I had a great meeting today with Dr. John Harvey from Columbia International University based in S. Carolina. CIU has recently opened up a adjunct campus here in Atlanta where they’ve started offering some short, intensive classes. I really feel the Lord is leading Whirlwind to work with their students to reach the International population here in Atlanta. I came out of the meeting with some other contacts to try at CIU–mainly internship possibilities which I think would work out great!
Finished up my financial reports for my Treasurer this morning and dropped that off at his house.
Just knocked out the rest of my email. I have three teams currently looking at working with us in the next month or so. That’s always exciting! I had a long phone call this morning with a team from Virginia looking to help us.
I’m going over to Azalea in a few minutes to check on the kids at the mission. I had a good group yesterday.
Google Ron Paul.