Rest! Run! Divergent!
I rested this morning. Worked on some creative writing and wrote an email to NAMB about the new monthly vs bi-weekly pay schedule that has been so hard on us.
Went for a run early afternoon.
Biked 6.30 miles and ran 4.23 miles. It was a beautiful run although not an easy one. Especially since I’d already biked over 3 miles before I started to run. I ride my bike so I can run in different areas. This is the Yellow River. Across from it is the Game Ranch.
I’ve been getting pretty nauseated after exercising recently. I’m having to wait at least an hour and a half before I can even face food. That’s something new for me.
Sure was beautiful outside!
Still blooming.
Weird vines.
Interesting mushrooms.
Ate a late lunch with Jesse around 4pm. Always fun to hang out with him. Then off to see the movie Divergent. We liked it. Definitely came from a feminist point of view, but still entertaining.
Came home to spend time with Kathy and rest.
We have big teams in town tomorrow. I always look forward to that!
Admin duties now.