Whirlwind Missions

Friday, March 21, 2014

Recon! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:40 am  

Our ministry is having some stress over the new monthly rather than bi-weekly payment schedule. I called the board at NAMB to talk over the issue. We had a big check given and they agreed to put it directly into the bank without waiting any longer.

Also called Blue Cross Blue Shield about some billing issues.

Sent a tax letter for a donation one of our supporters had given. For some weird reason the USPS had said they couldn’t deliver it.

Kathy and I met up with Ashley and Jesse in Norcross for lunch. We discussed where the teams will be serving next week.

I went by the missions in Norcross to talk with the managers.

Then to Azalea to work with the kids. Not much going on. That was good because Ash wasn’t feeling well and Jesse went to support the kids who play in the orchestra.

I was super tired this evening. Came home to rest and catch up on my admin duties.

Enjoyed watching the new episode of Duck Dynasty with Kathy. Those guys crack me up.

As I was going through the pictures I took while in Texas, a name popped in my head from my days in construction. After some research on the web, I found out that he worked at the hospital in Georgetown as a RN. Decided to call the hospital to see if he was working late. He was! What a hoot to connect with old friends forty years later!

Are you smarter than a 2nd grader?

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