Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Driving! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

This morning I worked some more on my life insurance policy. Got it all ready to send off.

Had lunch at Waffle House with J. Then spent about an hour with him practicing driving a manual transmission. He’s getting the hang of it!

Kathy had some problems with the van, so I helped her take it over to the mechanics. Found out that the battery wasn’t charging properly.

J and I met up with Ashley at the mission. BIG group of kids there this afternoon. Always fun.
Enjoyed supper with my kids this evening before going home and picking up the van so K can use it to drive to Clarkston tomorrow to work with the babies.

Had fun watching a recorded episode of Elementary and Duck Dynasty with Kathy this evening.

Admin duties now.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Podcast! Mustang RIP!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:36 pm  

Had fun recording a new podcast!

Do you know what your dream job is? What would that look like? Not sure? Then check out my new recording of “Real Dreams!”

Click on the title and get with the program, baby!

Spent time today working on estimates for repairing Ashley’s car. Sadly, they were between $4,000-$6,000. Ouch. Her car had over 100,000 miles on her. All of the pros felt it wasn’t worth sinking that kind of money in her.

So we took her to the car graveyard.
Sad. But the main thing is that Ashley is OK! Cars come and go. It’s sad, but that’s just the way it is.

Enjoyed a fun meal with all my kids this evening at Cafe Istanbul. Great company. Awesome chilluns.

Watched Kardashians with K this evening. She had a great day with her refugee babies this morning. She’s happy about that!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mushrooms! Hair Cut! Party!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:35 pm  

I had a nice 3 mile walk today. Enjoyed seeing the sprouting mushrooms.


I like lichen.
Baby rose.

This afternoon I went to Lowes to pick up a new water hose and spray nozzle. This is where houses are born.

Gave myself a haircut. I’ve been letting it grow out. Got tired of that.

Went to a birthday party for my niece Katie this evening.

Another nice cool and rainy day.

Kathy goes back to work with her refugee babies in Clarkston tomorrow.

I liked this sign at the Methodist church.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

FBC McDonough! Foothills! Wreck!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm  

Ashley and I enjoyed briefing our team from McDonough, GA this morning!

Then to the Buford Highway Farmers Market. FUN!
Best part of the day was working with the team from Foothills Baptist Church in Marble Hill, GA! Even though the weather was rainy and actually cool, we still had kids show up.

Ash and I stopped at Lowes to pick up a part for the sink near my office. Someone broke the other one. Still not sure how that’s even possible!
On the way home, Ashley’s rear tire on her Mustang picked up a nail.
Within ten minutes, there was hardly any air in the tire. Going around a corner, she applied the brakes and on the rain soaked highway her car started to fishtail out of control. She hit the brakes harder which sent her slamming into the guard rail. WOW!
She called me pretty shaken up, but was unharmed. Thank you JESUS! If she would have lost control of the car on the main highway it could have been really bad.

In the hour we waited for the tow truck we saw at LEAST ten wrecks of cars going around that same corner. Unbelievable. One of the cars actually slid out of control and went up into the median.

it was sad to see our “Little Red Pony” get towed off. But Ashley is Ok and really that’s all that matters. She may be sore in the morning from the air bags that hit her face. We’ll see. Please pray for her!

We planned on having the car towed to a repair shop, but they were all closed. So we took it to her house in Clarkston instead. Hopefully, we’ll get an estimate on how much to fix and it won’t be TOO expensive. The guy that towed it said that the frame wasn’t bent but the hood and both side panels will have to be replaced.

Hard ending to a good day.

Admin duties now.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Weather! Bed! Stick Shift!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:36 pm  

I can’t believe how COOL it is here in the ATL! Believe it or not, my temperature gauge said it was 60 degrees this morning . . . in AUGUST! Unbelievable!

Also got more rain. Another surprise this year. We actually have an over abundance of rain.
I actually wore long pants, shoes and a jacket today!

I helped Jesse move his big mattress to his apartment at Azalea. He’s looking forward to sleeping on that!
We couldn’t get the box springs in the van. We’ll have to wait to we can borrow a pick up.

Came home and got our “new” car! It’s a 1999 Nissan Altima.

We had about $1,200 worth of work on it. Drives great now!

Took Jesse out for about an hour to practice learning how to shift a manual transmission. He did a good job! We’re still building on his knowledge, but getting out of first gear is the hard part!

Then went to Lowes to pick up some duplicate keys for the car.

Came home to blow some bubbles, but it’s kind of windy.

Admin duties now. We have three teams in town tomorrow!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Podcast! Run! Shopping! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 am  

Had fun recording a new podcast!
Your mind and body are connected. Did you know manipulating your body affects how you feel? Check out “ME Body!” You’ll be glad you did! Just click on the title!

After recording I went for a 2.66 mile run. Took sweet Sugar dog with me me!

Lots of beautiful flowers on the way.

Squirrels like their fruit!

Got home and cleaned up, then went for lunch and did the family grocery shopping.

Then off to the mission to work with the kids! We had two teachers from the elementary school come by to visit us. They’d heard a lot about Mr. Tim.
Glad to have Jesse’s help!

Home to enjoy watching Duck Dynasty with Kathy!

I think a basic rule should be, “Never have hair bigger than your head.”

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

NAMB! CIBC! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:23 pm  

Spent time this morning working on my life insurance policy. I have a 20 year term which is about to end. Talked to an agent yesterday and again this morning. I think I have it all figured out.

I picked up Jesse this morning from the mission. We rode out to the North American Mission Board in Alpharetta. They had some supplies for us there!

We got some boxes of shirts as well as yarn and needles.


Stopped off at Barnes and Noble for a bit. One of our favorite things: bookstores!

J and I went to Clarkston to drop the materials off at the Clarkston International Bible Church and the Refugee Sewing Society. They seemed to be excited about the donations!

We tried to get renters insurance going for Azalea. It’s a work in progress.
Went to Walmart to pick up some groceries.

Checked out an antique store near the mission for a few minutes. Always something interesting to see!


Then to the mission to work with the kids. Had a whole mission full! They’re shy with their new haircuts.

Ate supper with J then headed home to work on admin duties.

Kathy is visiting with one of the young women she mentors. Hopefully she’ll be home soon!

Does this psychic have questionable abilities?

I liked this caterpillar outside the mission.

I thought this was funny.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Title & Tag! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:16 pm  

Most of my day was spent working on getting the title transferred and getting the new tag for the Nissan Altima that was given to us yesterday!

I went all the way across town to find out that the DMV had moved and as of March 1st this year ALL titles and tags are done in your county. I couldn’t believe that their website was out of date with information that critical. Yow!

Did get the process completed though so now all we have to do is get the car in good running condition. My mechanics are waiting for parts out of Florida to get the motor mounts fixed.

Met up with Ashley at the mission at Azalea. We had fun with bubbles.

Then went to pick up $260 more school supplies for the kids. THANKS for your financial support!

The kids were glad to get their stuff.

Enjoyed watching the Guilt Trip on dvd tonight with Kathy. Cute movie.

Admin duties now. The photo galleries are working properly now. I was able to upload pictures. Yeah, baby!

Wasn’t crazy about following this.

I filled up with gas. This was what the person before me spent.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Nissan! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:42 pm  

Jesse, Kathy and I went to our friend Christy this afternoon. She donated her 1999 Nissan Altima to the ministry! I know we can put it to good use!

Jesse, Ashley and I worked with the kids at the mission this afternoon. We saw a good group! No one had homework.
Ash and I went to Best Buy to pick up a new camera for Ashley. The last one stopped working. We had insurance on the device so hopefully we’ll get reimbursed for the one we just bought. It’s worked out like that many times in the past.
Ashley and I just flat wear the cameras out. We just take a whole lot of pictures! Nearly a quarter of a MILLION!

Sadly, I couldn’t upload my pictures this evening. Not sure what’s going on.

Came home to work on admin duties and to watch Elementary we had recorded on the DVR. My favorite show.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Pelham D Now!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 am  

We had about 1/2″ of rain while we were up in the N. Georgia mountains this week. Flooded in some parts of Atlanta.

Friday morning I got up early to post some new material on my twitter feed. @timacummins has over 80,000 followers!
Kathy joined me on a trip to Pelham, AL this weekend! FBC Pelham is just south of Birmingham.
They brought us one of our best teams this summer! My friend Ben Birdsong is the leader of the group!

They have what is called a “Disciple Now” weekend. A lot of Baptist churches do that. It’s a youth event where groups spend Friday and Saturday nights at a family’s house. Their weekend was themed “reflect.”

I enjoyed getting to know the kids there and sharing with them. I did three sessions on Saturday morning and was the main speaker for the finale on Saturday night. We had some great music too!

It was about a three hour trip in all to get there.

I loved the clouds on Saturday morning.

Jesse and I saw Elysium and Red 2 last night.
Both were good films. We liked Red 2 the best. GREAT movie! Very witty and action packed too!

I wonder what happens if you say “yes?”

I like this.
This grossed me out.

I saw Willie at Walmart!

One of my pet peeves is when people leave tracts about Jesus on the urinal.
The message may be good, but the placement is all wrong.

This was an ad I saw on the counter of a grocery store.

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