Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, March 30, 2014

CIBC! Videos! Run!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm  

Had about 1/2″ of rain this weekend.

Kathy and I enjoyed Clarkston International Bible Church this morning!

Pastor Phil preached on the cross. Never an easy subject.

Came home to work on homework. We had three different teams this week. In order for me to consider the teams “complete” I send them an email with a link to the edited video on YouTube, the location of all the photo galleries and produce a DVD to mail them.

So far I’ve edited all the video and sent the email to the leaders. I have all three DVDs burned, next I’ll package them up and send them on to their church.

After I edit the video, my editing software then encodes the video into an mpeg4 that I can upload to YouTube. That “rendering” process can take a while for the longer videos.

I recorded a new podcast this afternoon! Always fun!

One of my best efforts! It’s called “UPload!”
Unfortunately, my server is full so I’ll have to wait till Tuesday the 1st to upload. Ironic, eh?

I went for a 5.02 mile run while I waited for my computer to process one of the videos. It was a beautiful day. The flowers and trees are still amazing.

I thought the branches looked like fingers.

Can you see the Sharp Shinned Hawk in the left side of this picture?
While I was running, I saw the hawk dive out of the air and clobber a robin in mid air. Wham! Feathers everywhere. I tried to sneak up to get a better look but he flew off with the robin in its claws. Wild!
I also watched this vulture feasting on a dead opossum.
It had chewed most of the flesh away from its rib cage. I decided not to take a picture of it. But I still thought it was cool. He flew up into a tree and watched me as I ran down the road.

The dogwoods are just beginning to bloom. They’re supposed to bloom around Easter. The flowers have dark spots on them. They’re supposed to represent the wounds of Christ.

Kathy rode all the way from Clarkston back home. That’s over 12 miles. Way to go, K!

We watched a movie tonight called Prince Avalanche. Pretty weak. We kept waiting for it to get better, then it ended.

I still need to package the DVDs before I rest tonight. Ash and I start over tomorrow morning with two new teams. Yeah, baby!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dunwoody DNow!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:27 pm  

Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from Dunwoody Baptist Church this morning. This was their Disciple Now weekend.
The kids spend two nights at a host family doing Bible study and relationship building. Today they did got out into the community. We had over 110 kids work with us today!

We had planned on doing block parties at seven different sites, but the weather wasn’t good so we went to Plan B which was to take them on the Cultural Safari to Buford Highway Farmers Market and to Plaza Fiesta.

We had lunch back at FBC Doraville!

We taught them how to interact with the people at the markets. They did a great job!
At Plaza Fiesta they handed out some Spanish Tracts to the people there. I’m sure that was the first time many of those kids had ever done anything like that. Very exciting.

Came home to rest. I was really tired.

Then enjoyed watching Duck Dynasty with K.

Working on admin duties now. Also need to edit videos for the two teams this week and the team this morning.

Also need to put the finishing touches on my newsletter. Plenty to do!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Highlands! Plaza Fiesta! Clarkston! Farmers Market! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm  

Had a super long day on Thursday. Didn’t get home till after 10pm. Too tired to blog.

Ashley and I briefed the team on Thursday about Catholicism and took them to Plaza Fiesta.
The kids enjoyed taking pictures with the Sublime Blue Mariachi Hat. Plus mustache.

Came back to the church to paint some more of the hand rails.
Ruthie North also spoke about her ministry with Refugee Beads.

Two of my partners had car trouble so I spent the rest of the afternoon taking them around to the car parts store and helping them. I saw this car at the auto parts place.

Got a call from my friend Eduardo who has having a problem with his family. Went to his house and was able to counsel them.

The team worked at the four missions and did a GREAT job!

Friday morning Ashley and I enjoyed listening to Bayo share his testimony.

We then to went Clarkston to visit the center of the Islamic population. We spent time across the street from the mosque praying that God will open their eyes to the truth.

Back to FBC Doraville for lunch, then back to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to explore more of what that amazing place has to offer.

The whole team went to Forest Vale to help clean up the property there.

Then to the missions for their final day at their four locations.

Kathy, Jesse and I met up at Ashley and Miles’ house this evening to enjoy some grilled pork. Miles is really a great chef.

Back home now to work on admin duties and rest.

We have a big group of Disciple Now students from Dunwoody Baptist Church coming to our area. We’re still not sure if it’s going to be rainy or not. It’s supposed to be wet. Ash and I have planned out where they will go if it dries out, but we’re planning to take them to the Farmers Market and Plaza Fiesta for some inside activities.

It’s stressful when you’re not for sure what will happen. We’re ready for both, but still.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Meadowbrook! Highland! Madina and Global Mall!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  

Ashley and I had a fun time giving our briefing to the teams on Islam and Hinduism.

We then took them to Al Madina to see N. Africa and the Middle East up close and personal.

Then over to Global Mall to see the Hindu temple and eat Indian food at Ashiana.
Our team from Highlands helped us sand and prep some railings at FBC Doraville before going on to Norcross to work with the kids at the missions.


I was sad to say goodbye to our friends from Meadowbrook. Ben Birdsong, their youth director, has been a true friend to Whirlwind Missions and always brings some really great teams.

Worked on my newsletter and admin duties.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meadowbrook! Highlands! COLD!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:25 pm  

Ashley and I had fun briefing our team on Buddhism this morning.
We took the team over to Asian square for the Cultural Safari. Always fun.

Great to have Jesse’s help too!

I also took the team from Meadowbrook to Plaza Fiesta because they’re not staying with us for the full four days.
We worked at Azalea with the Meadowbrook team and then I went to Norcross to catch up with the teams at four missions in that area. We endured 20 mph winds and about 45 degree temperatures. That made it feel like 28 degrees. Ouch. Hard to do missions in that kind of weather.

Watched Psych this evening with Kathy. Can’t say this, which is their final season, has been very good. Pretty silly. I’ll still miss Shawn and Gus though.

Admin duties now.

Super tired. I need to work on the newsletter, but that will save till tomorrow.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Meadowbrook! Church of the Highlands!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Had a rough morning. My car wouldn’t start. Had to wander around the neighborhood to find someone to help me. Finally got a neighbor to let me borrow their car to get mine jumped off. What a hassle. Made it to the church only 10 minutes late. Amazing.

Ashley and I had fun briefing our two teams today, both from Birmingham, Alabama!
My usual subtle self.

We took them on a tour to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Our team from Meadowbrook worked on the Bags of Love project that have a scripture memory verse, some candy and a evangelical Spanish tract in it.

Our team from Church of the Highlands, worked on the iron railings around the church. They sanded and prepped the railings to get them ready for painting. They did a great job.

I took the four teams from the Highlands church to Norcross. Ashley worked with the teams from Meadowbrook. GREAT to have a partner.

Got home around 7pm. Man, I’m tired.

Watched some of Cosmos with Kathy. We were both falling asleep, and it’s only 9:00pm!

I’ll finish up my admin duties and crash.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rest! Run! Divergent!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm  

I rested this morning. Worked on some creative writing and wrote an email to NAMB about the new monthly vs bi-weekly pay schedule that has been so hard on us.
Went for a run early afternoon.
Biked 6.30 miles and ran 4.23 miles. It was a beautiful run although not an easy one. Especially since I’d already biked over 3 miles before I started to run. I ride my bike so I can run in different areas. This is the Yellow River. Across from it is the Game Ranch.
I’ve been getting pretty nauseated after exercising recently. I’m having to wait at least an hour and a half before I can even face food. That’s something new for me.

Sure was beautiful outside!

Still blooming.

Weird vines.

Interesting mushrooms.

Ate a late lunch with Jesse around 4pm. Always fun to hang out with him. Then off to see the movie Divergent. We liked it. Definitely came from a feminist point of view, but still entertaining.

Came home to spend time with Kathy and rest.

We have big teams in town tomorrow. I always look forward to that!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cleaning! iPhone 5s!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:00 pm  

Worked on uploading the video that Ashley and I shot last week. Also burned a DVD for the team.

Cleaned my fish tank. The sand is still settling in this picture.

I did my Saturday chores. Vacuumed and cleaned the floors.
Also cleaned windows. Kathy and I worked on cleaning the fans, too. Getting ready for the Spring!
K and I enjoyed lunch together, then I caught up with Jesse. Always fun to hang out with family!

Jesse alerted me to a new plan that ATT just introduced called NEXT. We were able to upgrade to the new iPhone 5s, and be able to get a new phone every year if we want (although we trade our old ones in) for only $7/month increase. Can’t beat that!
J and I are heavy phone users. These upgrades really help us do our jobs a LOT better.

We went to meet up with the team leaders coming in to work with us next week. Unfortunately, there was some miscommunication on their part so we weren’t able to meet up. I hate wasting time. But things happen so no use getting too upset about it. I told them I was planning on making sure they got on site with the groups on Monday, so they didn’t need to worry about it. Everything turned out just fine.

Jesse came back to my house after we got the phones to help me transfer and set up the new one. Sure is great to have someone to lean on!

Admin duties now.

Looking forward to relaxing. Seems like I still have dust in my nose from all the stuff I cleaned today. And that’s after a shower!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Podcast! Shopping! Run!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:40 pm  

I finished the grant request for 12 Stone Church Thursday night.

Also wrote the letter for the owner of Huntington Ridge. Stayed up till nearly 1am to get all that done. Got the letter and a donation to our ministry in the mail.
Had a fun morning!
Recorded a new podcast! Always one of my favorite things! Do you ever worry? We’ve been under a lot of financial stress lately.
Seems like I talk about things I’m dealing with. Check out “Worry War!” It’s time to stop worrying and start living in hope! Click on the title and groove!

Met up with Kathy for lunch. She enjoyed working with her babies this morning.

Did the shopping after we ate.
I was really tired so took a nap when I got home.

Then went for a 5.09 mile run. Looks like most of the Spring trees have peaked, but it’s still beautiful! I forgot my camera. Bahd luck.

Got home to edit the video that Ashley and I shot for the Fellowship Bible Team.
It’s processing the edited video. Then I’ll upload it to YouTube and burn a disk for the team.

Admin duties now.

I’m really thirsty, but I have to take it easy on liquids for an hour or so after I run or I get really nauseated.

I felt a little like this dog.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Recon! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:40 am  

Our ministry is having some stress over the new monthly rather than bi-weekly payment schedule. I called the board at NAMB to talk over the issue. We had a big check given and they agreed to put it directly into the bank without waiting any longer.

Also called Blue Cross Blue Shield about some billing issues.

Sent a tax letter for a donation one of our supporters had given. For some weird reason the USPS had said they couldn’t deliver it.

Kathy and I met up with Ashley and Jesse in Norcross for lunch. We discussed where the teams will be serving next week.

I went by the missions in Norcross to talk with the managers.

Then to Azalea to work with the kids. Not much going on. That was good because Ash wasn’t feeling well and Jesse went to support the kids who play in the orchestra.

I was super tired this evening. Came home to rest and catch up on my admin duties.

Enjoyed watching the new episode of Duck Dynasty with Kathy. Those guys crack me up.

As I was going through the pictures I took while in Texas, a name popped in my head from my days in construction. After some research on the web, I found out that he worked at the hospital in Georgetown as a RN. Decided to call the hospital to see if he was working late. He was! What a hoot to connect with old friends forty years later!

Are you smarter than a 2nd grader?

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