Tim A. Cummins @ 12:53 am
Kathy and a wonderful time with our friend Rashida Wednesday evening. She passed her citizenship test! Welcome to America!
We made a little certificate for her. We’re proud of our families!
Dropped off the financial report that Ashley worked up to our treasurer.
This morning I met up with Rob Martin and our pastor at FBC Doraville, Bill Kelly.
Great to talk with him about plans for a shower trailer to help with our teams.
Rob and I picked up Bayo. It was fun to hear Bayo share his amazing story.
We also went to the mission to figure out how much work there was to be done by the team coming in a couple of weeks.
Good time hanging out with great friends!
Came home and went for a run. I probably shouldn’t have watched “Running the Sahara” nor listen to my friend Ian North talk about running 20 miles in the Appalachians.
Started out to run about 2 miles. Felt good. Kept running. 3 miles. Then 4. Onto 5. A full 6.2 mile run. What!? At least half of it was in the rain.
Surprisingly, the weather was no problem. And I made it. Just kept telling myself, “If those guys can run 50 miles or 20 miles, I know I can do this.”
Maybe there really are no boundaries. It’s all in your head, baby.
Of course I’ll probably have to have a pep talk to the lower half of my body when I work with the teams tomorrow in Lawrenceville.
I tried to take Sugar Dog with me. This was her reaction to me bringing the leash. I think she knew I was headed for craziness.
Picked up some supplies from FBC Doraville for the event.
I enjoyed the run and the beauty I saw around me.
I was intrigued by the idea of recreating myself.
Did we really need this mark on the street? It was harder to see than the actual sign.
I liked how this con trail made a shadow on the lower clouds.
I liked the sound of this. I strive for it.
I hope this isn’t cussin’. Think of the children!
K and I had fun watching Big Bang Theory this evening. We also had a good talk with J . . . . our favorite evening entertainment.