Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm
This morning I focused on producing this month’s newsletters. Ashley and I wrote our articles and laid out the pictures.
Today is my “day off.” Didn’t really work out that way. But I did have fun for an hour studying the brain–one of my hobbies.
I’m interested in neurology and how that fits with our spirituality. Especially in the field of prayer. “How can we communicate more effectively with Jesus?” It’s something I think about every day.
Seems to me the brain is the heart of the matter.
After producing the newsletter, I went to Azalea to check on my kids and have them help me label the letters. Also picked up stamps for the letters.
I usually buy a couple of dozen doughnuts as their reward. But, honestly, every kid gets doughnuts whether they help or not. They mainly help because they just love me.
Ironically, I see my mission kids less in the two months of the summer than any other time. I’m busy checking on all the other missions with the teams in town.
Did I mention it was hot?
I came home, put the finishing touches on the newsletters and went to Staples to make the photo copies.
Now I work on admin duties and then to newsletters.
Yesterday I also edited the video for my team from FBC Salado, TX. That DVD and the links to the video on YouTube and the pictures in the Photo Gallery are all on line now. When those duties are done, I consider the team officially “complete.”
I still have to work on the teams from Clinch River BC, TN and Valley Ranch BC, Dallas, TX. Once the newsletters are complete, that’s my next priority.
I have my team from Eagles Landing Baptist Church coming to Willow Branch, Clarkston tomorrow. I’m looking forward to helping with that and hanging out with Bennett.
Looks like storm clouds are moving in!
I liked this bumper sticker.