

Powerhouse team, baby!

The ladies at the complex pitched in to help cook and serve the hot dogs. I knew I’d find help! Jesus always has it figured out!
Working on posting video and pictures from the ministry today.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Roswell Outreach Events!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm  

What an awesome day!

It’s so much fun to see a church mobilized! Had a terrific team from Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell.

We hosted Outreach Events at Roswell Creek, Concept 21–Roswell and Aspen Point.

The team also helped the director of the mission there move all the stuff to the new apartment. What a job!
Great turn out!


Ashley also did a terrific job in Lawrenceville helkping out the team from 12 Stone Church.

After I got home, I went to Stone Mountain and worked out. Beauty!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Lawrenceville & Roswell CIA Prep

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:40 pm  

This afternoon Ashley, Jesse and I went to Lawrenceville to check out the complexes where we’re hosting Outreach Events with 12 Stone Church.
We have all the equipment we need for the three complexes we’re working tomorrow. Ashley will do the training for the groups.

I wanted to make sure that she knew where all the missions were. She doesn’t normally help me on the East side of town.

I also got the food for the event in Roswell tomorrow. I have three coolers loaded with hotdogs and ice.
It took me three times to check out with all the stuff I had.

Went by Lowes for some lights. Trees are up! t

Gassed up the car after shopping and noticed my left rear tire looked low. Put some air in it with a little extra, just in case it leaks some tomorrow.

Another beautiful sunset.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Missions and Outreach prep

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:27 am  

Jesse and I picked up Ashley from school and went to eat at Madina today. Always good!

Checked on Bayo and the Huntington Terrace kids.
We took him a chair, pad, mat and some support.
We tracked down the other equipment we needed for the events this weekend. Notably more balloon pumps.
pc What are you getting dressed up as?
Still have to get the food. Also picked up three more grills from the church.
Found this salamander in the grill.
Ever wonder why Americans are overweight?

Went to Azalea to help the kids. Always fun!a
Came home. Ran 4 miles.
Beautiful sunset!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lumberjack and Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm  

I spent most of this morning with a chainsaw! I’ve had some dead trees that I needed to take out. I cut them down, sawed them into pieces and put them in my back yard to decompose. WOW was that a lot of work!

I did that while I was waiting for the plumber to show up. One of those three hour window kind of things.

They did a great job! And fast too! They had to drill a hole through the joist and insert the new copper pipe through the hole, then connect the two ends with the existing pipes. I was right that the copper touching the galvanized aluminum created a chemical reaction that ate through the pipe. Sure am glad to have that taken care of!

Jesse and I went by the bank and Lowes to take care of business before going to Azalea to help with the kids. Always fun!
Came home to start my home work. Financial report due to my treasurer tomorrow.

Still collecting stuff for the events on Saturday.

I’m sure my back will be sore. Load up on Tylenol!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jesse driving! Terraces & Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

Jesse started driving again today! I know many grown ups that are petrified of driving in Atlanta. That’s some of the hardest traffic to negotiate in the world! So I reckon after he’s finished learning here, he’s ready to drive ANYWHERE! He did a great job. I’m glad not to have to always drive, although I’m not allowed to talk on the phone, so that’s kind of a bummer.

We met up with Bayo at Huntington Terraces.

We had a camera for him and his new display that I created. He loved it! Also met up with Ian North and Dave Park. We had a good talk about ministry and opportunities here in the International Village.

Went by the church to check on the mail.

Then over to Azalea to help the kids. BIG group there today!
Always good to see some of my “old” guys around too!

Markol Allen, one of my partners from First Baptist Atlanta was there to help.
He worked at the mission this summer. The kids really love him. Me too!

Also had a new friend from Bangladesh come to meet with me. I’m helping him with his English. He’s a fiance of a friend of mine.

J drove us home in heavy traffic.

Ran 4 miles. Now it’s time for homework!

Beautiful wispy cirrus clouds today. I love winter clouds.c

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Display, Tower, Aziz

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:26 pm  

Most of my morning was spent working on the new display for Bayo’s ministry.p

Took several hours to get it all done. I think he’ll be happy with it.

The power guys were putting up a HUGE pole today. Cool!
Jesse is driving again. Now I’m the wingman! He’s getting ready for his drivers test.

Ashley’s car had a dead batter today. Probably an alternator problem. Always something. Had to get it towed.

The pin hole leak in one of my hot water lines is still dripping. Still vacuuming it up. Plumber can get to us on Wednesday.

Mowed the yard for nearly two hours today. Counts as my work out.

Went to Willow Branch with Jesse. Great to see my partners from Grace Fellowship church working! g
We helped Aziz with the song he’s writing. I’m helping him get a standard form. Teaching him about line length, verse, chorus, bridge kind of stuff.
Played the guitar for about 2 hours. My fingertips on my left hand feel weird typing.

Season premier of Lie to Me. My favorite show. Also a fan of Castle. Like those?

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