Whirlwind Missions

Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Worse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:01 pm  

Guess I just pushed myself too hard yesterday.

Rested all afternoon.

Took Kathy out for trick or treating last night. We also went through a haunted house. She got pretty scared. Funny.

Didn’t sleep well last night. Stuffy nose. Bummer.

Woke up achy and head ache again. Bahd luck.

Resting most of the day.

Working on admin duties and the financial report.

Keep praying for me.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

82%, Grace Fellowship!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:22 pm  

Rained over 1″ yesterday.

Still feel kinda weak. I’m feeling better, though. No more bad headache and muscle aches.

Pretty much stayed in bed all day yesterday. I always think that’s the best medicine.

I preached twice at Grace Fellowship this morning.

Love that church! It’s their missions emphasis month. I think their stage looks really cool.


I love the middle school folks. They’re always the most gung ho.

Came back home to rest.

Doing admin duties and working on the financial report.

I liked how this sunbeam looked coming through the window. It’s the smoke effects in the sanctuary that makes it so clear.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Tim A. Cummins @ 3:34 pm  

Woke up this morning feeling really achy. My throat and head also hurt. Pray for healing!

Kathy and I finished folding and stuffing the envelopes for the newsletter. J and K went to eat and put them in the mail for me.

Worked on the directory for the Apartment Manager group.

Also typed up the minutes from the meeting and sent them to the attendees from yesterday.

J and I just rewired his ceiling fan. We installed a new off/on switch for the four lights. Worked out great!

Went through all my email and calls.

Still have a killer headache. I’m glad that J and Kathy will help the kids today. If I hadn’t had them, I would’ve gone and been miserable.

I knew something was up yesterday. Had a hard time dealing with extreme noise and rambunction.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Newsletters! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:14 pm  

Ashley is in Kentucky tonight! She’s at a conference with five others from her team from the paper she works for.

She knocked out her article for the newsletter before she left.
Miles came by to pick her up to take her to Georgia Perimeter where the team is leaving from.

J and I went to the Chamblee Doraville Apartment Manager’s meeting for lunch.

It was good to see my friends again and get the insider’s view as to what is happening in Chamblee.
We went back to my office at FBC Doraville to make a copy of the first page of the newsletter.

We wrote the letters and stuffed the first page into the envelope.
Then off to Azalea to work with the kids. I’ve got one kid that is so loud it’s unbelievable. I wonder if my teachers ever thought that about me.
I’m glad they’re all working together.

While I was at the apartment manager’s meeting I tried to take notes with my laptop. I died right after booting up–indicating a dead battery. J and I stopped by Best Buy to get another one ordered. It’s covered under the warranty I have. Excellent!

Came home and watched some TV with Kathy.

Also worked on taping together a zebra skin that my folks gave me this weekend. We had it for years and it was tearing in about a dozen places. I put it all back together like a puzzle. Looks good now. I used a whole roll of white duct tape on it!

I still need to fold the other two papers of the news letter and stuff the envelopes with the remainder.

I’ve got a little bit of a sore throat. Pray for that!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kindle! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:11 pm  

Had a little rain over night. About a half inch.

Worked on new podcasts this morning! I put the links in the previous post on this blog. Check ’em out!

This morning Jesse and I went over to Staples to pick up his birthday present: a Kindle!
He’s been wanting an ebook reader. It’s a really cool device for a super cool young man.
We also went over to the Post Office and get stamps for the newsletters. I use the automated service a lot!

Then over to the office to check on mail. Been a few days since I did that.

The kids at Azalea were happy to see me! And vice versa!

Lots of kids to help me do labels.
I get them doughnuts for helping me. They went wild!
In less than 10 seconds they’d disappeared. A new record!

Then to do homework.

Now I’m back at the house working on admin duties and writing my newsletter.

Beautiful fall trees! Love the colors!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Podcasts!

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:48 pm  

One of my favorite things to do is CREATE!

Here are my two new podcasts for the week. I think they’re terrific!

If you’re looking for improvement in your life you should check out “The Right Spot!” I think you’ll dig it!

And the key to Happiness? “Service!”

These podcasts will help you feel better and be a better person!

Monday, October 25, 2010

BACK in the ATL!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:59 pm  

Just returned from a great trip to Central Texas!
I had a wonderful time visiting with my folks Al and Peggy Cummins. They’re doing great!
I always enjoy going home so I can help them with little tasks around the house.

Also went up to Waco for Baylor Homecoming. Had a terrific time with many friends from 30 years ago.

WOW! I must really be ancient!

We enjoyed watching Baylor beat Kansas State. Puts us in a bowl!

Really powerful storm delayed the game for nearly two hours. Made for a beautiful sunset. Notice the unusual folding of the clouds.

Flight was terrific tonight. Not crowded at all. Normally that Austin to Atlanta flight is absolutely packed.

Looking forward to seeing all my friends at the mission tomorrow!

The Texas landscape is beautiful!

And check out me and my bride!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Huntington Creek, Azalea, BDAY!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:25 pm  

Jesse and I went over to Huntington Creek today.
You may remember that Ian and Ruthie North’s apartment got broken into over the weekend. The thief got away with over $3,000 worth of electronics and DVDs.

I went by to check with the management on the state of affairs of the apartment. I got to talk with the maintenance supervisor and we walked through the rooms checking out what still needs to be done. She assured me that she would work on it until it was completed. Pray that that happens!

Then over to Huntington Terraces where my brilliant son installed the computer for the kids! The machine had sound card issues. He fixed it! THANKS J!!
We swung by my office to check on the mail. No more big boxes of school supplies, although I have a team coming to drop another off later this week!

Also had to go to Walmart to get some supplies we needed. I saw this Buddhist monk in the store. I always find that cool.

We went by Azalea to help the kids with their homework.


I especially like it when the older kids help the younger ones.
I sure do love those kids.
And I love MY kids too!

We took Jesse out for his birthday dinner tonight for Japanese food at Naganos.

It was delicious. We all had a fun time.

I always like when they light up the onion volcano!

I love their bonsai!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Podcasts! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  

This morning I spent some time working on a couple of new podcasts! I enjoy being creative and people seem to enjoy them. In my previous post today I put the links to them.

This afternoon, Jesse and I went to help the kids at Azalea with their homework.



They didn’t have too much, but still kept us busy!
Got home this evening and went to the grocery store.
Always something!

Beautiful sunset this evening!
Art by God!

And I noticed this mysterious arrow where I park my car. Looks like there may be some digging soon. The lines went through our yard, our neighbor’s and across the street to our other neighbors. Hmmm.

When I went shopping I saw these tiny Coke cans. Only 7.5 oz. They’re similar dimensions to the larger ones. Does it make my hand look big?
In the land of Supersize EVERYTHING, I found it quite amazing.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  

This morning I spent some time working on a couple of new Podcasts!

I think you’ll like them!

Here’s “Get Past the Past!” This talks about your memories and how you can edit them!

And a personal favorite, “Go Barefoot Emotionally!” Which discusses pulling down the blinders and barriers between you and other people.

Check ’em out!

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