Whirlwind Missions

Monday, February 5, 2018

Sickly! Bills!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

Still not feeling well. Another day of rest.
Paid bills.

Studied Portuguese.

Enjoyed listening to the 1975. Fun band!

Today I binged on Casa de Papel. Story set in Spain about bank robbers.

Admin duties now. Plan on sleeping early this evening.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sickish. Rest.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  

Not feeling great.
Stayed in bed today. Lots of rest.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Portuguese! Podcast! Cleaning!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Worked on my book, Story Tim. Got it back to the correct size and font. Sent it to several people.
Recorded a new podcast: Excelerate.

Blew the garage.

Vacuumed the house.
Fixed a clock.
Took the strings off an ornamental guitar.
Played some Battlefront 2.
Not feeling super great. Kind of weak.
Early night for me tonight.
Admin duties now.
Watched some Stranger Things 2.
Had a talk with Jesse. He’s been sick the last three days.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Podcast! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:46 pm  

Released a new podcast this morning! Verbal Surgery -528- “Night Socks!”

Just click on the title and feel good, NOW!

Studied Portuguese! Got an invitation from the organizer to come back next year!

Uploaded to server.

Went LIVE on Facebook to promote the podcast.

Went to Azalea to watch the girls while Ashley got her hair cut!

I loved to watch Penelope jump and dance.

Went by the Baptist Office to see if the newsletter had been printed. Not yet.
Home to work on admin duties.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:38 pm  

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery this morning called “Loud and Soft.” It’ll release next week!

Wrote a letter to a friend of mine in Brazil.

Started up with Duolingo again. Already a week in. I had a previous 282 day streak.
Got my flu shot.
I qualify for this.

I’m pretty sure I don’t have any of this stuff in me.
Did some shopping.

Talked to the bugspray guys about our squirrel problem in the attack.

Apparently, I need to trap all the squirrels in my yard and take them to other neighborhoods at least 5 miles away or they’ll find their way back. What!?

Put labels on the envelopes and alphabetized them so that we could send out the tax letters.

The boys helped label.

Great to see the girls!

Everly was really sitting up today! Cool!

Great to see my kids again!

Always something beautiful to see.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 7:31 pm  

Just got back from Brazil! Ashley took me to the airport.

It was great to see my best friend Anthony Jacquin and our host Albert Dell’izolla!

I loved the flowers!

And the clouds!

Great to hang out with friends!
I slept in the hall to let other people escape my snoring.

This staircase made me trip almost every time. Can you see why?

That step that equals two steps always through off my pattern.
I thought this was funny.

I liked this sign. It reminds me of the firehose of positivity.

The wifi in the house we were staying got cut off. Lost my DuoLingo streak.

I met a lot of new friends.
The Brazilian national TV stations came to cover the event.

Cesar was a terrific translator!

I finally found a place just for me.

There were over 400 people at the conference.

I rocked.
Couldn’t believe the size of the coffee cups. What?!

It was a wonderful time with great people!

SO glad to be home!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Portuguese! Prep!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:59 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. I’m pushing hard towards the end!

Another mighty cold day.

Just kidding! That’s that silly old centigrade.
Deposited checks for Whirlwind.

Went to the Post Office to mail a letter to a friend of mine in Peru.

Part of my prep for a trip is to put pictures of my daily Bible reading on my iPhone. I know I have a streak with DUolingo, but that’s nothing compared to my streak of daily Bible study. Years and years and years without a miss.

Went to the Dollar Tree to pick up some stuff for the trip.

Studied this poem today.

I added the rough copy of Story Tim to the little packets I made up for my friends in Brazil. I transferred the file onto the USB drive.

Also added a bio. There’s one on the USB drive, too.

Got pretty cold in my room today.

I did a promo in Portuguese for the Hypno Conference today.

I have sixteen packets.

They each include my 20 favorite podcasts from 2017, my new book Story Tim, ten of the original videos from Story Tim the series, over 1,000 of my witty one liners, aka tweets and gifts for all ages!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Portuguese! Fish! Wrapping! Packing! Pills!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:37 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. I’ll be in Rio in a few days.

We had snow last night! Little visitors checking us out.

Cleaned my fish tank.

I enjoy preparing for a trip. Normally, I get a varieety of little gifts that I can give people. I like to wrap things with unusual paper. Today I used a Russian local paper. The candies are from Russia.

Got pretty cold in my office. Had to put the heater between my legs.

Lotta stuff.

Jesse helped me set up for international calling. Always great to have my phone work. Otherwise I feel pretty dumb.
He’s working on editing my book. What a job. It’s hard to catch everything. I’ll go through his version once before I send it to the coders to get ready for Amazon.
I’ve been gathering the equipment I need for this trip for several weeks. It includes the new video gear which is tiny, yet super powerful. Dig it. Most of this stuff is gifts. Which is typical for me.
Chose the shirts I’ll be wearing.
Listened to Cage the Elephant while I worked
img src=”https://photos.smugmug.com/Something-Different/Packingw-WrappingP-Pills9–1y17V/i-DVtqmnT/0/765f964f/M/2018011722275118-IMG_7384-M.png” alt=”” />
Worked on organizing Kathy’s pills.

Then putting a month’s worth in little containers.

Lots of stuff done today.
One full day left tomorrow. Then off to Brazil, yo!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Anthony! DNA! Podcast! Live! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm  

I had a fun talk with my friends Anthony and Marcus in England today. We’ll see each other this weekend! AWESOME!

I was looking at the results of my DNA. Around seven generations ago I had an ancestor who was 100% Japanese, another 100% Algerian, another 100% Native American Indian. I find that stuff interesting.

Studied Portuguese! This weekend I’ll need it!

I released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -523- “Mind Makeup!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server and link on Facebook.

I scheduled four more episodes for while I’m in Brazil. They will release on the normal Tuesday and Fridays. Then I’ll put the link and promo info on Facebook. Worked out as a great strategy when I was in the UK in November.

I went LIVE on Facebook with the video version of “Mind Makeup.” Pretty funny stuff.

I’m down to the last few days. I still needed a nice shirt to wear with my suit pants. Got something good at Goodwill.

Also went by the Buford Highway Farmers Market for a couple of small things.

Went to the mission to work with the kids and hang out with the girls.

I got her a fire truck and some house slippers that looked like dinosaurs. What’s not to like? She loved them.
I’ve had some friends start to promote my new book Story Tim. Groovy!

Gassed up my car.

Got paper to wrap gifts. Still need to pack and clean the fish tank. I’ll start on those assignments today.
Admin duties now.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Editing! Portuguese! Jesse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:07 pm  

I’m fortunate to have Jesse proofreading my book Story Tim. I sent it to people with only one pass through. When I was reading it on my phone, I circled some booboos.

I sent out an early edition for reviews and proofing to friends and family.

Studied Portuguese intently. Pushing towards the last week. I leave this Friday. Unbelievable after all these weeks!

I don’t really consider a camera “field ready” until I have a UV clear filter over the main lens. That keeps any random dirt or object out.

I liked this shirt.

Great to spend time with Jesse! Always fun!

I think my daughter Ashley has skill.

Admin duties now.

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