Whirlwind Missions

Friday, February 26, 2021

Newsletter! Taxes! Ann! 2.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:30 pm  

I wasn’t surprised by this.

Having my car overheat didn’t sound as bad as catching on fire!

Studied Spanish.

Brain training. I did well today.

Drizzly, but not too cold.

Fun talk with my Mom.

Produced my newsletter. This was the first time in over a year that I was able to type it because of the injury to my hand. I’ve been using talk to text a lot.


Started getting our taxes together. Put all the documents in one envelope. I’ll work on the housing allowance next. One of the documents I’m waiting for said it’d get there before March 15th. I’ll probably wait till then before I sent it to my tax guy.

Our TV connection has been intermittently dropping out. Spent over an hour with Comcast and exhausted all the on line fixes. We have a tech coming by next Wednesday.

Kathy’s sister Ann was having phone and TV issues. I got her chargers and cables squared away so that she could get her phone and external battery charged up.

Didn’t take me too long to figure out the solutions to the multiple problems. Meant a world of difference to her. Who else would help? Cricket sounds.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletter.

I stopped by my car at my mechanics to pick up the masks we needed for me and the girls.

Put gas in Jesse’s car. Eleven cents cheaper than QT.

I put a new screen protector on Kathy’s phone. The old one was pretty messed up. When I put on the replacement, I realized that the phone had TWO screen protectors on it when the outer one was broken. The original screen is still perfect.

The sheetrock corner outside the shower has continued to get wet. I sanded and masked off the area then shot it with spray paint.

Not great, but better. Putting sheetrock in that section wasn’t a good plan.

Refilled the bird feeders. The water needs changing too, but I don’t have the new nozzle for the hose yet.

The power blinked out at our house. Caused Kathy’s CPAP to malfunction. Fortunately, with multiple restarts it started working again. Thank you, Jesus.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Grandgirls! Cars! 2.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  

It’s been a wild day.

I picked up my car yesterday from our mechanics. They couldn’t really find anything wrong. That’s never good.

Got to Global Mall without any problem.

The temperature gauge stayed exactly where it should.

When Ashley got there I could immediately tell she had been crying. She still did her best to not act too upset around the girls.

Miles had been in a wreck. He is ok, but the car is a mess. I called him and told him to let me know and I could come get him and then take him to my sister-in-law’s house where we kept Jesse’s car.

While I waited for his call, the girls played with dolls and sidewalk chalk.


It was what I call “Nakuru weather.” Fabulous!

Certainly put a smile on my face to break out the Ecuadorian Fedora!

I found something for the girls to ride on.

After I got the call from Miles, the girls and I went to Doraville to pick him up at the car repair place. My car drove fine all the way into town and back. At the very end of our trip back home, the car started overheating again. Clouds of smoke rose from the engine and then the fumes came in through the AC vent! I quickly rolled all the windows down. There was radiator fluid all over the engine, but because the radiator had been completely filled up the day before, the engine never ran hot.

We made it to my mechanics ok. Miles’ dad came to pick us up and took us to Ann’s house. But now, the picture had changed. I needed the car, too! Miles’ Mom let him drive her car and I was going to use Jesse’s car.

I let the girls play with the dogs for a while and then we got in the car to go home. Sadly, the engine light came on! Now I didn’t know if I could depend on this car or not. Worst part was that our mechanics were closed because of doctor tests until next Monday.

I called Ashley and she came to get the girls after getting off work. Neither of them are going into work tomorrow so I won’t have the girls until Saturday afternoon. After she drops the kids off, they’ll go on to S. Carolina for a missions conference while I keep the girls over the weekend.

Studied Spanish.

Ashley’s phone’s screen got messed up. We have insurance on it.

I thought this was great news.

I think Al Franken is really funny. I enjoyed watching this.

Ashley thinks it’s fun to hear what the girls want to listen to. I sent her our playlist. This is just some of it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Grandgirls! Cruiser! 2.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

This was wild! Sixty-eight pounds of wool they sheered off!

I like stuff like this.

I’m always a sucker for great tech! I’ve got a pretty good set up with stand lights.

Studied Spanish.

BEAUTIFUL day! Reminded me of Nakuru, Kenya.

I called T and G through the day to get updates on my car. They thought it was the radiator fan, but that was working just fine.

Now he thinks it was a vapor lock in the system that stopped the coolant from working properly. If it acts up again, (please Lord, no!) the next step is the thermostat replacement.

I also got my oil changed and new windshield wipers.


Since my car was getting worked on, Ashley brought the girls around 8:00 am and Miles picked them up around 6:00 pm.

We had fun looking at things with the magnifying glasses.

The camellias are blooming.

Penelope and I worked on writing numbers. I’m always teaching them something, but sometimes we need to go back to just the standard stuff, too.

Jelly bread and mayonnaise bread for after dinner treats.

Play time strengthens people skills and imagination.

After I got my car, I blew the driveway and deck.

Cut my nails. The girls didn’t need a trim.

Full day!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Car Problems! Podcast! 2.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

This is crazy.

New week with the grandgirls! Always great!


Every time I pass Rockbridge Baptist Church, I always pray for the Cordreys in Costa Rica studying Spanish.

So beautiful!

Incredible weather!

We went to Stone Mountain to walk up to our camp site.

They had fun digging in the sand.

I love the tiny plants.

And water on a big rock.


Everly peed on her pants so I had to improvise a dress made of the girl’s jackets hung in the front and back.

Ran the air conditioner!

Studied Spanish.

Helped the kids with their homework. Very little to do.

I watched Penelope ride her bike while Miles took care of Everly who was sleeping.

Full Sun Moon!

Catching some rays.

I got almost all the way home and while I was stopped in traffic, my car started to overheat! That’s not zesty! Went to QT to gas her up and check the fluid levels. Everything seemed to be fine. I got home and it looked like the antifreeze reservoir was completely empty. I added some then I realized it was completely FULL. That means that the radiator had been hot and filled it up.

I decided to take her straight to T and G while the traffic wasn’t bad.

Got her there just fine, locked her up and put the key in an envelope describing what had happened. I also want them to change the oil and the windshield wipers. Needs to get done.

I called Ashley and told her what the situation is. She said she’d bring the girls over to my house tomorrow morning around 8:00 am. Hopefully, it won’t take them long to fix my car. Radiator issues can be a real hassle in that car. Last time it seemed they had to take a LOT of stuff out to get at it.

I walked home. Kathy picked me up near the entrance to our sub-division.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Clock and Watch!”

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Anthony! Zappa! 2.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

This has been a long time coming.

Studied Spainish.

Brain Training.

I’ve been trying to get the oil changed in my car. Monday is my only day when I can get it done and they’ve been slammed. Probably next week. I keep calling.

Transported squirrel #153. I think.

I had a good talk with my buddy, Anthony.

We talked about world music. I shared a couple of my favorites with him. Here’s one of them.

Mild today.

I enjoyed playing Far Cry 4 this afternoon.

This evening, I watched the new Frank Zappa documentary. I was a big fan of his and really enjoyed the movie.

I saw him play live three times. He was such an amazing composer and performer. In the last few years, I also got to watch his son Dwezil play his Dad’s music which was super cool.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Rest! Calls! Podcast! 2.20-21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:01 pm  

Saturday I felt tired and sore. Took a rest day and didn’t even leave the house.

I liked this article I read by Kevin Kelly.

Studied Spanish both days.

I’ve been working through the stories. There are a LOT of them. It’s fun to practice the dialogs out loud.

Brain Training.

Good night’s sleep.


Left a VM for my friend Clinton. He called me this week wanting to talk.

Had a good talk with my Mom in Texas. She’s doing fine!

Full sun moon!

Recorded a new edition of Verbal Surgery called, “Seize it and Squeeze it.” Excellent!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! 2.19.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 am  

I read an interesting article about a woman who got in contact with her bullies. Most were really sad for what they had done.

Studied Spanish.

I have a wide variety of music that I share with the grandgirls. Todd Rundgren has been a favorite of mine for decades. They enjoyed listening to this song. Then I sent a text to my buddy, Dave Reiner who first introduced me to him back in Baylor.


Always great to have my girls around!

I woeker on getting tangles out of the girl’s hair for around an hour.

We had fun going to Goodwill. We always call it “God’s Will.”

I’m always finding interesting things.

We liked watching this.

Miles came to pick them up around 5:30pm. I won’t have them again till Tuesday. Miss them!

Played Far Cry 4 and watched Supernatural.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Grandgirls! Mission! 2.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

This video came up on my news feed. It was very helpful!

I’m enjoying playing the game Far Cry 4. My favorite part of the game is flying around in this little helicopter. So much fun! I let Penelope and Everly fly it around this afternoon.


Ordered some items for Jesse.

We listened to this song in Portuguese. It’s so beautiful.

These things were huge. Looked a little like cross planks for scaffolding.

LOVE my girls!

EVERYTHING is mobile now!

Studied Spanish.

I’m trying these stories now. Another tip I learned from that video.

Vacuumed the house.

Another 1″ of rain yesterday.

Everly and I were talking about eye color. We took some pictures and them zoomed them in.

My brand new hose nozzle is completely ruined. I reckon the ice storm messed up the seals. I got soaked. It was like leaking at every possible spot.

Everly was showing me how she can do the splits.

And how to meditate.

I’ve been going round and round about the HSA thing. Looks like I may be getting some help soon.

Penelope and I watched the live stream from NASA about the Mars rover Perseverance. We missed seeing the actual landing. We were in too much of a hurry to get ice cream!

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework. We were way busier than I thought we’d be today.

I gave away more gloves and hats. The blue gloves you can use on a touch screen!

Went to my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Azalea! Podcast! 2.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:25 pm  

I updated our donor list with some new addresses from people who have given on line through Facebook.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -829- “Tunnel Light” to brighten your day! Click on the title and groove!

I liked this passage from Seth Godin’s blog this morning.

Studied Spanish.

Beautiful morning. GREAT to see some blue skies for a change.

The girls are always a delight.

I showed them the danger of “black ice.” I held their hands and let them slide around on this little patch and let them pretend they were skating.


Deposited checks.

Ordered groceries. Getting ready to go get them after I write the blog.

Checked and added some oil to Kathy’s truck.

Took the girls to the Doggie Park.

Took the girls home. We had chicken strips and ice cream.

The kids at the mission are going through MAP testing, so they don’t have much homework. I’m glad it was warmer today!

This car was at Azalea. Looks like they’d been on some icy roads with all that salt on it!

Went to my office to check the mail.

I saw this mushroom blooming on a tree in the church parking lot.

Had a good chat with my buddy Bennett Ekandem.

Did some research on this. I have a LOT to listen to.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Garden! Grandgirls! Freeze! 2.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

This was interesting. I asked one of my Brit friends if he thought this was true.

Watered my plants. I do the orchids weekly and the succulents bi-weekly. Isn’t it wonderful to see the flowers? I live in a greenhouse.

The San Pedro cactus had been growing up and just about broke off. I added a support to it. Should be fine now.

Super cold weather this morning. I was kind of worried about driving on it since we’ve had so much rain.

Got almost exactly 1″ yesterday.

Turned out most of it had dried out before I got on it.

These are my favorite places in the world.

I’ve known this song for over twenty years. This was the first time I realized there were Spanish words in it!

Studied Spanish.

Always great to see my girls! It was mighty cold out there! Windy, too!

Tiny ice crystals.

Everly had a big glob of gum in her hair. I got most of the hair out before I trimmed it. I kept asking her if she wanted to chew it. I asked Penelope the same. I crack myself up.

It was clearing off by the time I took them home. Still bitter. Felt like 21 degrees!

No after school program with those temperatures!

Gassed up my car and checked the oil.

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