Whirlwind Missions

Monday, June 29, 2009

Four Oaks, NC

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:42 pm  

Had a fun time with my team from Four Oaks this afternoon.
Gave them a briefing on working in the International Village.

Then took them over to see the kids at the mission at Azalea.

It was a great time time with my kids, Ashley and Jesse.
Also got to spend time with my friend Bayo Otiti and other NAMB missionaries Mark and Cathy Wilson and their girls.
Plus got to meet a new partner Connie Miller from FUMC Atlanta. Looking forward to help her plug in!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Newsletters and shopping

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:25 pm  

It’s that time of the month. Newsletters! Usually takes me about 10 hours to accomplish that task. Less, if I have my family helping me write the letters.n

We sent letters out to 218 people this month. Check out the Newsletter button on our home page to see the new stuff!

Went to the Post Office to deliver the letters.

Also to Kroger to get the family shopping.

Back to our house to work on blog and email.

Oh, the excitement!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ah’m Back!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:58 pm  

The family cruised back into Stone Mountain this afternoon around 6pm.

We had an awesome time at Tybee Island. It was so much fun to have the whole family there! We didn’t get too sunburned.

I kept up with most of my work while I was down there. Should be all caught up by Sunday.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Video Editing

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:25 pm  

Been working on some big video projects. I edited all the video for the two teams and added graphics. I burn DVDs for the groups that come to work with us, as well as splitting them up and encoding them as mpeg4 videos to post on YouTube. Every part of the procedure takes time. Editing. Waiting for the computer to process the DVD. Then waiting as it makes an mpeg4. Then waiting to post to YouTube. Not much work, but a lot of waiting to do the next step.

I’ve really enjoyed my little HD video camera. I’m really learning how to work it. What it can do, and even as important, what it can’t.

Got most of my stuff packed up in preparation for our little trip to Savannah tomorrow. I really loved living down there, although I bet it’s a hot as a bottle rocket right now. Hope the sand gnats aren’t bad.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

It was a red hot mama of a day today! Temp gauge in my car was at 99!

Spent some good time with Jesse. He’s learning a new programming language: Ruby. I’m always for more education!

I also took him to get a haircut. Clean cut, All American!

I ran 4 miles this morning. Took me about an hour. Woosh.

Been working on my Team Assignment list. Big events coming up in July, in particular Gold Rush hosted by my partner Perimeter Church. Last year we had about 950 folks from 24 churches serving in 20 locations. Looking forward to that.

Still have my newsletter to write, but all my email’s done!

Our family will be going to Tybee to spend some time together next week. Looking forward to that!

By the way, did you know that there’s a thermonuclear warhead that was dropped into the ocean right off of Tybee in 1958? About 150 lbs of plutonium that was never found! Just watched a documentary about it last night. Bizarre!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Tim A. Cummins @ 11:59 pm  

Today was somewhat of a landmark for me. I broke the 10,000 mark of Twitter followers.

For those of you not into the Twitter thing (it’s not for everyone), you can still see what I’ve been up to by going to our web site and clicking on Tim Bits.

I do post what I’m doing occasionally, but mostly what I post are inspirational thoughts or Ben Franklinish proverbs.

See what you think!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mission Teams!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm  

Ashley and Jesse and I went to the Norcross area to work with our team from Mississippi at Huntington Ridge.

Had a great time and the wives were having a big party for Sheila Zamora. It’s her birthday! Fun


Also took my friends from Eagle’s Landing Baptist Church around the International Village and to a couple of the missions.

The team at Azalea did a great job!


The group was enthusiastic at Huntington Station, lots of kids!

Another hot day!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

FBC Salado!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:24 pm  

Jesse and I went to check on our teams this afternoon.
They’re doing a great job and the service projects look FANTASTIC! Really exceptional work.

We checked out the folks from FBC Salado at Azalea Place

Huntington Creek

Huntington Station.

What a blessing!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tito, Marco & Teams!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

This morning was a double pleasure.  I had BOTH my sweet wingpeople: Ashley and Jesse PLUS I got to hang out with to of my dearest friends and brother Tito Ruiz and Marco Solano!

We met over at The Falls an apartment complex on Satellite Blvd. near Gwinnett Place Mall.  We talked with the manager and her staff about a party that we’re hosting at the location on the 26th & 27th with the help of Tito’s church at Stone Mill and a team from out of town.  We also talked to management about getting access to a room near their pool that is used for storage.  We’d like to have classes there, perhaps even a worship service or Bible study.

After lunch, the kids and I went to check on our team from FBC Salado, TX and Petal-Harvey BC, MS. 
The Petal team is serving this week at Villa Nueva in Norcross.  Sadly, last night two men got into a gunfight and one was murdered.  The other is in the hospital.  Of course we’re all shocked by this turn of events.  But I made the decision that if there ever was a time when Jesus people were needed it’s NOW!

I was pleased by their great attitude and willingness to serve, even though it was doubly hard to get the kids to come out.

Also saw their team at Huntington Village.  They were doing great!  Pretty hot out there too!  My thermometer in the car registered 97 degrees.
We also checked on our team from FBC Salado, TX.  They did a wonderful job of picking up trash, painting two of our missions and painting the medians at Azalea. Awesome!

The also served with our kids at the missions at The Corners


Lake Colony

Highland Gardens &


Hampton @ Lenox.

We then headed for Clarkston for me to talk with Bennett Ekandem and Jesse to teach his guitar class with Aziz.

They sounded great!
It’s nearly July, which means my car registration comes due on the 12th.  SO I’ve been working on getting the emissions checked on my car. Kathy and Ashley have been helping getting that job done.  On the way home from the mission, I dropped my car off to be done tomorrow morning, and picked up the Lumina.

Enjoyed eating Mexican food with Kathy this evening!

No exercise today.  Too tired.  Stayed up too late working on my financial report.  It’s a weigh of life.

Monday, June 15, 2009

FBC Salado–hard at work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:20 pm  

I had a briefing from my team from Petal-Harvey Baptist Church this morning.

I was glad that my partners Keith and Cornelia Harrell were at the meeting with me along with my faithful wingman Jesse! 
Keith made sure that they got to their 4 locations in good shape.  My initial reports from the team was everything went great!

Jesse and I spent our afternoon with my team from Salado, TX.  They’d worked on various service projects including painting our missions at Azalea Place and Huntington Terraces, as well as picking up trash in one of the nastiest spots in the city.  They collected over 90 industrial sized trashbags full of trash, most of it beer bottles.  I was amazed that they got it all cleaned up!

I’ll send a small group to clean up along side the road and the larger part to start painting the medians and concrete borders around our complex at Azalea.  LOT of work on that.  I’m looking forward to seeing it!  It’s going to make the place look fantastic!

We visited teams at Hamptons at Lenox,
Huntington Terraces

and Azalea Place today.

I had a good meeting with some of my kids at the mission at Azalea.  We had to work through some issues that I think have been resolved.

Jesse and I also picked up more supplies for the painting project tomorrow.

Hot day today!

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