Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 24, 2021

Yard Work! Groceries! 5.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  


This one took me a second.


Started my day earlier mowing. Trying to catch the cooler air.

Very dusty, but my safety glasses kept fogging up. I decided I’d rather see properly and kept the mask on and just went without glasses.

My yard is almost exactly .5 acres. It’s a lot to mow a forest. I just realized last week that my property at this time of year has almost zero blue sky from the ground. It’s all tree canopy.

It was really hard work. I went over a lot of it twice to much up the leaves.

Picked up a lot of sticks.

This is the pit they the contractors dug back in the 70s. I keep filling it up with sticks and leaves and rocks, but the mycelium decomposes all the organics.

Got cleaned up. Used a lot of TekNu the solution for getting off poison ivy oils before I took a shower.


Wasn’t quite as hot today.

Got the groceries.

I filled up my bird seed bag.

This looks intriguing. I think the grandgirls would really love this. Me too, duh.

My gardenias have started to bloom! I trimmed some of them off to put in water and put in the kitchen. One of my very favorite scents.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Calls! Yard Work! 5.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:10 pm  

I thought this was interesting.

I love my gardens.

Wow! I can’t wait to see this! Banksy is by far my favorite artist. This exhibition is in London right now. My buddy Anthony will be seeing it on Wednesday.

Still doesn’t feel THAT hot.




Downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

Worked on my backyard again.

The first cut after the winter is always the hardest.

I loaded up the Gorilla Cart three times with branches and big rocks.

I used the dolly on this really big rock.

I pulled up some monkey grass. Some still had roots, so I figured I’d plant them in the front yard. I put them in a pot and watered them down to keep the roots alive.

My goal is to always do the hardest part first. I wasn’t really intending to do the sides, but they are definitely the hardest parts.

Transported a squirrel.

I had a good talk with my Mom. I intended to record an episode of Verbal Surgery, but didn’t feel up to it. That yard work really is WORK!

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Podcast! Yard Work! Groceries! 5.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm  

I certainly didn’t know that word, but the concept I get.

Español! This is just Duolingo. Doesn’t count my listing or watching sessions.


Exciting! He’s my favorite!


Beauty! Certainly made yard work a lot more pleasant.

Almost everything in my garden is blooming. Gardenias look like they’re ready to explode with blooms.

K and I had Thai for lunch. So good.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery “Dark Parking.”

Jesse said this was her favorite book. I’m enjoying it so far.

Did the SW part of my back yard. My right arm is still bothering me with tingling, so my goal was to keep the work under an hour.

It’s pretty tough. It took longer today because I had to dig up poison ivy when I found it. I also smoothed out the dirt over where the septic tank is. Hard.


It was incredibly dusty. Easy to see when the sunlight hits it. I went and put a mask on. It helped a lot.

I have to pull the mower in and out of the recycling pit. Difficult.

I hurt my hip working in this area.

The SW section is one of the hardest. Glad to have it done.

I’m enjoying playing Devil May Cry 5. It’s got special tools to up your abilities.

Got the groceries and put them up.

Full Sun Moon.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Grandgirls! Plants! Swimsuits! Cleaning! 5.21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  

Whew. I got a pretty bad sunburn on my back and chest. Ouch.

I like this guy.

Wow. What’s up with people?


So true.

Little beauties!

Back to Waffle House.


Gassed up the car and checked the fluids. Cleaned windshield.

I heard this today. Put it on our playlist.

Went to Walmart to get new swimsuits. Of course we never JUST get that.

They loved the new bracelets and kitty ears.

Cleaned and refilled all the bird baths.



The gardenias are getting ready to blossom. Decided to add some fertilizer to all the plants I have near the road: pink magnolias, gardenias and cherry blossom.

They like to play restaurant. Everly is usually the waitress. She likes to call people, “Sweety.”


We ate the rest of the Waffle House grub.

This caught my eye.

The girls took the plate and made images out of them. Penelope said this was a “super villain.”

The boxes are still providing amusement.

These were a big hit. Especially with me.

Another in a string of gorgeous days.

While the girls napped, I vacuumed the house.

Blew and cleaned up the garage.

Cleaned off the driveway.

And the deck.

Transported a squirrel.

Ordered groceries.

Released Verbal Surgery -854- “Headmaster.” Great episode.

Cleaned and refilled all four hummingbird feeders. I have only seen a couple once or twice. Really disappointing. I used to have two birds that would just hang out at the feeders all day long. I remember years ago I had as many as 14 birds at once!

Info on K’s bed.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Swimming! 5.20.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  

This isn’t good.


Today I was listening to this and was getting almost all of it. Other days, not so much.

I’ve been dealing with getting rid of an old box spring. Email was the way to go. I was on hold for over 1.5 hours the last couple of days just to arrange a pick up. Finally, I took the advice of the recording and sent an email.

Heard back from them the next day. It’s scheduled for pick up on 6.2.

LOVE my girls! They were so cute in matching dresses.

Penelope helped me move the box spring. She actually drove the dolly. I just lifted and pushed.

I promised to take the girls to the swimming pool at Stone Mountain. I told them I’d take them when the sun got to an empty spot between the trees. It helped them get a feeling for the passing of time as related to sun movement.

I let them play in the the Blue Pool for a while in the meantime.


One of the fun things about the One Year Bible are the notes in the margins of what happened that day. I got my first PC 25 years ago today. I set it up while we were living in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

I let Everly peel a tangerine.

The girls looked so beautiful today.

The floaters really work well. I was much more relaxed about taking the girls with them on. Plus them being a year older makes a BIG difference. Everly is much more trustworthy now.

This is Evergreen. It’s is such a beautiful place. We had the place nearly to ourselves.

We had a great time swimming.

Came home to rest.

Took them back to Azalea around 6:30pm. Amazingly, they fixed the huge crack in the concrete outside Ashley’s house.

Went by the office to check the mail.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Grandgirls! Waffle House! Stn Mtn Park! Fair! 5.19.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:47 pm  

I did a study in the OYB about praise today.

30 years. My first computer was an Amstrad.

Lots of beautiful days, but the temperatures are already starting to creep up.

Spanish! Si!

It’s funny what I find beautiful.

Had a great day with the girls. Picked them up at Global Mall.

It was a little chilly. She didn’t wear it long. She’s picky about how she looks.

What card do you think this is? Red or black? Face card or number?

I thought the back parking lot at Global Mall would be good for her to practice riding. The “Glitter Express” Huffy is just a little bit bigger than her old bike.

I love these girls so much. They really are my best friends.

I liked the sound of this.

Whenever I see something like this, I always ask, “Do you need to go potty?”

The clouds were just absolutely magnificent today.

Enjoyed Waffle House.

I’m figuring out how to transport the girls’ bikes.

I’m always exposing the girls to different types of music. All that I like, of course.

Came home to play with play dough and dolls while I studied Spanish.


The trash guy wouldn’t take my old box springs. I’ll go to Plan B.

Playing on it always works.

I still haven’t set up the Whirlwind HSA for Kathy and me. I’ve been waiting will we had more money in the bank.

Every year we have to negotiate the insurance again. Looks like we’ll be ok.

I took the girls out to Stone Mountain. We went to the golf overflow parking lot where there is hardly ever any cars. I was looking for peaceful places for Penelope to ride her bike. When we got there, there was a fantastic pile of the the purest sand you can imagine. It was like being at the best beach!

I sent this picture to all of my family, telling them that on a whim I’d decided to go Tybee Island. I got Miles and Ashley with that one.

Transported a squirrel and released it at Stone Mountain.

Then we went to the playground to enjoy the rope courses. Wasn’t many people there. It was perfect for the girls. Amen.

The girls are very strong.

This tree bark always intrigues me.


Then to Evergreen to check out the swimming pool situation.

We like escalators.

We had a nap to get ready for the FAIR!

This reminded me of me.

Beauty. We went to the fair last time in the winter, so it was dark. It was fun to watch the sun going down while we were there.

Love these girls!

The tea cups were the last ride. I don’t think they were particularly impressed.

We had a fun time together.

Yeah, baby!

We had fun singing this together.

We dropped the girls back home around 9PM. Then K and I went to my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

Turned out to be the eight of clubs. From your guess earlier!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Playground! 4.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm  

I could see me trying this.

Oh, yeah.

I thought this was cool.

Español! Por supuesto!


Beautiful day.

This made me uneasy.

New work week! Although, I can hardly call it work being with these little sweethearts.

I got turned onto this band last night. That’s some serious rock.


We pick up fruit on the way home.

Went to the Stone Mountain Playground.

We are looking into filing this status. I’m checking with our tax guy now. It’s for people who work in daycare or education services.

I got Penelope a new bike. It’s just slightly bigger than her old one.

Transported a squirrel.

I’m not sure what this tree is called, but it had tiny little yellow flowers that were delightful. Of course, I’m easily delighted.

Went by my office to check the mail, then to the bank to deposit checks.

Cleaned and refilled the bird baths and suet.

I finally got a replacement lamp for the one by my bed. That thing has been shorting out for probably a year. I could always make it work. But still!

Released Verbal Surgery -853- “Blank Page.” Create a new story for yourself!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Car! Yard Work! 5.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

I thought this was cool. I’ll definitely try it.


Twist ending.

I have a friend who has a stinky goat. I told him to hang this around his neck.

Get in shape!




Uploaded what I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

Swept my outside carpet.

I’m doing research about getting a mattress removed.

My treasurer for the board Jon Paul came by to see me. I remembered to get a shot of him only as he was leaving. He’s such a great guy and huge help to the ministry.

Gassed up my car, cleaned the windshield and checked the fluids. Added some coolant.

Also got gas for my mower.

I mowed my front yard. It was a lot.

Picked up sticks and logs and put them in my recycle area.

My long extension cord finally had to be retired.

Edged all the front.

Blew all the debris back onto the lawn.

Lot of work. Feel pretty good.

Take it out. Put it up.

I like the view from the street.

Trimmed azaleas.

My leather gloves were still wet from doing the gutters yesterday. These lighter gloves had a small hole. After working with them the hole got a lot bigger. Time to stitch it up.


Transported a squirrel.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Calls! Mattress! Roof! 5.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:23 pm  

I always find these interesting. I pass the info along to Miles.


Anthony was part of a conference this weekend. They used a really old head shot.

Español! Si, señor!



ISS this evening.

I studied trampolines for about an hour this morning. Finally came to the conclusion that for the little girls just jumping on the bed is probably the best.

I had a fun talk with Anthony this afternoon. He always cracks me up. I liked the lighting.

Good talk with my Mom.

Jesse was asking me about the computer I first used. This is it. The Amstrad 8256. It had a green screen. It was the computer that I first did word processing on. It wasn’t PC compatible.

I took Kathy over to Mattress Firm. We got her one I think she will like. Hope so. Astonished that I didn’t take any pictures. I’ll shoot it tomorrow when we put it on the box springs.

Next big job was cleaning the roof and gutters.

It was really thick and heavy stuff. The water was just pouring off the roof because the gutters were so clogged. I’m looking into getting some gutter guards.

Way better now.

Then blew the deck and driveway.

I had worked for about an hour before I realized that Runkeeper wasn’t working properly.

Yard work is a constant battle. What I did today normally would cost me over $100. Took me about 1.5 hours.

All the downspouts seem to be working.

Watered my inside garden.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Spanish! J’s Meds! 5.15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:58 pm  


Tee hee.

I still can’t get over people doing stuff like that! Garbage bags full of gasoline! What?!

Not surprised.

I like AirDrop. It’s nice having a wireless connection between my iPhone and my Mac.

I enjoyed listening to this last night.

Spanish. Si!

Of course that time doesn’t count watching or listening to programs in Spanish.



Went with Jesse to get her prescription filled. Turned out our insurance really came through.

Gassed up the Mercury and checked the levels.

We drove over to the Plasma center. J is interested in that.

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