Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Podcast! HZD! 1.30.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  

Interesting thoughts from Kevin Kelly’s newsletter.

I liked this too. I looked up the book just to see a couple of the pages.

Learning to see more carefully. And use your brain better.

These made me go “huh.”


Such a bad man.

Yeah, baby!


Cold and clear.

That’s a lot.

I’ve been doing research on Major Grey’s Chutney. It was something from my childhood I wanted to explore.

Went to Stone Mountain to write my newsletter and record a podcast.

I tried to call my Mom a couple of times but she wasn’t home. Tomorrow!


Transported a squirrel. First one in over three months. Whenever I see three squirrels at the same time, I star trapping again.

Went to get pizza. I’d forgotten my wallet. Went back home to get it. When I returned he gave me a free one for my hassle.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Played Horizon Zero Dawn. Such a great game. The graphics are beautiful.

I’ll pick up Jessi from work this evening.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Cold! Podcast! Anthony! Walk! 1.29.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  


I know you are.

This one got me.




It was COLD today.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery, “Rocky Soil.” Hard to beat!

Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony.


Went to the UPS Store to return some items to Amazon.

Gassed up my car and checked fluids.

Deposited checks.

Got some exercise. Beautiful walk, even though it was super cold.

I liked the colors of this. It’s a Christmas Three Wise Men thing.

Entrance to our subdivision.


I liked the white against the blue.

With black accent.


Hard to believe this rose was flowering.

Shot some WD40 on the door hinges of my car. A couple were squeaking a bit.

This is the supplement for the UAV FAA test.

Paid bills.

Worked on the handicapped placard for Kathy’s car.

Everything takes time.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -914- “Mission Check.” So good!

Downloaded the episode I recorded this morning onto my Mac.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Everly! Flooding! Cold! 1.28.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  

Did my brain training last night. Did remarkably well considering I haven’t been practicing.


Describes me.

I’ve been encouraging Everly to work on her writing. We’ll start with her name!


Never too much Ashley!

We had an online conference with Kathy’s Pulmonary Doctor this morning. Her CPAP has not been working. That’s not good. He sent over an order to our CPAP distributor but he warned us that because of this massive Phillips recall they may not have any machines.

Ordered groceries. I’m not sure why a lot more people don’t take advantage of this FREE service (If you buy over $35 of groceries. Who doesn’t do that?).

The new washing machine is working well. Have to get the old one hauled off.

Went by Dr. Abraham’s office to get paperwork for Kathy’s handicapped hangar for her car.

I thought we were going to pick up the hangar. Instead, they gave me the application form that the doctor had signed. We still have to apply and go to the DMV. That’s not zesty.

After lunch, we went to the Dollar Tree ($1.25!) to look for calculators for the kids at the mission. The fish store was next door so we took a quick tour through that too.

She didn’t really want to go, but afterwards she said, “You were right Pop Pop, that was fun!”

We decided to go straight on back to Azalea. Man! Was it good we did! The upstairs neighbor’s hot water heater was leaking which went straight into Ashley’s house! I went in the front door and headed to the kitchen and was sloshing around in about 2″ of water! That will get your attention!

I immediately called the manager to alert the maintenance guy, got out a bunch a towels to block off the living room and bedrooms, got a dust pan and started filling up an empty trash can with water just as fast as I could. Dumped it into the bathtub and just kept going.

I probably scraped up and dumped at least ten gallons of water. Used the broom to keep the water towards the bathroom and away from the bedrooms.

Then I got the last of the water up with a thin towel. I wrung it out into the bathtub. I did that for about an hour.

Mr. Chin came over to get the leak upstairs stopped, then came in to completely dry out the heater. He used what looked like a hair dryer on steroids.

Eventually I got everything dried up then started fans blowing. Mr. Chin also brought over a dehumidifier. I think it’s actually a portable AC unit. It has the same effect, but who is going to run cold air when it’s 20 degrees tonight?

She did a beautiful job coloring this. Very precise.

While I was dealing with the water challenge, Everly was putting together a little store. She’s so cute. Her organization was very well thought out.

Repaired the zip-ties keeping the basketball net attached to the rim.

I set up the table and chairs and got all equipment out to help the kids, but the wind chill was brutal. We had really worked hard this week and everyone had completed their work. I put the gear up early since all the kids were inside their houses.

Sure am glad I live in a house with a nice heater.

Harry! I’m at a good part. Almost hated to make it home. I don’t get everything, but enough to keep up with the story.

Checked the mail at the office.

Put food out for the animals. I know they’ll be suffering this evening. At least they won’t be so hungry.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Grandgirls! Azalea! 1.27.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

Studied air sectional maps last night.

Also a new app called B4Ufly.

Listened to live Air Traffic Control from JFK in NYC.

Here are some questions from the FAA test for drone pilots. My small drone, although high quality, is so light that it does not require taking the pilot license test. I still find the information interesting. If I ever did part time work shooting arial video I’d need to be certified with the FAA.

Here is the sectional map for where we live. As you can tell, there is a lot of air traffic near me. Hartsfield airport is the busiest in the WORLD!

This is PDK, the airport near Azalea Place apartments.

It’s easier for me to take a picture and then zoom in than to use a magnifying glass.

Here’s a zoomed in shot of the sun I took yesterday. Incredible.


I’ve known a lot of the words from this list recently.

We’ve had a significant upgrade in our washer and dryer. It’s been a hassle, I hope these two machines last us a long time.

Love my girls!


Everly helped me get the stamps for the newsletters this morning.

Deposited checks.

Everly is such a blessing.

Helped the kids with their homework. I didn’t think I’d have many today. I had a lot. They are taking multiplication tests and needed the reviews and timed tests.


Harry! I’ve listened to over fifteen hours of this book already.

Checked the mail at my office.

Also picked up a dolly I had in my storage room at the church and took it to Jimmy Kendall. His dolly was light duty and I think it broke when he was trying to move the washing machine around. I felt bad about that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Grandgirls! Miles! Washing Machine! Yard! Azalea! 1.26.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

Sounds helpful.


Cold day, but warmed up and felt nice.





Love my girls!

I got the “new” (It’s actually Ashley and Miles’ old one that they had years ago.) washing machine installed this morning. Took a while because I had to clear a path for the machine to get in. Everything seemed to work fine.

Vacuumed the house.

I dump the dirt that was collected and clean the parts every time.

Deposited checks.

I cut the pumpkin into big pieces so the animals could eat what they want. The raccoons got a lot of it out through the holes I had cut in it yesterday.

I raked and swept the area in front of my door.

Everly wanted to get involved. She’s a sweetheart!

We cleaned up my St.Francis shrine and put some new pinecones out.

Scrubbed my shoes. Air dried them.

I enjoy Penelope’s art so much.

A new favorite.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Took Miles and the girls out for Vietnamese food. I’m SO happy that Penelope likes it now.

Incredible clouds!


I’ve never shot the sun that looked like this.

Added a little more silicon caulk to a corner in my bathroom.

Collected tax documents that were sent to me on line.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Everly! Test! Azalea! Washing Machine! Podcast! 1.25.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm  

Did some research on the Apple Weather app. Wasn’t sure what the bars meant.

Always learning.

Helped Kathy with her on line classes.

Need to work on this.


New week!

Today I had a helicopter hovering over Global Mall (where I wait for the girls) for about twenty minutes. I’ve never seen anything like that before. I’m thinking perhaps it was a news chopper, although most of them have their logo somewhere. Looks like a big camera lens at the bottom.

Mild today.


Love my Everly!

Talked to Everly’s other grandfather today! Jim Kendall is a great guy. He helped me get the washing machine over to my house from his house. It’s the one that Ashley and Miles used to use in Clarkston. It’s been at Jimmy’s house for years.

I saw pictures from the Yellow River Game Sanctuary about giving their raccoons pumpkins. They cut holes in them and the raccoons would reach in and scrape out the seeds and other goodies. I decided to do the same thing.

Kathy spent the day with us. We enjoyed Taco Veloz.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Checked the mail at the office.

I texted Jim Kendall when I was on my way to his house.

We moved the washing machine over to my house. I’ll move the old one out and put install the other one tomorrow. Doesn’t pay to try and do that stuff in the dark.

Released Verbal Surgery -914- “Fire Breathing.” So good.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Anthony! Podcast! CPAP! Radiator! 1.24.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm  


The old days.


Good one.



Picture from last week. Looking forward to seeing my girls tomorrow!

I may check this out.

Helped Kathy with some curriculum and tests she’s taking.

This is a pretty big deal to me. There are over 142 million people studying Spanish on Duolingo now.

I liked these ideas.



We got Kathy’s car to T&G this morning. Looks like it needs a new radiator.


Beautiful day.

Went to Stone Mountain to record and call my buddy Anthony.

Always be part of the solution.


Kathy’s CPAP went dead today. That’s not good. I had a new power supply delivered today, but that didn’t work.

I immediately sent a request in to Kathy’s doctor to get help with a replacement. This machine is actually under a recall! We’re supposed to have a new one by now, but not yet.

I’ll be in touch with these guys again soon.

Gassed up the car and checked fluids. Windshield wiper fluid was low. I topped it off when I got home.

I’m returning the power supply I just got for the CPAP that’s not working. I thought it was interesting that I bring in the part “naked.”

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Podcast! Calls! 1.23.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm  

After testing positive, the last two tests Kathy has taken have been negative.

I may do this with my pumpkin. Looks like the coons would have fun with it!

That’s not zesty.



Cold again.

Ya yo se esta palabra.


Keep going.

Ashley worked on our websites. I gave her the information that I had and she reset passwords.

I’m not putting my carnivorous plants outside till after all this weather in the 20s abates.

Recorded the podcast “Lookist” this morning at Stone Mountain.

Talked to my Mom.

And to my buddy Anthony.


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Covid! Testing! Podcast! Boba Fett! 1.22.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm  

Everly wanted the Rapunzel doll. Came in last night.



Had a good prayer time with my buddy Mark Commagere in Texas. Sent him a little gift for a blessing. I used some of this oil for it.

I got my result for the covid test. I had a negative result as did Miles, Everly and Penelope. I also took J for a test and hers came out negative as well. Kathy also took a second test yesterday and hers was negative after showing positive just the day before. She went back for a third test today!


I ordered a new power supply for Kathy’s CPAP. The wire has been shorting out.

And filters.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “First Thirst.”

I enjoyed watching Boba Fett on Disney+.

Had a good rest day. Didn’t even leave the house which is rare for me.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Covid! 1.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:50 pm  



I like this.

We are dealing with Covid today.




Knew this one from Harry.

I got the test results on Kathy’s swab this morning. Turned out Positive. That’s not good.

Everly and I went to Huntley Hills to get Penelope out of school. I called Miles and let him know the situation. He came straight home and then all four of us went to get the test today. Hopefully, we all turn out negative and they can all go back to normal, EXCEPT I won’t be able to help. I’m not sure who will be able to watch Everly. I’ll be exposed to Covid every day, at least for the next five days I guess. Then K and I will need to take another test insure we both are Covid free.

I thought this art by Penelope was really cool.

Mas Harry.

I’m surprised they don’t say to get tested.

Resting now. It’s been a hard week.

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