Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Grandgirls! Azalea! 2.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

I’m surprised anyone is standing up to Trump. History will prove who the real patriots are.

Now that’s funny.



I’ll be recording a live interview with one of my friends in the UK soon.


Gorgeous day!

My Mom sent some Valentine cards to the grandgirls. We had fun talking to her over FaceTime today.

For some reason I found this funny.

I helped her put some chapstick on her lips. They looked so dry. Better now!

Never too much Ashley! She is such a total winner. So proud of her and all that she’s accomplishing.

We have almost all of the tax donor letters in the mail. Looks like that job is accomplished.

Went to Goodwill with Everly to spend the money that my Mom sent her. I found this odd. Why is it plural? I’m such a grammar nerd.

I thought this pig mask was funny.

Everly loves her new dolls. It really is amazing how many fun things we can find at Goodwill. All of those cost about $6.00.

Just keep going.

Just wrote a check to take care of this.

I’m glad I got her to take a nap. She has really long days and needs the rest.

Took the girls out for Vietnamese food. They practiced their writing for me.

Full Sun Moon!

Helped the kids with their homework.

There are words I’m just not quite understanding. I don’t think this is what I’m hearing.

I sent this picture to a friend of mine. We worked in this ministry twenty years ago. Amazing.

Another beautiful evening.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Struggle Juggling.” Excellent!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Everly! Doggie Park! Azalea! 2.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

This is where my kids went to High School.

Added the new episode of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.



Beautiful day!

Work week starts!


Love my girls!

Everly and I went to a new Waffle House this morning across from the Greater Atlanta Christian School.

Even though my back is hurting today, I went to Ann’s house to check on her and help her with her phone charging problems. It is unbelievable how many chargers and cables she has there, many I’ve given her. The sockets in the wall are old and the plugs come out too easily which is the main reason for the charging issues.

It was pretty mild this morning. Took Everly over to the Doggie Park.

My little partner.

I actually got her to take a little walk with me. You have to be pretty tricky to accomplish that.

While I was there, I saw these super old video games someone had left at lending library. They were completely unusable. One actually ran on floppy disks!


I had a long conversation with my neighbor at Azalea (completely in Spanish) about when kids start school. She told me that the beginning age was four. I thought it was five, which is correct of Kindergarten, BUT Everly will be starting Pre-K! Which means she may actually start school in the Fall. It’s still a lottery system so I may have her for another year. It’s all good for us either way. I love having her with me, yet I think she really misses not having kids to play with.

Love being around Penelope! She showed me her valentines box she made.

Everly is really getting into writing her name. Of course there is a big reward after she can do it.

Helped the kids with their homework, which there was a lot of.

Harry! Never too much comprehension practice.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Podcast! Anthony! Reacher! 2.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:30 pm  

The ATL is the new Hollywood!


I won third place in the highest league on Duolingo. You have to have a lot of right answers for that.

Didn’t know this word.


Cloudy and milder.

Ashley took care of a lot of ministry related work this morning including taking care of our annual registration and finishing the last of the tax donation letters.


Good talk with my buddy Anthony today. He always cracks me up. He explained a lot about how British politics works.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery.

I kept hearing this word. I knew another way to say it, “to have fear.”

Always learning.

I’ve never seen a polypore grow like this.

Put together the new dust pan and broom for my sister-in-law.

Cleaned out all the bird baths. Refilled feeders.

I’ve listened to all the Lee Child books based on Jack Reacher. The last two days I watched the Reacher series on Amazon Prime which I thought was very good.

Tweaked my back slightly. Oh, well.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Podcast! Stone Mountain! Plants! 2.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:27 pm  

I’ve probably picked up my groceries over a hundred times using curbside service. Walmart’s app wasn’t working well last night. Went to talk to them this morning. They had my groceries ready. Amen.


Cool, but beautiful day!


Ashley and I are making good progress on our annual donation letters for our donor’s tax returns.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Friction Fiction.”

Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony.

Good talk with my Mom. I always look forward to that.

I enjoyed a beautiful walk at Stone Mountain. Love ice shots.


I cannot believe these cherry blossom trees are blooming in January! That’s crazy.

Watered my plants.

Working on updating the donor list. Wrote the Stay on the Team letter.

Enjoying watching Reacher on Amazon Prime.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Podcast! Yard Work! Letters! 2.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm  


Just keep going!

Doing research for Kathy’s eye exam.

And On Berean Church.


Cold night! I always find ice crystals interesting.

It rained 2.0″ yesterday.

Deposited checks.

Got some more of the tax letters in the mail. I have almost all of them done.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery “Drawbridge.” The mountain looked beautiful. I always like when water is running down it.

Lovely day. I find this information interesting.

After recording, I took a walk near the mountain. I’ve never seen a cable car on the ground.

I never knew what this plant was called.


Beautiful Full Sun Moon.

This was weird. Not only was the light burning, but I have no idea what’s on the top of that pole. Some type of transmitter?

I don’t remember ever seeing this sign.

Never gets old.

I’ve never noticed the nets in the air before.

I blew off the roof and gutters. Wanted to make sure that big limb that fell didn’t damage anything. It didn’t.

Also cleaned the deck and driveway.

Cleared the drainage path.

After working, I cleaned my shoes.

My gloves got wet from cleaning gutters. Dried them out.

Released Verbal Surgery -916- “Lookist.” It may be the best episode I’ve ever done.

Uploaded the episode I recorded this morning onto my Mac.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Grandgirls! Toy Boxes! Azalea! 2.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  




Dreary day which this evening is going to get into the 20s.

Everly and I picked out some fruit at the grocery store for breakfast.

Too cloudy for this!

This struck me as funny.

What state is this?

Healthy breakfast!

Valentine Day is coming! I’m continuing my tradition of buying Kathy a miniature rose bush and then planting them in my garden in the front yard.

Took a charger and external battery with cables to my sister-in-law Ann. She’s technically challenged.

Got some great news today. Jouvens is like a son to me. I’ve known him for over twenty five years. He’s been stuck in Haiti which is where his passport was from.

Pretty much got all the tax letters figured out. Ashley has done a terrific job on this project which has always been kind of complicated. With all the electronic transactions in the last couple of years it’s a lot harder then when we were just dealing with checks.

Keep getting them in the mail!

Big limb hit my roof yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow it will be dry enough for me to take a close look to make sure that it didn’t penetrate my roof, which is completely new from last year. I’ve taken pictures and zoomed them in as well as checking it out with binoculars. Looks ok from that vantage point.

I got the girls a big Kit Kat which is their favorite, as well as Ashley’s. They were blown away by it. I couldn’t resist buying it because it just cracked me up it was so American sized huge. It’s actually a box with lots of snack sized ones.

The inside box looks like a Kit Kat too. Hilarious.

Helped the kids with their homework. Did reading and writing drills with them.

I thought this was cool looking.


I bought the girls some pink boxes that they could put their toys in and stickers to decorate them. I’m into them keeping their rooms picked up but they needed somewhere to put stuff. I told them “when they’re full, you can’t get anything new until you’ve given something away to make room.” They seemed ok with that.

I’m a big part of the clutter problem since I buy them stuff all the time, especially from Goodwill and the Dollar Tree.

I’m looking forward to the weekend when I can work on other projects and rest. I must admit this getting up at 6:00 AM and not getting home till 7:00 PM makes for a long day. When it was warm and stayed light later I often didn’t get home till nearly 8:00 PM.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Pat! Jon! Azalea! 2.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Good one.


Dreary day. But at least it’s not freezing. Yet.


Power blinked off and on at our house this morning. Traffic light was dead in our area.

I had a great visit with Pat and Joyce Barrington this morning. Always a blessing. Pat let me use an old CPAP machine she had to help Kathy. Amen!

Little sweetheart.

I got the CPAP machine ready for Kathy to use this evening.

I also had a great lunch with my buddy Jon Paul. I always look forward to that.

I took a hamburger over for Penelope. She loved it.

Really wet this afternoon at the mission. Usually it’s dry underneath the porch area. Today it kept dripping on us because of the condensation from the cold metal above us. Bummer.

Penelope read all the way through Hop on Pop today! Amen!


Picked up my groceries. I know I say this a lot, but I have a hard time believing people don’t use this service more! I’m in and out of the parking lot in about ten minutes. I couldn’t even get in the store with a cart in that little time. Free for orders over $35. I prefer picking it up so I don’t have to tip the people dropping off my groceries.

About .75″ of rain in today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Grandgirls! Letters! Tire! Azalea! 2.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

This is good news. Both of my grandgirls have had Covid so I’m pretty sure they’re safe anyway, but I still hope they get the vax.

Funny. And sad.

Crank it up!

The first game in this series, Horizon Zero Dawn, has become my favorite gave ever.



Everly and I were talking about earthquakes this morning. Then this showed up on Duolingo.

Love my girls!

Good grief.

Ordered groceries.

Deposited checks.

We took naps, including her little dog.

My right rear tire got cut on a piece of metal. Normally, I can pump the tire back up and get it to my tire guy to plug. This was so bad the compressor couldn’t fill it faster than it was leaking out.

The last time I changed a tire it was almost impossible because nowadays the lug nuts are torqued down with a pneumatic wrench. So when it became obvious the tire was going to have to be changed, I called AAA. They were at my car in less than ten minutes! What?!

I put an order in for service on line.

I was parked near FBC Mountain Park. Had to look up the address.

I had a spare tire to put on. It was brand new! My car is from 1995. In those days they didn’t use a “doughnut” they used real tires!

He did a great job and got me on my way super fast.

The new one.

I was glad how everything turned out!

Stopped at my tire guy to determine which old tire I want to use as the new spare, and to put the new tire that I just bought in its place. Now I have two new tires on the rear.

Went to Azalea to get the newsletters/tax donation letters in the mail. I still have a few that I’m waiting for confirmation from the donor how much they said they gave.

Went to my office to pick up newsletters and checks.

Watered my ficus.

Sent my mileage log to Ashley.


I set up the table and helped one kid with his sight words. We finished most everybody’s homework over the last two days. It started dripping on us while we were outside.

Got all the letters folded up and into the mail.

The stress of the day tired me out. Looking forward to good rest. Kathy is really suffering without her CPAP. This recall of her machine across the world has really been terrible. Everyone is out of every machine.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Grandgirls! Tax Letters! Azalea! Podcast! 2.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Happy New Year, Tigers!

I have many fond Brazilian friends. So sad.

Wow! Wish I would’ve seen that!

Beautiful day, but still on the cold side for me.


Worked on getting Kathy’s CPAP repaired. I was planning on going over there this morning straight from Global Mall, but I wanted to talk to them first. Good thing I did. They do NOT repair any machines, especially the type Kathy has. Plus the distributors just send them back to the manufacturers, which won’t work because the current machine has been recalled. So we’re stuck. With hundreds of people needing a device that they are all out of.

New work week. My weeks never really stop. I just count this as Day One when I’m with the families at Azalea.

Love my girls!


I repaired one of Everly’s toys. The fabric around her puppy’s neck was torn.

I worked on putting the tax letters that Ashley got together with the envelopes I had done. There were a few out of all of them I wasn’t sure of. I reached out to the people I knew to ask what they thought the total donation of the year had been. Most of the time, people give the same amount every month.

This year was different because people also gave to help with special projects. The randomness made it more difficult to verify. I’d rather get it right the first time. We also had challenges with the electronic giving. Just harder to track than a simple paper trail of checks that I could take pictures of and verify.

All this stuff takes so much time. It sounds easy but it takes hours and hours and you really have to think and have your wits about you when you’re doing it.


I never received the gas bill in December. I got the January bill and it said that I needed to pay last month’s asap, which I did, plus the bill that is due in a couple of weeks. I got a call from them today and explained what had happened. I sent a check on the 25th of last month. Everybody was cool. They understand “lost in the mail.”

I downloaded the tax forms from Audible and Amazon for my book Story Tim. I sold a few more copies last year. The majority get it for free from the distributors because the readers are subscribers of special deals. I signed off on it because it was more important to me that the book was read than that I make much money on it.

Transported a squirrel. Took it to Chamblee.

Took the girls to El Torreros and then to Plaza Fiesta. Si!

Talked to the manager at Azalea. The maintenance guy had left a dehumidifier with us after the flood in the apartment last week. I let her know it wasn’t needed any more and wanted to make sure they picked it up, which they did later that afternoon.

The cover for the exterior light of our upstairs neighbor got broken. Glass was all over the ground. I picked up every scrap that I saw. The girls run around barefoot over there all the time. Even now!

The light in the girl’s bedroom has been out for weeks. Everly told me they had lightbulbs so I repaired that this afternoon.

We had fun at Plaza Fiesta. I agreed to take them over there because I figured it wouldn’t be too crowded, which it wasn’t.

The wind was cold today.

Ordered a charger for my sister in law.

Helped the kids with their homework. We made good progress. Some of them get a little discouraged.


The boys drew robots today.

Released Verbal Surgery “Wake Up Juice.”

So tasty!

Monday, January 31, 2022

Newsletters! Labels! Walk! 1.31.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:40 pm  

I’m always refining my knowledge of Español.

Interesting. I’ve seen this at the MOMA in NYC.

What a genius.


I’m in the highest level in Duolingo and one of the best in the class.

Plus there’s this.


Gorgeous day.

Produced my newsletter.

Almost didn’t have enough envelopes.

Printed out the donor’s labels, put them on the envelopes and alphabetized the letters so we can put their tax donation letter in.

I had a good talk with my Mom. Always a blessing.

Kathy’s CPAP is dead. Talked to the company that sells them. They are completely sold out and back-ordered in the hundreds. That’s really bad news. No end in sight as to when Kathy will have a new machine. This is all because of the recall Phillips did with their CPAP machine.

Studying Avionics sectional maps. Using FAA practice test questions.

I have the Flight Radar app with Augmented Reality. I can point my phone towards the plane and it will show me what kind of plane, whose it is and where it’s coming from and going. Pretty cool!

I am on a major flight path in Class B airspace here in Atlanta. We are the busiest airport in the world.

I always thought that GPS meant connected to one satellite. That’s not true. Most of the time we are connected to a lot more. With a drone, it’s important to have at least twelve.

I’m slowly getting back into exercise. Lifted weights today and went for a 2.62 mile walk. Just getting out and doing it. As I was walking, I kept thinking I should be on my bike. That’s a good feeling to have. I haven’t had a bike ride in months. My body is finally healed up.

I wondered if the extreme cold killed this thrush.

From the ditch?

They’ve been working on this are a lot over that last few months. Keeps leaking.


Even slimy water can be beautiful.

I liked the patterns of this crack. What does it look like to you?

This is from a pile of sand on the side of the road. Tiny pieces of different minerals and material.

What’s this for?


The golden hour.

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