Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:43 pm  

I got up early this morning and started working on the video project for Tim & Cathy Palmer our new missionaries coming to work with us later this month and for Terry Earl, my partner in Clarkston. So far I have all the video I shot from my camera in my computer. I also went out and did a more field work to get pieces of video I needed to illustrate what we were talking about: like street signs, washing machines, filling out forms and counting money.

Got home and ran 4 miles. Getting hot out there! Gonna get a lot hotter!!

Taking care of my email and my phone calls from this morning.

The crew at our house is really working on cleaning it up. Amen to that!


I’ll start editing the video after I post the blog.

K and I will go to visit Jesse at the Detention Center this evening. We just got back from seeing Jesse. He seemed in good spirits and was talking a lot about Jesus! Progress!

Be praying for the bond hearing on Friday at 9am that we can get him into the hospital!

Love you guys!