Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Norths! Newsletters! Destruction!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:19 pm  

Had an AWESOME day as Jesse, Kathy and I got to hang out for lunch with Ian and Ruthie North!
Don’t get no better!

Ian just got back from Nepal on his trek to the base camp of Everest! What a journey that was.

Ashley met us over at FBC Doraville and we knocked out writing the 155 newsletters for this month.

Always great to get that little job done!
Here’s a link to the newsletters!

J and I dropped the newsletters off then went over to help the kids at the mission.

As we pulled into the driveway at Azalea, Clinton ran over to greet me.

“Mr. Tim! Ashley’s car got broken into.”

I couldn’t believe my ears as her car had only been parked there at the mission for less than 20 minutes!

Apparently, a couple of the boys were throwing rocks, and one of them hit the window.

Never a good thing to throw rocks!

Our upstairs neighbor at the mission has a window repair business. I talked with him and he said he’d replace the window tomorrow afternoon while we’re working with the kids. That’s convenient.
Jesse and I swept up the glass. The fragments were like tiny cubic razor blades. Three of the kids got little scratches, including me.
It’s safe now.
We also went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for the mission–fans! Getting hot!

We helped the kids with their homework.
Most of the time I’ve been drilling them on their multiplication tables.
They have their CRCT tests this week so there’s not a lot of homework going on.
I took Joy over to the Game Stop to trade in his gameboy that got broken by another kid.

Glad he had the repair program!

A couple of the kids are going through confirmation at their church. We’re invited to the party!

Working on admin duties now.

Seems like I’ve been swamped for the last few days. Glad to have a lightened schedule.

Beautiful sunset.
Dang telephone pole.

Here’s my philosophy of life in a nutshell.