Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Merry New Year! Bill & Deborah! GOW! 1.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  

I watched “Leaning Into the Wind” last night. It’s the new documentary about Andy Goldsworthy. He’s my favorite artist after Banksy.

Studied. . . do I really need to say it?

That’s why they call it a habit.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -623- “Multiverse.”

Deep stuff to make you feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Fun lunch with Bill and Deborah. Always interesting conversation.

We went out to eat together, then I took them to Kitab Bookstore and Al Madina. Always fascinating and fun.

It’s all about the mileage.

Ashley’s art with Penelope adding background.

Beat the God of War game main story. Still bits and pieces to play. Incredible rivers of lava.

Worked on getting the documents together to get the title transferred into my name tomorrow.

Admin duties now.

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