Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tom Stickney!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm  

Old time friend day today!

This afternoon Jesse and I went to Lithonia.

He had a “walk up reservation” for 1pm. Even though it was raining he took the road test and did great!

I think being able to drive by yourself is a major step towards being a grown up.

We went to Chamblee to meet up with Tom Stickney and John Hewitt from Dallas, TX. I grew up with Tom in Nairobi, Kenya. Tom’s in the middle.

He was a “titchie” or little guy to me. It’s always great to see old friends!

I took them around Chamblee, then we went to Azalea to help the kids.


Came home in the rain, but the traffic wasn’t bad. Astonishing.

Back to admin work.

Kathy bought Sugar a new jacket.