Whirlwind Missions

Friday, July 10, 2009

Team Prep

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:23 pm  

Much of my time goes into to planning for teams.
I have to know how many people are coming—that determines how many teams & locations each group can cover.
I need to know their transportation. If they’re coming in a bus, I have to think through the route to each one of the missions because the big bus can’t make right turns very well.
Then I have to make sure that all the teams have places to go where the group leader can check on them easily. They need to all be in the same area as possible.

It gets pretty tricky. Takes some thought to figure out the logistics and the route for the bus. They would have a nightmare of a time doing it from Mapquest.

Then I have to call all the managers just to remind them that the team is coming on certain days and certain times and let them know what their responsibility is. Normally, that’s just to make sure they have bathrooms available.

Jesse has been working on a computer of a partner of mine. He did his best, but it has a virus on it that he couldn’t get off. So I took that back to him.

Also went to the bank to deposit some money (Thank you, LORD!), and to the Post Office to drop off some checks for some utility bills.

Ran 4 miles this afternoon. Hard.