Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Azalea! Shopping!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:07 pm  

Worked on Team Logistics this morning. I capitalize it because that’s the importance I give it. When you have 100s of people in town, you have to think through all the tiny details that make their trip successful.

So I email people to verify how many people are coming and what kind of transportation they’re using, for instance.

Also repaired my camera case, my iPhone holster and the front floor cover of my car. Electrical tape and hot glue. It’s a way of life, baby!

We’re still celebrating Kathy’s birthday. I took her to Red Lobster. She especially liked the lava chocolate chip cookie.

Went to the mission this afternoon to help the kids.

We’re working on State facts. And math.


I liked Nishi’s fingernails.

Then went to Walmart. I got some new fans for my kid’s house.
Birdseed and people food too.

Admin duties at home.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

FBC Mountain Park!

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:24 pm  

Had a great time with my partners at FBC Mountain Park Wednesday evening!

My friend Bayo Otiti and I spoke about Islam.
I look forward to taking them on a tour of Clarkston on May 19th.

Enjoyed watching Big Bang Theory with Kathy in the evening.

Went to sleep early. Still trying to get completely recovered from the head cold I’ve had. My ears are still pretty stopped up and I feel tired a lot.

Interesting clouds today!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sun! Tabias! K’s BDay!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm  

I’m still trying to get over the congestion I have. I decided to lay in the sun for awhile this morning. Seemed to make me feel better.
Kathy joined me for lunch then helped me at the mission.

Got to see Tabias today! He is one of the original kids from the mission. All grown up and working at Maggianos! GREAT to see him.

Afterwards, we went to the ATT store to get her a new iPhone! Her old phone finally bit the dust. I’m glad she’s got a Big Girl phone now!

After we got that squared away we went over to the mall. I got her a new dress and some cologne. So we finally got to have a little birthday celebration! That made me feel good.

Came home to set up the phone and watch Big Bang theory. Always good!

I’m tired. Crashing early. I really want to get well, although I’ve never felt all that bad. My ears are still congested. Pray for me!

Beautiful clouds!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ian & Ruthie! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 am  

Had a GREAT day!

Recorded a podcast! Always super groovy.

The most delicious recording ever!“Layer Cake!”

Enjoyed El Torerro with two of my favorite people: Ian and Ruthie North!
They’re looking GREAT! It’s a three point plan of attack. Mexican food, Yophoria yogurt then topped off with Barnes and Noble. Don’t get no better.

Dropped them off at their house then went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

Most of the kids didn’t have homework because they’re taking the CRCT test. It was fun to see them again after my trip!

Came home to spend time with Kathy. Her phone went dead while we were in Europe. We worked on trying to get a new one for her. We’ll finish the job on Tuesday.

I thought this cactus flower was awesome!

This reminded me of London!

I believe in this!

For some reason this reminds me of traveling.
Getting home is great!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Europe! FBA!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

Had a great time in Europe with Jesse and my English friends! I’ll upload all the pictures and give a more detailed rundown soon!

Got home last night about midnight from London. Sure was great to see Kathy!

Early morning wake up to get ready for the Local Missions fair at First Baptist Atlanta. We went to Clarkston to pick up Ashley and Miles. My car wouldn’t start and Kathy’s van had a check engine light on so we drove over in Ashley’s car.

Always great to see friends there!
Bennett’s boys are getting big!

Dr. Stanley preached on praying for healing.



Ate lunch with Ian North and his friend Jeremy. Always great to spend time with friends and family!

Came home to rest. Jesse tells me that we shouldn’t have jet lag when we’re flying from East to West. I still feel like I’m on London time. I’m going to sleep soon.

Fortunately, I was able to keep up with my email while I was in Europe. Went through all my phone calls last night. Wrote checks for the bills this afternoon, so I’m pretty much caught up with my admin duties.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Packing! Paul! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:15 pm  

Been getting all my stuff together for Jesse and my trip to Holland and England! REALLY looking forward to hanging out with him!

This morning I met with Paul Ballard our pastor at FBC Mountain Park.

What a great guy!
Enjoyed showing him around Clarkston including eating at Madina, and hanging out at Halal Pizza with plenty of Somalians and Sudanese. Fun!

We also went to a local grocery store. I wanted to show him what an African store looked like. He also picked up a Koran to look at.
Dropped him back at the church and rested for a while. Terrible night’s sleep last two nights. Maybe I’m just excited about the trip.

Then over to Azalea to work with the kids at the mission and Ashley.

Home to spend time with Kathy and rest.

We’ll leave the house around 8:30am tomorrow. Not too early.

I won’t have access to this blog while I’m gone. Should be back on line on the 29th. We’ll be at the local missions fair at First Baptist Atlanta.

Beautiful roses today!

I’m still feeling a bit congested. Pray for our health and safety as we travel!

And just in case you’ve forgotten . . . .

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:49 pm  

Didn’t sleep well last night. Ended up oversleeping this morning. So we didn’t make it to church.

Went to Marietta to take care of some business for Jesse. Had a fun time at the coin show and antique shop there.

Came home to rest. Still tired.

Packing my bags for my trip to Europe with Jesse! I’ll be gone for ten days. I leave Tuesday morning. No blog while I’m gone.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Peachtree Corners!

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:16 am  

I had a wonderful time with my group from Peachtree Corners Baptist Church!

I enjoyed showing them around the International Village and the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Then over to the Azalea to have an Easter Party for the children.

GREAT to see Miles and Ashley!

We had an AWESOME time!

Came home to rest and work on admin duties.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fish! Prep!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:03 pm  

Cleaned the fish tanks today.
Trying to get everything caught up before I go out of town to visit Holland and England with Jesse! We catch up with each other in Chicago and then fly across the Atlantic together. Groovy.

Went into Chamblee today to pick up the supplies I need for the Outreach Event at Azalea on Saturday.
Saw this sign while I was at Walmart.

Plenty of food and goodies!

Also equipment for face painting and balloon animals.
The group is coming from Peachtree Corners Baptist Church. They’ll be hosting an Easter egg hunt. Always fun.

Enjoyed a restful evening with Kathy. Had fun watching Brother Where Art Thou.

Ever heard of a Zip car? It’s a rental system that’s popular in NYC.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Podcast! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

Recorded another podcast today! YEAH! It will release about two weeks from now. It’s called “Love Lips!” You’ll LOVE it!

Went to get some supplies from Walmart and to mail a package to a friend of mine in California.

Then over to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. I was glad to have Cathy Wilson to help!

Enjoying time with MY Kathy now!

Admin duties. Yet another weigh of life.

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