Whirlwind Missions

Friday, May 18, 2018

Podcast! Language! P&E! Nana!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

Released Verbal Surgery -558- “Leak Tweak” last night.
Repair your behavior with these practical ideas!
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Studied Swahili and Spanish.

Blew the garage and driveway before the girls came over.

Downloaded the recorded section of my new book Story Tim onto my computer.
Gave myself a haircut.

Enjoyed being with Kathy and the girls at the park.

Saw this big ol’ snapping turtle at the park. Have no idea how it got this far from the lake. He was stuck in the fence area by the play ground.


I saw this Red Shinned Hawk trying to get at something. Jay birds kept dive bombing it. Couldn’t find what it was looking for.

Picked up my mom, Peggy Cummins today! WOOT!

My good friends Charlie and Jodie Steger brought her all the way from Texas. She’ll fly back next Saturday! TOO SOON!
Went to Plaza Fiesta to eat. Penelope and I had fun. She got scared in the big play ground section. LOTS of kids were there. I raced up to rescue her and about knocked myself out when I ran into a low hanging metal bar. Man, did it hurt. Here she’s hitting the pinata!

Great to have my Mom home!

Dig the Jesus photo bomb!
Admin duties now. Team tomorrow!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Recording! Girls! Bradford Gwinnett! Deadpool 2! 5.17.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:11 am  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Went to FBC Mountain Park to work on the recording of my book, Story Tim.

Had a fun lunch with the girls!

I love Penelope’s little pigtails.
Went to the dentist to get the crown prep done.

Between sections of the procedure, I’d study languages.

Everything is looking good. I’ll go back in two weeks to get the permanent one installed.
My next assignment wasn’t till 4pm. Went to White Windmill to get a treat. Then to Lowes to look at flowers.

Had a great meeting with my friends Chester from One Heart Church, and Joy with Bradford Gwinnett apartment’s SPARC program.

Jesse and I went to see Deadpool 2 this evening. I liked it, but it’s a R rated movie and pretty rough language.

This is actually a cup. I love it.

Dropped off Kathy’s truck at T&G to get the oil changed.

Put the trash on the street. I’m packing it in over the weeks to get rid of all of the stuff I had in my basement and back yard.
Also gave a second coat of silicon caulk to the front wall of the shower. It was definitely leaking this morning when I tried it. Please, Lord. Let it work this time! I put it on extra thick, then will trim it later.

My Mom is coming into town tomorrow! Woot!
Admin duties now.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Flood! Audible! Shower!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm  

Seems like today had a water theme.

Studied Swahili and Spanish this morning. I got this email from Duolingo today. I corrected one of their answers.

I keep making progress in Swahili.


For my Brit friends.

I got water in my house this morning. It was leaking in from one of the downspouts. Jesse helped me rig up a series of tarps to keep the water from getting in until I can get my gutter man over here to replace them.

They have to be a least 45 years old!
The tarps keeps any leaks out and funnel all the water away from the house.

Man, did seeing that make me happy!

Last week, I found a place to do my recording: FBC Mountain Park!

It doesn’t sound quite as good as a real studio, but good enough!
The requirements for the settings for the recording are quite stringent.

The flourescent lights in the room had a pretty bad buzz. I went to Walmart to get a desk light so I didn’t have to run them. This is a clip on light I got for Jesse’s plants.

Needs a bulb!

I had a problem with the sheet ripping on my bed. The foam mattress was very degraded and crumbling. I repaired the sheet and flipped the mattress. A lot better now!

Did more caulking when I got home.
Currently, I’m checking on the shower repair. I’m giving it a few minutes to make sure the repair is ok! I’ll stop and go check it now. My heart is beating a little fast!
YES!! Still dry! Now I hope that when I check the front wall of the shower it will still be ok. I had the front wall covered with a thin sheet of plastic while I took a shower to verify that the side wall was fixed. Which it looks like it is. What a blessing.
Water inside the house and outside the house tight and dry. Yeah, baby!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Podcast! LIVE! Penelope! Shopping! Shower!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:18 pm  

Release a new edition of Verbal Surgery -557- “Skill Thrill.”

Learn something new and have fun! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

At Evergreen Lakes where I record, I’ve enjoyed watching the little geese grow up.

Look like dinosaurs.

Went LIVE on Facebook.

Enjoyed watching Penelope. Fun to see the girls!

Penelope and I watched these fire ants for a while.

Penelope got to meet the Chicfila cow!

Captured and released squirrel #31.

Went to Lowes to get more caulk for the shower.

Deposited checks into the Whirlwind account. Amen!

Went to Walmart to get groceries.
Then to Mountain Park Pool to vote in the Democratic Primary. I want to do everything I can to help take back Washington.

Came home and put all the groceries up.

Worked on the shower. It has still been leaking. Today I bought some thin plastic sheeting to determine exactly where the leak is.

First I covered the entire shower.

Even plugged the drain.

NO leak! That meant that all the internal plumbing was just fine. AMEN!

The material in the basement was completely dry.

Then uncovered the back wall.

No leak.
Then the side wall. First it didn’t leak. Then I got in so the water hit the higher part of the wall. Then it leaked.

It’s not much water. It’s about the width of your hand. Just the smallest bit.

I took out the plastic to let it dry.

I’ll cover the front wall again and put the water to it and hopefully it won’t leak once the caulk has dried.

It’s drying now.

I also redid the caulk around the sink. I used white rather than clear.

Took a long time to complete that job. LORD, please let it not leak tomorrow!
Admin duties now.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Story Tim! Podcast! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

I’m proud to say that I uploaded my new book “Story Tim — Adventure Land” to Kindle last night. I still may add a few things, but it’s done! Thanks to Jesse for helping get over one of the hurdles I faced.

Took me a while to figure out how to do the Table of Contents correctly. Stupid Windows.

Do you like the cover?

Next project is recording the audio version.
Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Recorded a new podcast this morning called, “Get UP!” In direct response to the troubles I had last night that made me want to quit. Yet then it worked.

After I recorded, I decided that I’d see if I could get a quiet space to record at FBC Mountain Park. They were cool with that.

Had a good lunch with Jesse. Our goal was to go by his new dentist, Dr. Dave.

Never too much Jesse.

Went to the mission. Hardly any homework. I usually work with Penelope and her little friends.

I took a pair of shoes of Jesse’s to my shoe guy at Plaza Fiesta. Had some fun with Penelope while we waited for them to get repaired.

I climbed up in the monster play pen they have at Plaza Fiesta. I had no idea what it was like inside there. Slides!

Stompin spiders.

Jesse’s shoes turned out great!

I bought this little red rubber unicorn for Penelope. Everly is having fun with it, too!

Ashley = Concentrated Awesomeness.

And what a great mom!
Loved by one and all.

Captured and released squirrel #30 this evening.

Just in case you need reminding.

Studying all the requirements for recording for Audible.
Admin duties now.
Great to have the book done!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Westside! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:24 pm  

Studied Swahili and Spanish this morning.

Went to Westside BC this morning.

Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of mothers. Yeah, baby!

Went for a 13.11 mile bike ride today.

The last time I rode this route, there were a lot of branches in the way. I took my saw with me and trimmed a lot.

Our county is 200 years old this year.

Admin duties now.
Pray for our friend Carl Barrington who is back in the hospital with some bleeding issues.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm  

Great to have Penelope with us this morning. We put together the bubble machine and had fun with them.

I was glad that Kathy had the energy to hang out with us!

I have lots of options for bubbles.

We always have fun.

I wore her shoes on my big toes. It was hilarious us walking around the house.

We played with the little golf set.

Then painting!

Great to have J around!

Miles came by around noon to pick Penelope up. Sad to see her go.
Rested for about an hour.
Studied Swahili and Spanish.

Spent 1.5 hours cleaning the house and putting another layer of caulk in the shower.

Also blew and washed off the garage and back deck.

After washing it down and sweep most of the water down the hill and then repark the cars.
I try and clean all the surfaces. So much pollen in the air.

Worked a little over two hours. The caulking job takes a long time.

Catching up with admin duties from yesterday as well as today.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Penelope! Cleaning!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:55 pm  

Friday, I studied Spanish and Swahili.

Released Verbal Surgery -556-
Get in motion to a new YOU!
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
File to server and link on Facebook.

Gassed up the car.

Dropped off the financial report that Ashley writes to our treasurer.

I always enjoy going LIVE on Facebook.

I’ve been throwing a lot of stuff away. I’m always glad to see when the garbage guys take it.

I love having time with Penelope. Kathy was able to hang out with us too, which made it a double blessing.

I’m teaching Penelope the letters and sounds. At the ball field at Mountain Park, they have really BIG letters! Fun. She knows, A, P, T, M. for sure.

We went to Chickfila for supper. She ate well and had an icecream and played. My goal is to give her so much physical activity that she conks out easily.

She still stayed up till around 10:30pm. It stays so light so long these days.
No admin duties when I have Penelope.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Penelope and Everly!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:58 pm  

The Spring is one of the non-profits I support. Works on clean water for people.

I also support the Ocean Cleanup.

Studied Swahili and Spanish.

Recorded a new podcast! Woot!

I ran a little bit short of caulking last night. Had to go get more.

I want to get a razorblade handle now. I have one, just not a very good one.
The orchids at Lowes were incredible.

This was my favorite. I’m hard pressed not to go get it.

I had a great time with Penelope and Everly.

I take them on 4 wheel drive Safari in my Gorilla Cart.

I introduced the new bubble blowing machine. Looks like a leaf blower.

Everly likes the mirror.

She’s such a sweetheart.
She was super happy to see Mama back!

I cleaned up all the toys. I have three boxes that I’m rotating. Of course I always have new stuff, too.
Finished the back part of the shower.

I still need to take the excess off with a razor blade.

Took all the recycle and garbage to the street. It’s been about double what I usually put out there after the big Spring Cleaning that I did. Just about got rid of it all.
Admin duties now and work on my book.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

BF2! Rob! Mission! Bathroom!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 pm  

I enjoy playing the videogame Battlefront 2. It’s a Star Wars themed game with all the main characters. You are actually able to play as Yoda or Luke or Han! Pretty cool. Last night I had some good games. It’s funny how you can get into flow states.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Went to Lowes to pick up some silicon caulk to redo the bathroom shower.

Part of the job is getting all the supplies and tools you need.
Also got more suet. I like Lowe’s best.

Not sure what this means.

I liked this sign.

We had lunch with our friend Rob Martin today. Always a blessing. We took him to Pho 24. Then for some frozen yogurt.

After yogurt, I watched the girls while Ashley worked on the financial report. Stuff is hard. I got the best job for sure! Penelope crashed so I had Everly all to myself. She’s such a delight!

I swang her for a long time until the direct sun started to shine on her. Then I held her and sung and rocked. She eventually crashed out. Such a blessing these girls!

I came on home and worked on the bathroom shower. I got almost all of the old caulk off. These tools came in super handy.

One takes the caulk out. The other one smooths the new caulk on. Fabulous.
The caulk gun I have is a good one. Very precise. I also cut the hole in the tube pretty small for more control.

Looks a lot better. Tomorrow I’ll finish the last couple of feet left. Couldn’t believe I ran out right at the very end. Also need to clean the walls up with a razor blade, need to get the residue off.
Admin duties now.
I need to work on my book. Big projects keep me from working on it.

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