Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 3, 2010

Rob Martin and Azalea

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:51 pm  

This morning Jesse and I went to the Post Office to drop off some documents I was working on for a church partner of mine.
Then we went to have lunch with a great partner of ours Rob Martin of Mobilizing Students.

We had some terrific teams with them over spring break. The teams left us a bunch of stuff to use a the missions. So generous!
After lunch we went to Huntington Ridge. We need to sign a contract with them for the apartment we have there. Unfortunately, they were at a corporate meeting so we’ll have to do it tomorrow.

We had a little time between assignments so J and I went to Perimeter Mall to take another look at the iPad. What a wonderful device! Over a million sold in the first month!

I about wore myself out trying to mow the yard yesterday. The mower wasn’t working very well, to put it mildly. I looked for some parts to do a tune up.

The kids at Azalea are doing well. We had a good time helping Joy with is math and Rebecca with her reading project.

Also had a new young man named Christian that I’m helping learn English.
Came home and enjoyed watching House with Kathy. Then a Monk episode from 2003 where he was married to Sharona. Too funny!

Rained over 3 inches at my house today!

On our way home from Chattanooga yesterday the lakes looked completely full, even to the trunks of the trees. What a difference a year makes!